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Everything posted by Ubiquit0us

  1. I certainly hope Brittany takes her doctor's advice about not drinking adult beverages this time.
  2. My initial reaction to this was "Why would Britney Spears care?"! 😂
  3. https://roosterteeth.fandom.com/wiki/Day_5 I stumbled across this show by accident. It's pretty good, but El Rey network inserts commercial breaks in the wrong places.
  4. I watched "The Shivaree" the other day and my jaw dropped watching how John Boy treated the distressed bride whose husband had been abducted and left in the middle of the woods blindfolded and handcuffed, as they drove around searching for him. Not only did he belittle her feelings, he also told her about all the horrible things that went wrong in the past! Yeah, stories about the guy who got mauled by a bear and the guy who fell into a pond and almost drowned is going to make her feel better.
  5. I've been scratching my head over that as well. They started off within arm's distance in his theater (at his house?), then they acknowledged the epidemic and were practically seated in the corners of the room, and now they're using Skype from their homes. Maybe Zak realized Skype would allow them to have guests, because in the beginning of this ep, they spoke with some crazy old man who used to live in the Westerfeld House and may have participated in the Satanic rituals there, judging by what he had to say.
  6. I keep seeing these acne cream commercials in which a young woman with a zit is making excuses to not go out but none of them involve the pandemic. I understand that the initial commercial was filmed before lockdown, but they keep making new ones and it's so obvious an excuse... Isn't that woman stalking Jake From State Farm going to get fired for giving him all that free food from where she works? I think it's a take on the trope of the Old West where some cowboys are watching a herd of horses in a canyon.
  7. Oh, I hate that Buick/Alexa commercial in which someone is actually arguing that the car is an "Alexa"... Were these people recently kicked in the head by a mule? For some reason, I dislike the 1970's-looking girl trimming a Bonzai tree. I thought they began to phase Alec out of the Shriner commercials when they introduced the new younger and cuter kid arriving for the first time. I think he's kinda hot.
  8. Ugh, the passive-aggressive bitch who tells the guy she's dating his tshirt "looks comfortable" is back. Granted, he should know he looks like a slob, but really, how rude is it to say that after he complements you? I think it's more a way to sound more healthful than woke. I hate that one. Am I supposed to know who the bitch barking orders at the woman who was passed over for a promotion to get in her car is? So annoying.
  9. On last night's Screaming Room, Zak and the crew watched their investigation of the Westerfeld house, where famed Satanist Anton LaFay(?) and others used to live and cast rituals and who knows what else. Since it wasn't really about ghosts and was more about "feeling the evil energy" there, I quickly lost interest and moved on. Once again, they practiced extreme social distancing and held a Skype session from their homes. At least this time, Jay was wearing pants! Well, I hope he was...
  10. On last week's Screaming Room, Zak and crew watched their investigation of The Sallie House, where they witnessed scratches, dark forces, and moving toys, with even more extreme social distancing (done via Zoom or Skype session from each of their homes)! Jay hinted he wasn't wearing pants and Zak showed us his foot after it was bitten. Me too, but I stopped watching for awhile,
  11. I spent the weekend with my folks in Orlando and found this weird retro station called Archive, which seemed to specialize in playing old TV movies tapes on someone's VCR 30 years ago. The video quality on these gems was terrible! They also played some bad 1990's and turn of the millennium syndicated shows like Tropical Heat (no, not the one with Fabio!) and The Lost World, also of varying video quality. Oddly enough, there were also Family Feud and America's Funniest Home Video's channels. How weird! They were playing those as recently as early 2020 until H&I started playing them and abruptly replaced them with The Untouchables (yuck!).
  12. I greatly resent seeing promos for this channel's tacky shows while watching the Science Channel. Yeah, I know it's all about cross-promoting your brands, but couldn't they take the viewing audience into account? I used to vaguely enjoy watching What Not To Wear, until they amped up the hosts' nasty remarks to the person they were trying to help and the fashion victim getting more ridiculous looking in order tyo amp up the spectacle factor. TBH, I was half expecting them to grab bums and winos and mock their appearance before cleaning them up.
