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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. Rita Moreno is 89?! My God, she has more energy and much better moves than me at 30. I liked her jab at the Golden Globes and her "At f***ing last!

    Stephen looks to me at least 5 years younger that in the broom closet, I don't know if it is the jacket, the lighting, or the energy of the audience.

    • Love 6
  2. Well, that was interesting. The Victor/Benji situation was quite similar to Felix/Lake, so I don't really have an answer, they both overreacted a bit, I guess. The break might do them good, but I hope they get back together. And no Victor/Rahim hookup in the meantime, pretty please.

    I have to say, I was on Benji's side with the Isabel situation. Victor might like to believe she was freaked out the same way as she would be if he was with a girl, but let's not kid ourselves, Benji was right that she was reacting in a homophobic way. I was happy for her in the end though, when she told the priest off for scaring Adrian like that and for his words about Victor. I guess that's what she was missing this whole time, a more negative reaction from someone with her viewpoint that would make her reexamine if that line of thinking is what she really believes in.

    And I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but coming from a very white and quite conservative and homophobic country, I am tired of this idea that white people have it easier with coming out these days (it is true in some places, but not everywhere) and that we should cut some slack specifically to people of color, if they take a long-ass time to come to terms with it, especially if they are religious. As we saw with Adrian and Pilar before that, they can easily accept the situation as it is. I hope this is the end of Isabel's "struggles" and that she is going to be supportive from now on.

    I feel so sorry for Mia. She has been abandoned by both of her parents (in different ways) and we could see how hard it was for her to be honest with her father. I was surprised that he immediately told her that he is staying, I thought he would say he will think about it. And then the call in the end, Jesus! How does he plan to handle that, will he tell her immediately, or does he plan to wait until she is happier and then crush her? Btw, could Mia stay there on her own, if he moves? I know social services would not be happy about that, but they mentioned previously that she has been staying alone a lot for a while, so apparently her father doesn't care much about that and she seems quite capable to live alone. Would she need to get emancipated to do that, or would it be ok, as long as nobody alerts social services? Because I don't see how it would be any better to her to move with her father and his new family, away from all her friends, just to be ignored by her father in a different state.

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  3. I feel sad about Lake and Felix, but I can understand both sides on this, so I don't have a solution whether it should have been done differently.

    I was worried that Victor might hook up with Rahim, because that's what often happens on TV after a minor fight, so I was glad they didn't. Hope I'm not jinxing it.

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  4. Nice to see Isabel finally trying. I hope we are not heading into Victor and Benji having problems because Benji is not over the moon with Isabel's baby steps. I have not been totally impressed with Benji before, but I was more on his side this episode, Victor shouldn't get his hopes too high up yet.


  5. 18 hours ago, possibilities said:

    I can't remember why Mia was so mad at him before. This is the problem with shows that have long pauses between seasons.

    At Andrew? I can't remember everything from last season either, but I thought they ended up in a good place and she was just disappointed in this season's first episode, because she thought they might get back together, but then he was with Lucy.

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  6. Glad to see Victor being finally supported by the team, though I wonder if they would care if he wasn't so good at basketball.

    I'm really starting to like Armando, which I did not expect at all. I like how he took a look at himself and is trying to be better, not just for Victor but for himself. I also liked that he told Isabel that they will not get back together if she doesn't come around too.

    • Love 6
  7. 5 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    * I hadn't thought about whether prisons had A/C but kind of assumed they did. I cannot imagine sweltering like that--it's not like a prison is going to have big windows even if there was a nice evening breeze. So kudos to educating us on what seems at first like a mundane fact.

    I've never thought about that either. And as someone who hates airconditioning and has to have an open window... I guess I will try to keep out of any country's prison.

    • Love 3
  8. I just finished watching RTD's new series It's A Sin and episode 4 has a bit of a Doctor Who cameo. It takes place in the 80's and the main character is an actor, so he gets a small part in a Doctor Who episode featuring Daleks. 

    This article mentions the inspiration behind the cameo, which came from an actor RTD met in the past (spoilers for all episodes of It's A Sin included):



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  9. I finally watched this and what a rollercoaster of emotions! I agree that it was very tough to watch, but at the same time didn't feel too depressing. I liked all those little moments of victory, such as Roscoe getting to piss in the former PM's coffee.

    I understand that this was filmed pre-covid, but God were those unintended parallels painful to watch! How Richie was so dismissive of the whole situation at the beginning and then later trying all those desparate things to keep the disease from progressing. With the obvious difference that back then there just wasn't information available, even when people wanted it. When Jill's doctor refused to tell her anything, that was just horrible.

    Jill's parents and Colin's mother were great, but the rest of the parents we saw were just garbage. Starting with Roscoe's father being ready to take him to Nigeria to have him killed there and the rest of his family (save for his sister) just uselessly sitting and going along with it. To all those parents who decided to control their adult children's lives and keeping them away from their friends and partners, even keeping those away from funerals. And I'm sure they got to keep all the inheritance as well. I know this is what was a reality for a lot of families and seriously, fuck all of those parents.

    Ultimately I felt sorry for Richie. I was often feeling quite frustrated with him, especially as he kept having unprotected sex knowing he was infected (which is a crime), but I liked how Jill pointed out in the last conversation with his mother that it was a result of his upbringing and the shame he was feeling as a result of that. So sad to see. I hoped Jill would be a lot more harsh with her, after she and her husband treated her like crap, but Jill must have been much better person than I am and I guess it was important for her to keep it cool or something like that.

    The music was A++.


