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Everything posted by 12catcrazy

  1. I think you make some good points. I had forgotten that Reuel had been the person hectoring the person in the elimination round that her salmon "burger" should be an inch and a half thick, and than Gordan Ramsay wound up saying there was too much salmon for the sandwich. Makes you wonder if it was a sabotage move or he actually thought he was giving good advice. I'll keep watching this show as I'm curious as to who is going to win it but I doubt if I'd watch a 2nd season. I'm also going to add that the show is a commercial for Gordan Ramsay's new line of cookware. I'm badly in need of a new pan and have been looking at cookware on line and now my FB feed has an ad for the cookware at least once a day. Everything has a marketing tie-in - you can't get away from it!
  2. Another good episode and just have to say that David Tennant is such a good actor - I don't think I've ever seen him in anything where you don' t think of him as not being who he is playing. I would have really liked to have seen how the bad guy (don't remember his name) got the three of them on the life boat. And count me as somebody else who thinks that we'll be seeing Estrella on this trip. There is probably going to be a twist concerning her somewhere. And I also hope that Fix's father lives to see her return as it seems as if they are building up for something bad to happen to him.
  3. A puzzling case. I got the feeling that what 48 Hours showed us was meant for us to think that Todd was innocent and got railroaded into jail. Personally, I thought him changing his story so many times in regards to whose car he was going to be fixing was hinky. Also, why not just drop your wife off to work and then go fix the windshield - why make her late for her job? And I noticed that there were two holes in the windshield - ok, so lets buy that the pipe went through the windshield but you'd think it would go through once, not twice. Also, that the car was shown on the horse farm security footage but no truck in sight. It appears to me that Todd beat the holy hell out of his wife and then staged this "accident". I wish there had been some apparent motive though. They may have appeared happy on the outside but you never know what goes on behind closed doors. As far as the kids thinking everything was just peachy keen between their parents, I've been in enough group therapy to know that parents (especially mothers) don't tell their kids everything and do plenty of coverups for Dad's misdeeds. And many abused women do their best to hide it from everybody - kids, parents and friends.
  4. Trying hard not to look at the spoiler. At home, I called the winner of the cook-off. This is the first time I've ever watched a cooking "reality" competition show so I'm talking out of my butt here, but what is the end game other than the 250K prize money? Is it a shot at a cooking tv show or to work for one of the judges or ???? If it's to get a tv show, I'll tell you off the bat who isn't going to win - the two black guys and the middle aged blond home cook. Why? The two guys seem very serious but they are both quiet and not showboaters. They cook, get the job done and both seem very competent but neither has "TV or social media personalities". Either one might be offered a job working in a Gordon Ramsey establishment but to win the prize, no. The middle aged blond lady might be a really good home cook but again, doesn't seem the type to be a hit on TV and I doubt if she could handle the stress of working in a busy restaurant. Ok, so who is now left? The tall black lady might be a spoiler here. She looks a bit old(er) to be on a TV show but she is attractive and and seems to have something going on beneath the surface. I could possibly see the younger black woman winning - she already works as a chef and is very good-looking. She is also very intense and again, serious about what she is doing. Could see her being offered a job with Ramsay or one of the other judges. The end game here is the question for me. And that leaves us with who? Pyet, who I can see winning because she had the bubbly personality, can cook, and is on social media. She is also young and pretty and those are always big pluses. I don't remember the other young lady's name, but I'd put her in the same category as Pyet. Could they cancel each other out? As far as the crybaby goes - OMG, if she wins, you know this show is fixed to the hilt. I think it's all a big act. She gave up a 6 figure job for what? Cooking on social media? Gimme a f-ing break here folks - and then she is going to pieces at the least little thing? I don't buy it, unless the true story is that she couldn't cut it in her 6 figure job and wound up cooking on social media because she couldn't figure out what else to do with her life. I'm very cynical about these competition shows. I watched Season 1 Masked Singer and that was such an obvious fix that I didn't go back for the next seasons (goofy fun that it is). Those of you who watch these cooking shows might have a totally different take where this is headed - I'd love to know your opinions.
  5. I'm really enjoying this show. In a way its beginning to remind me of an old 60s show called "Route 66" where a couple of friends hit the road in a very cool car and wind up in different towns and get involved in somebody's personal drama and it all works out in the end. When our heroes finally return to England, I'm really hoping the bad guy (Lord Snake In The Grass) gets his ass kicked. Bankruptcy won't be enough.
