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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. If I remember correctly, when Sutton had a thing with Alex, they were thorough in checking there was no potential advantage Sutton could get in her job from the relationship, so I hope that Scott gets transferred to another "vertical". 

    Did I hear correctly that Jacqueline said that Failing Feminist was Scarlet's most successful vertical last episode? I thought it just launched recently, how could they even determine that? 

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  2. I liked Jess the first time I watched GG when I was a teenager, but when I rewatched the whole series few years ago, I was more critical of his treatment of Rory once they started dating and after he left the town. Plus I had to roll my eyes a bit when he apparently got this huge character development off-screen and came back as a well-adjusted adult just two seasons after being a complete mess. Not saying it can't happen, many people can turn their life around, but it would be more interesting to see it firsthand. Especially since GG was not known for characters becoming more mature (I still love the series a lot, but it's true). I think it would be better for both Jess and Rory if they stayed friends without any dating, but Jess seemed like the type of teenage boy who isn't capable of being friends with an atractive girl without crushing on her.

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  3. I think my biggest eye-roll moment in the entire MCU so far was the scene between Black Widow and Hawkeye in Endgame, when they argue about who gets to sacrifice themself. Not that I don't appreciate a well written self-sacrifice, but this was moronic. How about sacrificing your ego for the greater good and just pick one of you? When it got to the point that they both tried to jump, I just kept thinking what a great subversion it would be if they both ended up falling down, thus rendering the whole thing meaningless since one of them had to survive. It would serve them right. I would like if maybe a future Deadpool movie made a spoof of that scene. 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, bobalina said:

    I see your point. But do you see a difference between 17 and solely responsible for the selves and 14 and still living with mommie? Just curious.

    Yes, there is a lot of development between ages 14 and 17, just as there is between 17 and early 20's and then late 20's. In both cases I find it questionable, when they date someone more than say 3 years older. Questionable more on the older partner's side, as they are more mature. As for living together with a partner, I wouldn't consider either 14 or 17 to be old enough for that.

    • Love 24
  5. 4 hours ago, Blergh said:

    How about the flying dragon Falcor in NeverEnding Story( 1984)?  He not only carried the young warrior Atreyu  to far flung spots but also encouraged him against completely overwhelming odds. Yes, the whole thing seemed preposterous but somehow the idea of all the characters surviving because they believed in their absurd reality was a good message for viewers to be encouraged to enhance their imaginations! 

    I swear, when I was a kid, I thought he was a dog! Because of the ears I guess.

    And lets not forget poor Artex.

    • Love 7
  6. Well, Gaston, Jafar and Frollo were all interested in the female lead, so they were a threat to the protagonists in their own way, as creepy stalkers. And even with Scar, Hades and I would add Dr. Facilier, there were some creepy vibes towards female characters.

    On another note, I like that we are finally getting female protagonists who are single to contrast: Elsa, Moana, not sure about Raya as I have not seen it yet, but I got that feeling from the trailer. Elsa and Moana are definitely my favorite Disney characters if I don't count animals.

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  7. 12 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    Kat had a really good idea for her video to help her friend, she should not be working as a bartender. Unless she really loves bartending, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    She should get some job helping activists with their social media platforms. I'm not sure if that would get her enough money to live by with her lifestyle.

    But I expect that by the last episode she will be back at Scarlet.

    6 hours ago, zenithwit said:

    I think Alex said his wasn't quite Pinstripe material because the type of content he writes/produces doesn't quite align with the type of content that comes out of Pinstripe (i.e. Scarlett would never have published that toxic masculinity hit piece).  But i can see why Alex took the offer.  The editor at Pinstripe is giving Alex the opportunity to transform the type of content and maybe culture at Pinstripe.  That's something Jacqueline isn't offering him at all.  If Alex is successful, he could easily move up the ladder and become Editor in Chief someday.  I don't think he would quite get there with Jacqueline (because Jane).  So I'm actually pretty okay with this ending for Alex (I just hope it isn't his last episode).


    Yes, I think that he sees this as a new challenge to speak to a different crowd. At Scarlet he could get too comfortable in time, as he is sort of "preaching to the choir" with progressive opinions.

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  8. 9 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

    I know this is going to sound crazy, but the first time I saw Thelma and Louise it reminded me of a Western movie. 

    I believe it was compared to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, especially the ending.

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  9. 13 hours ago, Epeolatrix said:

    They are pictures of the Manson Family (murderers), the Menendez Brothers (murderers), and a reference to the Sackler family of pharmaceutical murderers (largely responsible for the opioid crisis).


    Thanks for the explanation, it makes sense now.

  10. I liked Kat's idea with the video she did for her friend. Hope it achieves something. Alex's idea with the podcast was good too. Not just to help that guy, because yeah it seems they were dedicating too much time to it, but also it was a good topic for Alex's podcast. And I'm glad he is getting appreciated. I hope this doesn't mean we will not see him for the rest of episodes, I want to see more of him and his girlfriend.

    Kat is way more joy to watch without Ava. I loved her outfit for the party.

    Of course, Jane's mistake gets resolved with one speech. With how unconvinced Nicole looked at their meeting, it was too convenient for her to immediately get to the bottom of the story. Wasn't it the same day? So she immediately went to talk to her employees, got the receptionist to trust her, believed her story and they suspended the guy in one day? If only it were alwys that easy. Jane's speech at the party sucked too, it was too selfcondratuly. This is not a job interview where you list your weaknesses and pass them as strengths, Jane!

