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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. I felt bad that the chefs not in the bottom 3 had to stand there to watch. After a 4 hour bake, they must have been exhausted. I thought that guy who didn't even make a pie should've been sent home. He didn't satisfy the challenge.
  2. I like Domaine's outfit tonight. It's very pretty. Not sure it's what I'd want to cook in. She's even wearing heels. Michael could teach me to cook. He is so calm. He's even good with Lulu. Still getting Cameron flashbacks whenever Sadie opens her mouth. I'd watch the after show if they had chefs commenting. That could be entertaining to hear what they really thought. I have no interest in the contestants.
  3. I agree the sob story should not have won immunity. I thought Gabriel's assistant (sorry I don't remember her name) had the nicest looking dog. The Disney theme was a good choice since it really allowed for creativity. Amazing no one picked the same movie. I liked all the dogs but Ariel was the right one to go home. Maybe if he'd spent more time working instead of having a fit. I didn't think Alyssa should've won since she had to really explain who her dog was.
  4. I had relatives who owned a row townhouse in London. There were 2-3 rooms per level and 4 levels. Kitchen and small tv room at ground level, living room and dining room on the main level, 2 beds and baths, and then another bedroom in the attic. The amount of money they supposedly sold it for was jaw dropping. They were in a good neighborhood.
  5. I really appreciated the scene where Lizzie tells Al he is grieving. You see the happy, genie persona slip from his face to reveal what I think is the real Al. Kudos to the actor.
  6. Lincoln, NZ. Whoa, new graphics for the opening and in the episode. Wow to house #2. The indoor/outdoor living was incredible. Yeah, a little grass would be nice but that seemed low maintenance and was very private. But house #3 really fit what they wanted and was under budget. It didn't look that dated. Glad the modern one worked out for them.
  7. Long Island, NY. House #1, the basement is fine for the baby's playroom but not to bathe the baby? She is so frigging dramatic. House #2 where she loved the kitchen, there was no counter space. House #3 was too much money, they didn't seem to care about being near the beach. Wonder where the money for the wedding will come from?
  8. And Ducky's mother! Hard to meet the rest since most of the team had their mothers die when the agents were young. I laughed when Gibbs finished his large to do list in under an hour. Plenty of things he could do at my house.
  9. I think that was meant to convey Nick realized he was having dinner with his "dad". As someone posted upthread, they all have daddy issues and Gibbs is the surrogate.
  10. I didn't know Napa had a city center. I thought it was a region.
  11. London and Richard. All is right with the world now. I think Ben and I would be friends. We have the same appreciation for London and its architecture. Jona can take a flying leap. She doesn't have the skin for TV. So long as the bathroom is updated, I could live with anything.
  12. I couldn't believe he was willing to leave his grandkids behind. Wonder what his kids think of her?
  13. San Miguel, Mexico. Wow, what a negative Nancy. House #1 for once, after giving her negative opinion and then asking hubby for his, I wanted him to say he loved it. What does Michelle have against bars? I do like her blouse. Her son(did you know his name is Micah?)will enjoy all the amenities at #2 so I think they made the right choice.
  14. Columbus, Ohio. Can't wait to see who gets their way. And they chose the small one by campus. They do know putting in a bathroom is going to bring that house over their budget? I would bring a tape measure but not in a fannypack.
  15. It's great that all 3 cakes were well done in the finale. In these baking championships we usually get 1 cake that is clearly third place. I'm happy for Keya. She was so cute at how surprised she was. Didn't like Derek's spider, it blended in to the cave. And he only 1 each of his insects while the ladies did multiple bugs. Ali did a good job as host. I'd be ok with him coming back.
  16. Didn't miss the Detective Dude till I saw him in scenes for next week. You'd think they'd have one scene of him bitching about all these dead Russian agents piling up.
  17. Is it just me or does Sadie's talking heads remind me of Cameron?
  18. Tam rocking out to MTV was the only funny part of this episode. I was happy the tech guy didn't talk down to Sheldon. Billy is so sweet, to see him crushed like that was truly heartbreaking.
  19. Canberra, Australia. Michelle certainly has the American attitude but I wonder where she picked up the accent.
  20. Thank you. I didn't think so but wasn't 100% sure.
  21. I at least wanted to see them eating Martha's pie at the end.
  22. Netherlands. I really like realtor Sarah's dress, the way the ruffles move when she walked. Their house in S Africa looked huge, too bad they're having problems selling it. I really like this couple. He gives me a Phil Collins vibe. The kids look big enough to help around the house. So glad they sold their old house, financial anxiety is not a good thing.
  23. Portland, OR. I'm fine with them being, how did she put it, recovering Goths. But Adam crept into creepy when he wanted to have his office in the loft of his daughter's bedroom. That house in the city would not work. I said gingerbread when they were asking about the style of #3. It was really cool looking but not practical. And that's what they picked.
  24. You are not alone. I agree 100%. And I think Guy is an executive producer so he isn't going anywhere.
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