  6. I'm probably going to stick with this show because I want to see who wins. I'm not a fan of this type of show though. Too much bullshit drama (how in hell did that woman's pan catch on fire? How hot do you have to have it turned up for the fat to ignite like that?), too much people losing their shit - is this what these shows hook viewers on? And certainly no inspiration to cook something after watching this (unlike watching Mary Berry where I'm actually thinking "oh yeah! lets roast that chicken!"). And not being a viewer of this kind of show - are there any clues to who is going to be the winner? I'm impressed with all of the contestants in that they can cook something edible in 45 minutes without a recipe and with just grabbed ingredients. So in my book, they are ALL winners.
  7. I edited the quote above because of the length but I think that everything PDLINDA said in her post made sense. I wouldn't doubt if there was a confrontation between the two of them (made even worse because the girls weren't there) and God only knows who said what. And it culminated with him grabbing his dart gun. If he was brought to trial and found not guilty, and later on, Suzanne's body was found or there was more evidence that came to light, would he be able to be re-tried or would that be considered Double Jeopardy?
  8. I have to agree with Hurricane Val above - Wilmer Valderrama vanity project indeed! We got to see how ripped he is and Torres got to take a beating and keep on ticking. Seems Torres is getting lots of beatings on this show lately. If this was a kinkier show they'd show him flogging himself with a horsewhip or something. I didn't enjoy the cage fighting scenes at all and frankly don't understand how anybody can watch stuff like that. You'd think as human beings we'd get beyond that (bring back feeding Christians to the lions and Gladiator Battles) but I guess that isn't the case. Yeah, I had to wonder if the new guy (actually I think we've seen him before) is going to be the newest add to the team. Between this season's story arc for Torres and reading about all the projects the actor has going on, methinks he's going to be calling it quits fairly soon.
  9. There is no doubt in my mind that the husband did it. It was said in the show that the guy was very controlling and domineering (sounds like a real bully) and guys like that tend to think of their women as personal property. And from the looks of that house he probably had plenty to lose in a divorce. This story made me think of the Jennifer Doulos caser. THAT bastard at least died by his own hand but gave the final finger to his missing wife's family by still saying he didn't do it and not saying what he did with her body. I'm sure that this guy dumped his wife where she'll never be found. And when watching the daughters, all I can say is that we see this on these shows so many times how the kids stick up for Daddy Dearest. Makes you wonder if these kids gave a damn about their mother at all.
  10. I liked this episode though I didn't like them showing Torres being punched in the face by the bad guys. Thankfully, they spared us the same type of scene with Knight, just showing us her bruised face and hurting ribcage. Really, really, liking Gary Cole and hope that the show keeps him. This season is so superior to what preceded it for about 2 years. Okay, so it's more lighthearted but sometimes you just want to chill out with some action/adventure where the good guys win, the bad guys get their asses kicked and there isn't tons of personal angst with the heroes. The paper doll made me laugh. My sister had sent me the male version ("Flat Stanley") on behalf of her son who was maybe 8 at the time (this had to be maybe 12 or 13 years ago). So I had to take Flat Stanley on all these adventures and my friends got their jollies by thinking of ahem, "adult" situations to feature Stanley. You never know the kinky thoughts in people's minds until they get presented with a kid's paper doll.
  11. This was actually an interesting episode. Sandy must have some real personal magnetism as first she just meets Teddy Banion and also immediately becomes his live-in girlfriend and gets "kept" pretty nicely, and then, when she has murder charges filed against her, this rich older man comes along and foots her legal bills. And so far, it looks like she has a happy ending (husband, kids, and an art gallery). It sucked that she spent four years in jail for probably being innocent. I don't think that she murdered Ted. If I had been on that jury and heard that the "victim" was a heroin user and on top of that had lost his license and wasn't even allowed into the casino he used to run, I'd think that the guy either killed himself accidently (by not giving a damn and getting sloppy with his drugs) or on purpose. I just wonder why his sister had such a thing against Sandy. As was even brought up on the show, 300 k and that house would have been chickenfeed to that family; you'd think they would just let her have the money and house and call it a day. Seems like there was some kind of personal vendetta there. Gotta say that the second defense lawyer (I think he was the guy from Montana's lawyer) cracked me up. At least the jury on that trial got some entertainment out of it.
