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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Nash Bridges (really?) gave his parents a scare, coming 3 weeks early. He was pictured with a tube coning out of his nose.
  2. Probably wherever Austin's parents go. I don't think they've ever attended the Caldwells' church or wherever Boob and fam ended up after their acrimonious breakup.
  3. Who made Jeremy the Duggar family spokesman? I'm sure there are some who don't care if they speak to Jill again. Joy seems to be one of those.
  4. Happy News: Got my first Moderna yesterday and have had zero side effects. Even my arm is nothing more than mildly sore. My arm was screaming after my Shingrix vaxx.
  5. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    I'm happy for the Knicks. As a long suffering Warriors fan, I know what it's like to wander for decades in the wilderness.
  6. I can name them, but other than Felicity, Ivy, and Gracie, couldn't pick them out of a lineup. 😁
  7. With the exception of Evy Jo, they're arranged chronologically. Not that's any help identifying all those babies born in 11/19. Maryella looks like a linebacker compared to her same-aged cousins.
  8. Jeremy called a lady named Karen a Karen for criticizing the Vuolos for pulling the kids off SM. Karen said that the pictures will disappear altogether after the book comes out. She does have a point.
  9. Oh 🙄 They need to go back into hibernation. https://www.instagram.com/p/COEHWF7rnH8/?igshid=1hanvk3ot1h4x
  10. Did Zach and Whitney confess to kissing on the show? If not, their fanbase may still be in the dark. And they wouldn't know about J/A unless they watched that video to the end (and it was looong).
  11. I thought it was pretty funny when they admitted that they pretty much sucked at kissing at first.
  12. Oh 🤮 https://www.instagram.com/p/COD62v4Fr0j/?igshid=1x3z98wbd5s7s
  13. Someone on FJ got a screenshot of the Smuggar employment inquiry.
  14. They asked if Smuggar had a job because you know, supporting 7 kids takes money. It was a pretty rude inquiry.
  15. Yes, it was in the pregnancy/sex announcement post. I saw it and made note of it above.
  16. Jackson forgot to cut the lawn. 😁 I'm sure they only had to travel a matter of yards from the warehouse front door to make the announcement.
  17. Don't be too broken up over it. You're not missing much. 😁
  18. So he could have a final as soon as Monday. Looks like Jill could be on her own for a while, given that their finals stretch over two weeks.
  19. I wonder if 3L ends sooner to give them more time to study for the bar?
  20. I'm sure that she's sparing no expense in her bra budget. It's probably about the same as a week's worth of food for her kids.
  21. I'm sure he does. He's already said he plans to take the bar in July.
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