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Kelda Feegle

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Everything posted by Kelda Feegle

  1. This pretty much sums it up for me too. I don't know wtf is going on anymore, I'm only watching it for the Red snark and there was precious little of that in this ep. So - Katerina was thought to be dead but was hiding. Liz and Ressler start looking for her which brings her out of hiding to torture Red to find out who is going to kill her. Wouldn't that be the same people she was originally faking her death to avoid? Seriously am I missing something?
  2. I'd like him to not look so smug about his seduction powers, that annoyed me this episode. Loving the tape deck most of all.
  3. New Ru viewer here - do the queens get advance notice of the challenge? They sure had packed some gear appropriate for the two looks they were presenting.
  4. AangryAaron needs to chill and think about his position instead of having a dummy spit. Noura needs to let go of her highschool memories. And stfu. Heckle and Jeckle in the hut amuse me.
  5. The whole ghostwife thing is pissing me off.
  6. I'm still in for now. The biggest thing I'm struggling with is the fact that it is the same nurse/orderly man over the period of incarceration, no way would a psych hospital allow that, they'd be rotating staff constantly to avoid relationships forming. I guess it wasn't mom in the trunk then which was my original thought but she's totally involved somehow (and I dislike the character intensely).
  7. I agree with almost all you say - except I thought ep 1 of mothership was worse, tired, old, boring, with added Zivacrap. Of course YMMV.
  8. Because it is slightly better than the mothership?
  9. @TVbitch how many eps are there? I've seen ep 16 but I can't find any more and if I google this question it will end badly 🙂
  10. How the hell does a senior doctor like Kapoor get to spend an entire 8 hours with one patient trying to reinforce his diagnostic skills?
  11. I've been away so I am catching up - Survivor SA - how will Rob lose it? Durael is not terribly smart eh. Laetitia FTW.
  12. Looks like Jacques is doomed now, going to be a Pagonging by the top few just picking off the lower members in their alliance.
  13. Pretty sure Aarthy's ovaries exploded when she saw Thinesh in his suit, then of course her head did when they got lost. Dave says Irina is not a quitter - I beg to differ Dave. So glad it was a TBC leg.
  14. Ballsy move by Jacques - glad it paid off. I'm not sure why he's so focused on the loved ones visit, feels like there is a story we have yet to hear behind it.
  15. Legit win for those people that I do not like - grumble grumble grudging applause My brain shuts down when there is anything math so I'd still be there.
  16. I'm still watching this but the book popped up in Kindle specials today. The description includes this: The thrilling, hilarious, genre-busting Aurealis Award-winning novel about a supernatural MI5. I haven't seen anything hilarious in the show - are they missing it out? or is the book that much better/deeper?
  17. I was surprised none of the other racers called Irina out for being so rude in mimicking Aarthy. I keep forgetting the Sam and ? team are there. Lucky, lucky Moms. Anthony and James are a delight.
  18. I've just caught up on SA and I can't believe that they still won't vote Rob off. I love the multiple immunities that change the game around a bit. Dante worked too hard but had some very good points.
  19. Wow, did Irina seriously mock people for enjoying the scenery on the flight? Not cool. On the other hand jogging in the forest singing Backpack Backpack was adorkable.
  20. I didn't understand the rubbing melted beeswax behind the ears. The American woman still annoys me but was much more human in this episode, although her efforts to win sympathy and favour still seem ridiculously transparent. I'm beginning to think that the wheelchair woman is a bit dim.
  21. I'd love to see Laura on Alone - I think she'd rock it. Jeff can just gtfo
  22. I'd rather wear Ash's than Tito's, the horns on Creepy Jason's would drive me insane- one in and one out seems like a mistake of epic proportions.
  23. Lizzie needs to lay off nagging Julian about where he's going for work.
  24. I thought that Zeph was saying she was going in there to have some sex, not offering it, but I was struggling with the dialogue all episode so I may be wrong. Took me a long time to remember the previous season and the story etc. I did like that Dutch was instinctively squicked out about being kissy kissy with Johnny, they are so much closer to brother/sister. Glad it's back, wish there was more.
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