  12. Saw online today that Rebecca Hall's mother, Maria Ewing, just passed away. She was only 71.
  13. Well, I did the seated Happy Dance upon learning of Rina's demise. Jubal just bugged the hell out of me when he kept at the dead girl's father. I was yelling at the tv - LEAVE THE GUY ALONE! And the entire story happened in like the span of a day?? And as a person who lives on Long Island (Syosset got a shout out) I just roll my eyes how Isobel is directing agents in NYC to run to Long Island City and they're there in 20 seconds. One has to watch this show as taking place in an alternate universe where there is no traffic and probably teleportation devices because in real life, you can't get there from here - not in under 2 hours anyway.
  14. Anybody watch this week's 48 Hours? I think it was a repeat listed as a "new" episode as it had some updated info (the suspect's trial). And honestly, if I were on the jury, I couldn't vote the guy guilty either as obnoxious as he is. When his lawyer brought up the now dead victim's neighbor (who the police cleared as a suspect when his MOTHER gave him an alibi) that was more than enough reasonable doubt for me. My favorite law of Occam's Razor would have pointed more of a finger towards him as being guilty than this guy who they put on trial. The police had reason to think that the guy they arrested did it (and some of their reasons were damned good ones) but not enough proof to convict him.
  15. You're not the only one. To the folks scratching their head about this, I read a book about the Mitchell Brothers of 1970s Porn movie fame. The book mentioned that during on-set production, an actor would be "fluffed" and when the desired result would be achieved, a set assistant would cry out "We've got wood" and then the scene would proceed. I don't know if MDL above is thinking the same thing, but that is always the first thing that pops into this dirty mind. And it's more interesting to think about THAT than when I'm seeing the 500th piece of wood taken out of the drilling cores.
  16. Gonna admit that I'm not a big fan (or watcher) of competitive reality shows. I really like Gordon Ramsey (in his "do gooder" mode, not where he is yelling and cursing at people) so my SO and I started watching this. The concept is different and the only thing that makes me cringe is that the lowest level kitchen has dull knives as thats a good way for somebody to hurt themselves. Plenty of people have made decent meals with less than what is shown in the crappy kitchen. I hate the contestants talking about themselves but I guess that is part of the genre. Also didn't like that two middle of the road contestants had the cook-off rather than two of the worst ones (like the full of himself guy and the lady with the grey hair). Another way these shows seem to work - get rid of the people in the middle of the pack and leave the top and bottom to duke it out until almost the end and than it becomes the top people against each other. Anyway, so-far, anybody looking for cooking tips isn't going to find them here. The mentoring thing makes me scratch my head unless it's all happening off-screen. And the Cube Steak brought back awful childhood memories of my mother going out on a Friday or Saturday night and my father was left home to cook for my sister and me. And one of the dreaded meals was Cube Steak! I still make a face when I think about it.
  17. I watched both episodes last night. I had never heard of Rebecca Hall and didn't realize that she was the director of "Passing". Now beat me for saying this, but from the photos they showed us, I would've guessed that Rebecca's mother was bi-racial. Such a weird concept that people had to "hide" their race but when you have insanity such as slavery and things such as the "one drop" law, people will do what they can do to make a better life for themselves. David Chang - I had never heard of him either until I had seen that Anthony Bourdain documentary called "Roadrunner". Someone upthread mentioned that they read his memoir and didn't care much for him. In "Roadrunner" he comes across as somebody who is a bit batshit and on the edge. Guess when you have an overbearing parent who is pushing you to do something you don't want to do (be a Golf Pro) and you have the wherewithal to go up against that, you can be forgiven for being somewhat intense. Raul Esparza - I just adore him, so I enjoyed finding out more about his family. And I've never read a bad thing about him - just the opposite actually. Hopefully, whatever it was, it was youthful egomania or a blip and no Chris Noth type of douchness.
  18. Agree 100%. If I had been on that jury, I would've been rolling my eyes big time. Amazing how you can murder somebody (and dump their body like so much trash) and get like 20 years or less. This scum will be out within 10. If he was so offended by Nikki being transgender, wait until he gets to prison - he ain't seen nothin' yet.
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they haven't eliminated the threat from Vargas. This is setting the situation up yet again where Vargas is going to be the "big bad" and there will be a crossover ep somewhere down the road. This seems to be a Dick Wolf speciality - how many times was Olivia Benson( L&O SVU) terrorized by some psycho guy before he was finally killed?
  20. I was really hoping that Rina was going to buy the farm. anybody else who would've been shot in the chest like that would have been a goner. She has been written as such an impossible to like person and the actress really sells it - do we really need to have her on this show? And the Wrath of Khan - opps Vargas - I liked Jubal's idea. Turn him loose into the general prison population and Sing Sing Darwinism will take it's course. This show started out as a good show but has become typical Dick Wolf dreck. Unfortunately for me, it's a case of my SO sits through some TCM Joan Crawford movie and then I have to sit through this.
