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Everything posted by Leeds

  1. Where I'm from, these are suspenders (the torture item that masochists attach stockings to) - probably not suitable for grade school. Think Victorian/Edwardian England, or Little House on the Prairie.
  2. I don't know whether it's revenge for suggesting I call her Stinky or just the change in diet, but Delilah is proving herself to be the mistress of SBD farts (Silent But Deadly for those who grew up with more refined school friends than me).
  3. I'm so sorry. I thought the post I replied to was referring to something the show itself was putting out. Apologies then especially to the people putting together the Archive.
  4. I'm flabbergasted that this could even happen on a show with the resources and reputation (deserved or not) of Jeopardy. So someone's away for a couple of weeks - how hard is it to stockpile a few weeks' supply of extra categories, and to triple check what's being put out there?
  5. I don't currently live in mosquito land, but in the past Tiger's Balm applied immediately to bites has done the trick for me. Citronella has never worked for me either 🤔 I love what the bagel shop owner posted, and it's one of those responses that might actually have some open-minded people rethink their positions. In terms of your son's school uniform, I totally get your frustration. If I remember, your son is quite young. Is there any way you can get together in the future with a few other parents and arrange for a way for interested families to form some kind of cooperative to exchange/buy/sell uniform pieces? On a similar project, when my kids were little (around 3 and 5, I think), friends and I organized a baby-sitting co-op which was an absolute life-safer for me at least. We soon learned which members were reliable.* Two others and I relied on each other for years on a pretty casual basis. If anyone's interested, there are books out there on how to set one up, deal with issues, "payment" methods etc). * (One person flaked on another member who needed someone to cover when she went for a mammogram - her sister had died horribly from breast cancer in her early 30s a few years previously. Not cool.)
  6. "Jamie Foxx health update: Actor reportedly spotted publicly for 1st time since hospitalization boating on Chicago river" One of Google's Top Stories -- apparently the stars now take hospitals with them on their boats. You know, just in case.
  7. First Storm, now Sky. What's the next meteorologist-inspired name, Depression?
  8. Pretty much the desired reaction, so thanks!
  9. It wasn't confusing, they didn't read it carefully. I'm sure they're both kicking themselves, rather than crying, "Not fair." This is a more typical example of a one-man-band (no pogos involved that I've ever seen!):
  10. I put Post It notes on my door all the time but fail to see them on my way out. I also use a notes app on my phone, and I add things to my calendar that I set to repeat daily. Yet I still manage to regularly ignore, forget, fail to check, or miss the majority of them. (I've also been known to tie a knot in my hanky, which worked for my dad, but that gene appears to have skipped a generation, possibly because I don't often carry a hanky.)
  11. I see you've met Abby from NCIS. Drives me nuts -- I have poor eyesight and am usually wearing the "wrong" glasses to read anything on-screen, especially since my TV is 10" x 19" (yes, believe it or not, some of us still have titchy TVs).
  12. How can you not love them when they look at you like this? Delilah's latest discovery: even though she can execute an impressive standing 4-foot jump, employing it to access my mantelpiece is not the most rewarding use of this skill. (Where can I sign her up for the kitty Olympics?)
  13. Haha! Yes, I knew there was another, more relevant thread, but as usual since the latest unnecessary site makeover I couldn't find it! (Can I double post or is that prohibited?)
  14. Pet peeve: When people on TV/movies set in prime mosquito and monster moth country stand holding a door open for minutes on end with lights blazing inside and out.
  15. Why would anyone hate being agreed with? I have no room for one of these. but I do have a cupboard that I can reach while seated. I keep an half-roll of emergency nasty scratchy paper right at the back as a reminder not to be a lazy git and to replenish supplies. Even if there were room on my toilet tank I wouldn't do this since the time someone (cat? small child? ex-husband?) knocked a roll into the toilet and I was the one who had to retrieve it. 🤮
  16. Am I the only person who hates plaquette on skirts? They just get bunched up between the legs and both look and feel awkward, and are annoying to wear because you're constantly plucking them out from between your thighs. Oops, just watched again and I see it's actually trousers with slits, but the effect is the same so I'm leaving my comment!
  17. "Stinky" Delilah seems to be settling in just fine!
  18. Sorry to break it to you, but I've seen men with underboob. Please don't give them ideas.
  19. Did she cut his hair and try to destroy him? Was she a Philistine? Enquiring minds . . . .
  20. Well, she's already proving to be very cute, and a little naughty! The song is new to me, but so far the lyrics are working, and thankfully I don't have a Chippendale Suite for her to pee on. I recently learned (here) that Freddie Mercury was a cat lover, but I didn't realize he had one called Delilah or that he'd written a song for her. Seems like destiny. (I'll try not to think too much about Tom Jones's Delilah, since she turned out to be a homicidal maniac.) Love this one!
  21. Today I have a new member of the family! (Photo courtesy of the Humane Society, since Primetimer doesn't like my photos.) During my lengthy phone interview, I was warned me that she was very shy and fearful and would need an enclosed area to chill out, and that it might take her a day or two to adjust and start to explore or interact. After a meet and greet, I brought her home. Right. Within 10 minutes she found all the places I don't dust, got into the supposedly closed-off and thankfully clean fireplace, had a snack, peed in the litter box, played with the lovely packing paper in a Nordstrom box, had a snack, sat on my lap for two minutes, and more. So far, so good, I guess. (No fixed name yet - the one she came with is ridiculous. It's a toss-up between Stinky and Delilah, so I'm guessing she'll be Stinky Delilah.)
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