  13. Ed McMan. Oh, I hate the SimpliSafe commercials with that guy wearing a wool skycap and the big mustache! Something about those two things makes me queasy. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I read they changed to KFC because they had to pay the state for using "Kentucky" in their name.
  14. I watched it last night and became annoyed, then angry at the people who were lucky and didn't die from their stupidity.
  15. That was… interesting, but I didn't think it would end well for Gary Cole's character.
  16. I'm liking Mysteries Decoded more than I expected. It's refreshing to see something from the skeptic side, but some episodes are more skeptical than others. This week this aired an updated one on the Bermuda Triangle and eventually debunked a pilot who claimed a thunderstorm over the triangle sent him thru a time-travelling wormhole. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to think too much about the fact that the area is no more prone to missing craft than others and in many cases, they didn't vanish in the triangle. Interesting theory!
  17. I think that one was made into a Screaming Room ep. It's fun to watch them talk about the ep but not so much when it becomes a TMI moment (I think Scoobie Douche confessed that the mummy feet turned him on).
  18. On last night's Screaming Room, Zak and the crew watched their investigation of Murder Mystery Mansion, a murder mystery B&B linked to Elmer McCoy, a famous mummy who was displayed in a haunted house for many years. Wow, an actual ghost investigation! There was a lot of things that happened in this one and would love to see them revisit.
  19. I keep seeing this bank commercial with a man who wants something better than a nasty old hot plate to make his favorite sandwich, grilled cheese, while using cheesy (heh) puns, so he got a food truck. Huh? I have so many questions about the motaur on the treadmill!
  20. Is that one for kitty litter? I keep seeing some that seem to have been lifted from that terrible Cats: The Movie with weird creepy CGI. Speaking of Cats: The Movie, that is NOT a squirrel costume!
  21. Comfort Viewing: 3 Reasons I Love ‘Dark Shadows’
  22. Please be nice to Carl. You'd be grumpy too if you were Steve Urkel's neighbor! Flo said "I literally have told you a million times", which makes me laugh. Her family truly must despise her.
  23. I think seeing online ads for Bait-Bus has ruined any show with the word "bait" in it forever for me. I watched the one on Roswell and bailed when they went to the UFO museum in Roswell, NM to do their "research", but I did watch the Bigfoot one you mentioned all the way thru and was pleasantly surprised to discover they actually investigated the topic instead of blindly accepting whatever they were told. Yeah, it was obvious the "bigfoot hunters" were faking it and the "video evidence" was one taking a closeup shot of the other wearing a monkey mask or jiggling a mask on stick thru their trailer window. It took me 3/4 of the show to realize the big brown blob was actually a head-shot, but maybe I was distracted by how much the sidekick de week reminded me of Steve Urkel. It was good to see a show of this type with skepticism. Last week, they showed an updated episode on The Mothman, the lamest cryptid ever, and concluded that it's an owl, possibly a local variety of crane. The updated portion was funny because apparently Chicago is trying to get a piece of the Mothman action with even flimsier evidence. ETA: Link added
  24. On last night's Screaming Room, Zak and the crew watched their investigation of St Anne's Retreat, an eerie abandoned summer camp with a dark past. Finally, they're investigating ghosts and not "demonic possession"! Anyhow, I think I saw that episode because the nuns drowning a baby in the pool there and the camp councilors (?) being held captive by some lunatics and almost not surviving the experience sounded familiar. Always aware for their safety, they sat about 12 feet apart in a movie theatre. Heh.
  25. I have a poor sense of smell, but would it be that difficult to locate the source of the lavender toilet paper? I wonder if the little boys have mental problems and the parents gave up trying to stop them from doing things like rolling around in mud or shoveling spaghetti into their mouths. Am I the only one who thinks "poopeybutt!" during those incontinence commercials?
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