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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I dunno. They were thanking camera and boom people. This was just family, so I could see Figure 8 coming in to film them for the first time since the pandemic. They acknowledged when the Duggars filmed footage last year.
  2. Here's part of the testimony scene for those who don't want to watch the entire thing https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNC2wPPLfAO/?igshid=26d6v7mkqq8x
  3. At the end, Figure 8 Productions' crew was acknowledged. So, not a Duggar production.
  4. What the fresh hell was that episode? All Jeezus, all the time. I was actually embarrassed to keep watching, hoping it would let up. They even broke up the dying of eggs to have Spurgeon recite the Easter story. If this show does come back, I hope they dial back the religion.
  5. I wonder how Kaylee's speech went. Jill hasn't posted anything about it. She didn't even acknowledge Kaylee as a speaker.
  6. I don't think either of them are nice people. Jana just knows how to plaster on the fake smile that doesn't reach her eyes better than Jessa.
  7. Agreed. Boob is setting him up for the career that Smuggar bungled so badly. He already has sons following in his footsteps in other aspects of his life (used cars, real estate, house flipping). Politics is the final frontier. I won't say more until the show addresses anything he may do in the future. 😁
  8. Yeah, they have a predetermined number of episodes, so the NOBODY GOES HOME!!!!! episode is a given. It was just so obvious that production stepped in to save Derek this week. And I say this as someone who's rooting for him (he's local).
  9. I hate to be that person, but I think Derek was saved from elimination. His cake was pretty clearly the worst, but they couldn't leave all female contestants, especially some who are far inferior. Mediha (sp?) has had several bad days, but the producers like her. Apparently, they also like Derek as well.
  10. Don't you mean "yellow angel pockets?" 🙄
  11. There will be idiot Huggars who will believe that they filmed this week.
  12. Boob probably knew Duddy was just going to flip his, so he got a fixer upper. Looks like Jed!'s was move-in ready.
  13. She almost beats David Waller, who claims salvation at age 3. 😂
  14. It's locked for me. I have Comcast.
  15. No, this was filmed around the time Brooklyn was born.
  16. I started an episode thread. 😁
  17. Airs 3.30.21 TLC doesn't let you view early any longer unless you have Discovery+. However, I saw a review on YouTube with some clips, and it's a hot mess with lots of Surly Jessa.
  18. I knew there was a good reason for not liking her (beyond her tantrums). I hope she rots.
  19. They did not rent from John's father. The owner is 3rd party who may well be related. He also owned the new house.
  20. Quoting myself because I saw the entire picture. Renee is on the far left. Barefoot Girl is Kaylee. She threw me off by wearing her hair up like Renee always does.
  21. Gives "He is risen" a whole new meaning. 😉
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