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  10. 10 hours ago, DanaK said:

    Per Nicola Methvin at The Mirror https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/jodie-whittaker-replaced-tardis-cover-24310862, there appears to be a plan for Jodie’s 13th Doctor to regenerate and Jodie to exit in 2 specials after Series 13 is broadcast, the specials to supposedly be shown sometime next year

    If you don’t want to give the Mirror attention, Cultbox has written an article about it https://cultbox.co.uk/news/headlines/doctor-who-rumour-jodie-whittaker-to-film-regeneration-for-2022-specials

    Nooo, I want more of Jodie's Doctor 😢 I know that 3 seasons are sort of a norm, but these have been shorter, so I think we deserve another one.

    I am not familiar with which British newspapers/websites are trustworthy and which are not. Is Mirror a good source in general?

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  11. It was a nice episode and good for them to show honest conversations between Victor and Benji and Lake and Felix. As soon as Felix bought those razors, I felt sorry for him, knowing where it was going. I wouldn't consider it a good idea to go to that lake (no pun indended, I swear) with an open wound, though. And yes, I wondered as well, where did he stack those condoms since he only had that towel.

    I hope Mia can catch a break soon, she has had bad plots every episode so far. Not sure how I feel about her hooking up with Andrew, as seems to be forshadowed.

  12. John's response to that woman with the sticking key was great, starting with the education system. 

    I wasn't aware that olives on pizza are controversial. I like them but I loathe the idea of pineapple on pizza : D

    Whenever I see people in high positions answering legitimate questions with "I don't know", I get mad. If any manager in any of the jobs I worked at responded like that, they would get demoted at best. And yes, the problem seems to be that people in general don't care whether prisoners are treated like human beings, as was demonstrated in many previous segments.

    Regarding the car dealers, I hope someone takes that offer, because I want to see what's in the script. And those Oktoberfest commercials, yikes! What's up with Americans being so gleeful about most stereotypical presentations of every contry? But God forbid anyone would portray them in a similar way!

    • Love 3
  13. I won't lie, I used to roll my eyes at support groups for families of LGBT+ people, because I thought those people should just get their heads out of their asses. but I liked this one, so I guess I will have to reexamine my opinion a little. In any case, I like that Victor's dad is trying and I loved Love, Simon, so it was great to see Simon's dad here. It was a nice parallel, with Simon being there for Victor.

    I'm sorry that Victor felt like he had to quit the team, they made it clear that he loves basketball and it is not fair to have to give up part of his identity. He shouldn't have to choose one over the other, but if he doesn't feel comfortable around those guys, good for him, he shouldn't have to stay to make a statement either (I hope I'm making sense here).

    The montage at the beggining with all those people sharing their opinions about Victor was a bit cringeworthy, but I'm glad they included it, it seemed very real.

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  14. I usually only drink wine, because I can't stomach hard liquor on its own, but in summer I tend to have cravings for cocktails. 

    I wanted to ask, does anyone here have any recommendation for an easy to make cocktail with gin? Preferably without pieces of fruit in it (juice is alright) and not too strong.

    And on a related note, does anyone have experience with flavored gin? I have been thinking about trying strawberry or red orange Beefeater, mostly because of the color, but I only found it in regular sized bottles and it seems too risky to me to buy that much, if I'm not sure I will like it. How much of a difference is the taste from the regular gin, if you for example just mix it with tonic? Is it sweeter?


  15. I feel sorry for all of the kids here. Victor's father is at least trying and understands that he has to get around to keep the relationship with his son. But his mother is useless - not unrealistic, but I feel sorry for Victor. Felix's mother is completely useless and he has to be the adult at home, which he really shouldn't have to be at his age. Mia's father is useless too, he spends the whole summer without her, invites her to his thing to apparently connect with her and then cannot even bother to listen to her. Does he not realise that she will stop wanting to talk to him eventually if he keeps this up? Altogether it looks like they are all far more mature then their parents, but I wonder how long they can keep holding up.

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  16. Yeah, it seemed to me like she switched places with the kids. She was acting like a spoiled brat and all of the teenagers were being quite mature. I wonder how she would have reacted to one of her kids throwing food away.

    I get that they are reversing the usual situation of mother being ok with a gay kid and father being difficult and I sort of appreciate it, but I hope we won't have to see all season of her coming to terms with reality.

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  17. 11 hours ago, Constant Viewer said:

    and for me, watching this when I was young, you wonder if you should start dating or going out with someone at the ripe old age of 11 or 12 and if you're not there's something wrong with you. 

    I've had the same feeling about most teenagers on TV having sex from the age 16 or 17. Not that it is wrong, some people are ready at that age, but it looked like a norm to me at that time. I was really grateful to Gilmore Girls for having Rory wait until she was 19.

    In relation to the posts above, does it seem to anyone else that the age to start having sex regularly has been changed to 15 now? I don't watch a lot of current shows with teenagers, but in The Fosters and Riverdale the norm seemed to be 15.


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  18. 2 hours ago, Black Knight said:

    I wonder how widespread that attitude is. Kids wanting to phone their parents frequently hasn't been part of my experience. Not that they don't love their parents, but they are caught up in their own lives. I can't really see that being something that would dissuade most muggle children from attending Hogwarts. Plus, kids are kids whether magic or muggle, so if that's an issue, it would also have a negative impact on the number of magic children attending.

    Fair point. On the other hand, what about the parents? I don't see how muggle parents would be OK with sending their kids somewhere for 10 months each year without any means to contact them apart from a shrieking and pooping bird. I understand that wizards don't give a crap about muggles' opinions, but I wonder if there is a possibility for parents to refuse their children attending the school. Without, you know, someone obliviating them and kidnapping the child. Maybe I'm looking at it from a wrong perspective, as I am not familiar with boarding schools at all.

    Wow, it seems I have some hidden resentment towards the series : D

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