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Everything posted by chediavolo

  1. Maggie still hasn’t brushed her wig. Plus it look like it was Sitting a little too far forward on her head today. Maggie your husbands a billionaire you can afford to hire a hairdresser to come to the house a couple/few times a week and style your wig so you don’t look like you slept in it!
  2. Not many people watching documentaries are there? This was riveting. Should i’ve been a mini series because I got lost a couple of times, could’ve used longer interviews.
  3. I thought that too! She looked so pretty in the crown❤️
  4. I can barely watch her anymore. Every time I look at her all I see is mannequin or, blowup doll. She is scary looking.
  5. Did anyone watch “Transhood ” the documentary special? Jazz’s doctor was in it.
  6. This sucks. Can’t stand Amanda Kloots. Starting to think about deleting it from my recordings.
  7. I agree. when I was younger I could get away with dressing incredibly sexy but as you age things change. it’s time to cover up a little I don’t mean Amish but let’s not look classless.
  8. Yes! I remember liking Jackie in the original series. Was she always this insane? Because I don’t remember that. Now she really seems to be off the rails. Although I did feel bad at the end with the backstory on the stuffed giraffe. Think she needs just a bit of therapy to help deal with some things.
  9. Yes thank you. Abhorrent behavior from the manager. Becky should report her to her HR. Isn’t “Darlene” running the show, literally ? Apparently the actress knows nothing about being lower middle class. And Darlene is just an unlikable character what a nasty bitch.
  10. Family tree...takes too much time to get the info. Especially when most of your family is gone and you have lousy Internet Just make something up! Who cares ?😄
  11. I agree also but that was a shitty thing to do to her own sister. Maybe Darlene could have asked the manager to have a sit down, all three of them, about the situation and the stress that Becky is under. Assholes.
  12. This show sucks. That’s why. Who is writing this shit? Not a moment of reality. The horse operation really pissed me off. And hey assholes, many kids families were in another country during the revolutionary war. Everyone is unlikeable. WTF?
  13. Exactly. Godparents and guardians (designated in a will) are two different things. But then again, they are all morons. I would hope that no legitimate adoption agency would even Think of placing a child into that (packed to the gills) family home. Where is it going to sleep? In a drawer? Not to mention the lack of income and foreclosure. This show is fantasyland.
  14. Beard is horrible. He looks like Wolverines unkempt fatter brother.
  15. It’s a sitcom, you have to give it some slack. I for one am sick of this reality by now and actually hate seeing the masks on tv, so the less the better. But if they do do it, you still have to remember they are actors and we need to see their faces. It’s not a documentary.
  16. Don’t get why women who have grown children, are in their 40’s, never mind being one step away from being homeless, even wants a baby. Overrated! Get on with your life and enjoy the freedom. Your daughter will certainly have an out of wedlock baby or two for you to, probably, have to be caregiver of. Hair salons have even open for many months now. This irks the shit out of me.
  17. Typical “white trash” behavior. I think Roseanne herself years ago called the family this. Unfortunately it happens all the time. I see it every day. AND...how did they magically get to keep a house that went into foreclosure? When I think about how irresponsible and idiot this family is it makes me 😡, then I have to just remember to enjoy other parts of the show.
  18. So this how they end it? With Rory pregnant? Are there going to be more specials? And I hate what Sookie did to Lorelei and the Inn, Lorelei just forgives her no problem. I guess you just have to put this show in the “fantasy” category. I don’t know how any watched with with any sort of reality. Not just the year but the series before it. I still am in love with Lorelei’s house though don’t know how she could have afforded it all those years ago.
  19. Getting really, literally, sick of these “celebrities” talking about “taking a shit” and having sex. I’m no prude but bathroom humor is not funny to me, it’s gross and classless. Immediately turned me off to that comedian. You couldn’t pay me to read his book. 🤮
  20. They just started showing this on CW or Fox I forget, here so this is my initial viewing. I forgot why I watched this show in the first place. Everyone is just an awful fucking human being. Lorelei, her mother, (previously the father) and Rory are ENTITLED AWFUL HUMANS. But still going to watch the rest of it just for shits and giggles. Actors playing Rory and Luke.. How did they ever get an acting gig? God awful. Rory is a cheating *****, never mind the way she treats her "boyfriend" Really not funny the way they were constantly forgetting him. Luke and the wifi is not funny. Lorelei was an asshole after the wake at her mothers house. And I HATE that woman. The way she treats the "help". I guess I'm hate watching. This is one nasty show. Brings out the worst in people.
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