  21. I think that Rachael's mother was a text book controlling mother. Wouldn't surprise me if a big reason Rachael hung around with much younger people was a passive-aggressive way of getting around Mom. Maybe she had been so controlled as a teenager that she was reliving her teen years in a way. This was another one of these tragic stories where you had a person do a few wrong turns and crashed and burned. The mother was OTT, the ex-fiance was a jerk, even the former best friend did a terrible thing. Poor Rachael, after her life blew up (due to her foolishness and whoever very rottenly "leaked" that police report), its too bad that she just didn't pack a bag and get the hell out of that town. But God forbid, Mama would have probably dragged her back.
  22. I have to agree with a lot of what you guys have said here. And I'm glad that I'm not the only one who didn't find those leather pants looked good on Natalie Morales. Every time they showed her from the back I thought that she was probably going to be mortified when she saw the film. Just because you're really thin doesn't mean that clothing that isn't cut to fit your body is going to look good. (And this is coming from a person whose "label" is LL Bean). The reviews of the movie are all over the place. If you want a laugh, find Tom Ford's review of the film (he had been the chief designer at Gucci for about 9 years). I'm still kind of nervous about sitting in a movie theater - if that wasn't the case, I'd be running out to see it. Now I want to get a copy of the book. And it always amazes me when I see (or read) these tales of misery at the top of the money/power structure. All that money and all the freedom it brings yet some people are so miserable with it all. And agree that keeping up with the lifestyles that the Guccis lived seemed exhausting. To have to be that obsessed with what you look like and what you wear on a daily basis - talk about drowning in shallow waters. Funny thing, last night's 60 Minutes had a profile on the current Creative Head guy at Gucci and he is this weird looking dude who looks like he escaped from a 1973 rock band and whose fashion choices can make Billy Porter look like Bill Blass. Now I don't know about you, but this guy is the last person who'd I'd let choose my clothing, but hey! He's apparently bringing Gucci back into hipness or something.
  23. That was quite the story about the Russian adoption. I remember reading a lot about Eastern European adoptions that went south in the late 80s, to mid 90s. American's went to countries like Romania and Russia to adopt children and those places has so many problems with alcoholism (fetal alcohol syndrome in the babies) bad pre-natal care, and babies who never were able to attach to anybody. Many people wanted to give up the adopted children and a shadowy network formed that would take the kids. The girl in this story was lucky in a way that her adoptive parents brought her back to Russia and that adoption agent lady went and took her back to the US. I don't know, maybe it's me, but I didn't like the adoptive parents. Can't put my finger on it and maybe I'm being unfairly judgemental (esp since all we have to go on is what we were shown) but the parents seemed very much like folks who had certain expectations and that you'd better fit into their picture of "perfect" life or you were not going to be accepted. Again, just going by what we were shown so maybe being very unfair to them. Troy Roberts is a good-looking man and so is his adoptive son. The young man also seems very nice. Really makes you ponder the luck of the draw of life. This child was lucky enough to be adopted by an American man who decided he was ready for a child. His life would be so much different had he stayed in Africa where he was born. Maybe he would have been able to do something great there but growing up in that level of poverty it would have been doubtful. Maybe he wouldn't have been able to grow up at all. In the end, I'm glad that the Russian girl wound up with a good life and is happy with a family of her own. She seems like a good person and I'm glad that life has worked out for her.
  24. I think that Mark Harmon leaving gave this show a new lease on life. No more of that stupid Bishop morphing into Ziva drama and Gibbs and his glowering. I came to NCIS late in the game (Ziva was already gone; I think it was the year Bishop was brought in) and I mainly watched it because my SO liked it. I couldn't stand Abby and was happy when the actress decided to leave. Kasie was improvement #1 and I guess it finally took Lead Weight in Chief to leave to lighten up this show. I'm finding that I'm actually enjoying the show this season. I enjoyed this episode - good whodunnit, Torres wasn't being a jerk, Kasie had a storyline, and I'm getting a crush on Gary Cole. All is good!
  25. I'm still slogging through this depressing mess of a tv show. The torture is almost over - one episode left to go and I doubt if there is going to be a happy ending for anyone. And what is the deal with Lee? What is her endgame here? And Billy - man this kid is too stupid to live. All I can think of is that he got brain injured in a high school football game or something, because his life choices just defy all common sense. Isaac - I just can't even go there...
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