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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Sadly, that won't happen. The sorry Christians who bought into their bullshit will eat the loss and hopefully be a little more wary about who they give their money to. From the complaints I read, people seemed more disappointed than angry. Maybe THAT'S Hope BOLD!!!!111 😁
  2. Yeah, HOPE BOLD has hidden meanings that we mere mortals will never divine. πŸ˜‚
  3. If anything, it projects circumvention. Everything hidden except for the eyes.
  4. I've seen them call in Hannie on occasion, but I can't recall Jenni, Jordyn, or (god forbid) Josie helping with the littles from any of their older siblings.
  5. Yes, she's the fainter, but she's made it through all of her L&D's without incident.
  6. She's done all three natural.
  7. Erin had one full ovary and 2/3 of the other removed. It's unlikely she will have more children. You may have confused her with Whitney, Tori, or Josie who are all pregnant.
  8. They were able to make Cliff the fall guy because he laid hands on Marcel. And that's crossing the line. Not that the others all deserved to be thrown out. As was noted, they all were in on Shavegate, and Tom wanted them all gone.
  9. I know you've all been waiting for this announcement with bated breath...the podcast is BACK!!! πŸ™„ https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIw0gOlfGg/?igshid=iny4q4f3ta8x
  10. They haven't used Tozer yet, and that would fit the SHIT theme. 😁
  11. I couldn't read the senders. All I could read was PRAYING!!!! over and over.
  12. Thanks! I don't know how I missed that. Those are indeed really shitty numbers for the Duggars. As Jill would say, YAY!!!!!
  13. I just saw it. Nurie is trying her damndest to create a bump where one doesn't exist. πŸ˜‚
  14. Can you post the data? I'd love to see it saved here for posterity's sake. 😁
  15. That's encouraging. If the ratings were really that bad, then I'm all for the all Jeezus, all the time programming. πŸ˜‚
  16. So, the other night I posted about a baseball game I watched in which a guy named Sewald pitched to a guy named Duggar. Tonight, I am watching hockey, and a guy named Spurgeon is playing for the Minnesota Wild. That's not a name you run into every day. 😁
  17. They are living in Texas. It is assumed that Justin works for Pa Spivey's construction business. It's about the only thing he's qualified to do.
  18. I read somewhere a few days ago that the house sits on five acres and is in Springdale. Does this track with what the last article says?
  19. I have the Princess and the Queen. 😁
  20. I call my kitties "baby girl" all the time. If I had males, they'd be baby boys. What am I doing wrong? πŸ€”
  21. Yeah, I didn't see anything wrong with the address. Much ado about nothing.
  22. Well, given that J&A felt comfortable enough with the landlord to buy a house from him, I would guess he's at minimum a family friend.
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