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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. And I heard "Trixie" not "TripZ" so the nickname made no sense to me.
  2. Mother/daughter in Florida. I lost interest. They and houses weren't doing it for me. Wish realtor Michael was the one looking for a house. He looked great and had a fun personality.
  3. I came home late, what was the relationship between Alyssa and Alaa? Guy never mentions how much he gives to the charities. For all we know, every charity gets the same amount and the winner doesn't matter.
  4. I thought Luis talking about the mega leg like he was announcing a monster truck rally was funny.
  5. But if Sharik gets a rest, her attitude could improve. I don't anything will help Dom.
  6. Poor Sharik. She had to do 1 task and it took over an hour. Boo hoo. Come on girl, suck it up! So many people would love to be in your spot.
  7. Puerto Morelos, Mexico. That's a great price for being on the beach. And if it's so much under budget, do they need to have renters?
  8. I really liked the gargoyle piece. But could those women please lose the little hats?! The pumpkin one is the worst. I thought the vacuum cleaner and Cerberus was a clever idea. And that the vampire was the weakest piece. Not agreeing with the judges on the winner or the loser. The zombie ram did not look like a ram at all.
  9. Glad Constance worked out her buzzer strategy. This runaway was getting boring. I'm kind of embarrassed for Jalen. I'm sure he's smarter than he's appearing.
  10. Allie needs to rein in her emotions. The FBI must not of had a class on why you can arrest a person. Making a doll that kind of looks like you, not a crime. How cold was the victim's fiancé? Just keep sleeping with the guy who did it. I like Folsom when Allie isn't around. I hope he can help Catherine gain some peace.
  11. I thought Cody looked very attractive at tribal. I almost didn't recognize him. Not sure if he was downcast because he was voting out an ally. But he's appealing when he's not being goofy.
  12. Amsterdam. Whatever you think of Sarah, her baby daughter is adorable. And of course her big, white, fluffy dog heads straight for the muddy water. I'm not moving to Amsterdam any time soon with those prices. I don't even need charm. Thought the choices were fine. Would wish the garden went with the 2 bathrooms. Loved Sarah's zinger about people not finding him interesting.
  13. Interesting twist on the imposter challenge. Make it look rotten. I don't know how the judges ate some of those. John steals the show as usual. "Hard pass" to spending quality time with him. Zac gets an easy costume this week as Bob Ross. The judges' skin must take a month to recover from this show. The baking instructor does seem to be the front runner. With Alexei a close second.
  14. I've always liked Adam. Leigh seems familiar but I can't place her. All the carvers are good. So long as Tator goes home early, this will be an enjoyable season.
  15. Anyone else bothered by Iliza talking about being friends with Mayim and is the winner?
  16. How much stuff is in the car that it took Dom more than 3 seconds to find the hat?
  17. It is so funny seeing all the waiting people swinging to the music.
  18. Enjoyed the ep but had a few quibbles. Who just opens a barrel found in a government warehouse? I thought it was going to be toxic waste. And if they really thought preppy dad Owen was the killer, why wasn't there backup for McGee at the house? The scene at the funeral parlor was a bit much but nice to see Jimmy and Knight together. Lol at them "rubbing off" on each other.
  19. One thing I'll give the show credit for is they are trying to give us new talent instead of contestant retreads. That one sugar artist was 20! And I liked the pumpkin carver on the eliminated team. How much work did the assistants they used get do? The pieces used to be so much bigger. This week's twist to add another character was unfair.
  20. That was the best part. Knoxville is a decent looking man and is probably pretty smart. Not sure about all the people he's chosen to surround himself with.
  21. Ugh, I hate Jackass and they got a whole hour. Wonder when it was filmed, I couldn't tell if that was an old set or a newer, post Covid set.
  22. I love the cheering crowds of Germans. How much beer are they being plied with?
  23. Ryan could be this season's Jonathan with a better personality.
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