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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Rhythmic is on CNBC right now. I think it moves to USA tomorrow. I haven't looked beyond that.
  2. Even he wouldn't be stupid enough to store pics on his phone or even his cloud. He kept everything on the Dark Web.
  3. Looks like they made it to Oregon. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSN3VdTnRlz/?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. Can someone go to FB and c/p Jilly's latest post from the outside of the church? The grammar made my head ache. Cross-posted with @ginger90. The second one...arrrgh!
  5. Tom Daley finished his sweater! 😀 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNN4VJLfKj/?utm_medium=copy_link
  6. I'd never heard of the last guy. The other 3 were presumably going to race the final. But the screw up happened between 2 and 3,so they were already trailing badly when the 4th guy ran.
  7. FIBA didn't block that shot.
  8. Being ignorant about banking sets up her defense about not being aware of the piles of money being transferred to her various LLCs. 🙄
  9. Of course, right after I posted, she was mentioned in the broadcast on USA network. Shaunae is talking about taking up pent/heptathlon after she's done with the sprints in Tokyo.
  10. Is the decathlete Uibo from Estonia Shaunae Miller-Uibo's husband? It's such an uncommon name.
  11. Nah, she'll likely end up at the Waller's. Pris is, after all, extended family. Jill has been sucking up to them especially hard since Nurie's wedding.
  12. Jill is posting at least a week behind real time. If they are at Big Sandy, we won't know about it for another week or so. Probably in a photo dump with their appearance at Waller and Hilaria's church. 🙄
  13. He started going to parties in high school, but he's been really vague about that "season" of life. I bet he slammed down some brewskis before he hit Hartwell's campus.
  14. USA biffs another baton exchange, misses out on the 4x100 relay final. Not surprised.
  15. She's more Jessa's bestie, but no, she doesn't have dreads. Just lots of scarves.
  16. That's what I've been speculating. And why. They're performing at Waller's church on Sunday.
  17. Jer's "rebellion" lasted into college. That's when he put his hands on a cop and got thrown into the drunk tank. I believe he was scared straight after that.
  18. He thinks he can make a splash at this year's Bible Bee. Good luck with that, kid.
  19. Shilling Plexus with a guitar version of Sound of Silence playing. No way she knows about Simon and Garfunkel; her selection said something about being Christian. 😂
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