    I liked the presentation and Oliver's, Andrew's, Alex's and Sage's talk about what Scarlet means to them.

    • Love 3
  11. 6 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    I've noticed this is done a lot to athletes. People worship them for their talent, then hate their guts if they decide to go to another team. 

    Or dare to comment on social/political issues.

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  12. I just finished Love, Creekwood by Becky Albertalli, which is a short novella meant to finish the story started in Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda. I liked it, though not as much as previous books. But it was nice to get a closure with those characters.

    Thanks to this thread I found out about Concrete Rose, as I wasn't previously aware there is a prequel. I ordered it and also Find Your Voice: A Guided Journal for Writing Your Truth, which sounds really interesting.

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  13. 9 minutes ago, aghst said:

    Unkind thing to say but does it still happen?  It supposedly happened a lot during the studio system days.

    But I remember hearing on the radio that when the Brangelina thing happened, especially the way he left American's Sweetheart Jennifer Anniston, it resulted in a mountain of publicity for all of them.

    They quantified it by the number of magazine covers they got, how much it shot up for each of them, probably helped their box office draw, etc.

    Krazinski's response was good though, smart to take it in stride.

    Perhaps it happens, who knows. I wouldn't want to judge anyone if they decide to do it, people can get married for any reason they want to, as long as both are consenting adults. But if I were to guess, Emily and John would be probably the last celebrity couple I would think that about, judging by few interviews I saw with them, they look lovely together.

    In any way, Amy is IMO trying too hard to say something funny and both fails and makes herself look unnecessary nasty.

    • Love 8
  14. Doctor Who: The whole sequence of The Doctor breaking the wall to get to the Tardis in Season 9: Heaven Sent. Amazingly acted, shot and scored.

    Another Hell Yeah! moment was in Season 6: The Wedding of River Song. I wasn't much of a fan of Amy or her story, but I have to give her this one: "The Doctor is very precious to me, you're right. But you know what else he is, Madame Kovarian? Not. Here."

    • Love 4
  15. The Matrix wasn't my kind of movie (too many scenes I found gross as a kid), but I considered all three movies to be of the same quality. I was very surprised when I found out that the first was so beloved by critics while the other two were considered subpar. I just couldn't see it. Maybe I will if I ever bother to rewatch.

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  16. 5 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

    Another good one:



    Let me take a stab. Gaston's mother always wanted education, so she began to work as an assistant to a scientist. Unfortunately, she was killed during an experiment when Gaston was a baby. He was only trying to protect Belle from the same fate! He wasn't even in love with her, he once had his heart broken when a woman he loved was forced to marry someone else and he never believed in love again, only mindless flirting. But he wanted to save Belle from the influence of her scientific father, so he thought of marrying her as a sort of sacrifice. When she was taken by the Beast, he remembered, how his father was years ago killed by a giant bear, only it was dark that day, so people who saw it believed it was some strange beast like nothing they saw before. That was why Gaston was so determined to kill the Beast! I think it is writing itself.


    19 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    So that video from The Take made me realize that yeah, a lot of the Disney villains are demonized versions of single women seen as a threat to the “family unit”: the evil stepmothers, Cruella, Madame Medusa, Mother Gothel, Ursula…so that made me wonder if any Disney cartoons had single, career oriented, non-matronly female characters who weren’t villains. And to my surprise, I thought of one: Miss Bianca from The Rescuers.

    No, think about it. She’s single, wealthy, very fashionable (rocking the fur coat and pillbox hat), very ambitious wanting to get a real mission in the Rescue Aid Society, and had no immediate plans to settle down. But that didn’t make her any less kind and compassionate, not only in wanting to help Penny, but also choosing Bernard to be her partner when he was just the lowly janitor. She’s the antithesis of the film’s villain Madame Medusa, a vain woman who uses and abuses a child just to steal a jewel. 

    Yes, she and Bernard become an official couple in the sequel, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s going to give up her career whether or not they start a family.

    Or am I just overthinking this?

    You raise a very good point. I think there is still some subtle misogyny in filmmaking regarding independent women.

    I think maybe Judy from Zootopia might be another non-villainous example. From human characters I could only think of the cat owner from The Aristocats, who is a retired opera singer. But she's a minor character.

    • Love 6
  17. 2 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

    I am confused, if you do not have a doorknob on the outside how to you get in? We unlock the door but you still have to turn the doorknob to enter. 

    After unlocking, you turn the key a quarter of a turn more in the same direction and that does the same thing as turning the doorknob from the inside. At least with the type of a doorknob that I am familiar with.

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  18. 1 minute ago, Bastet said:

    Yes, generally if a door is unlocked, it can be opened from either inside or outside.


    Wow, I would die of fright! Not only do I lock the door anyway for the night, even with the safe doorknob, I turn the key sideways, so that noone would be able to open the door from the outside, even if they have the key (which only few do).


    1 minute ago, Bastet said:

    I don't go wash my hands when I get home, but I do take off my shoes.  I'm probably a bit of an outlier (especially these days!) with the former, but the latter is a fairly even split in my experience.  In some cultures it's traditional to remove shoes (and to expect guests will do the same), but for many people it's purely personal preference/habit and that varies.

    I guess so. I know a few people who let guests keep their shoes, but I would never do that. I am a bit of a germaphobe, so I would have to clean like crazy. Me and most people I know have few spare pair of slippers for this reason. 

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