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Everything posted by 1011101010001

  1. Venita and JT were flirting and platonic friends don’t do that. Pick a lane.
  2. Apparently Niles now has a government job and it’s not a good look to have such a short fuse
  3. She is the ultimate buzzkill so you just have to ignore her.
  4. So Maddi is comfortable being friends with someone who has announced he is in love with her boyfriend? Would should be if a woman said the same thing? Also Will whining about the stress of law school. If 22-year-olds can handle it he should he able to at 30. And I bet most of the tail he is chasing there is 22 so no wonder Emmy is threatened.
  5. I don’t follow either of them on social media but the early episodes of this season portrayed them as dating. Maybe it’s as fake as many of the relationships but that was the storyline we were fed.
  6. Not just tried — Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, Southern Hospitality. So Venita is supposedly dating JT but has no problem going to social events he is excluded from.
  7. I just can’t take anyone with a manbun seriously. Same thing with Shep and Taylor. I was wondering if he had a phone in his pocket. We used to have parties at clubs and restaurants now we have back to back backyard parties serving bbq.
  8. Bozo said he wasn’t feeling chemistry yet but was willing to hang out to see if anything developed. She went ballistic that he wasn’t all in and torpedoed any chance of a relationship. I also believe she told Mr. Clean that she doesn’t like kids and they would ruin her place.
  9. There are always exceptions. There are girls who get pregnant at ten but it’s not common.
  10. I never bought that Adnan was 22/23 but when he was talking to Bozo’s screen he had a huge bald spot and I have never seen anyone that young have one like that. Late 20s yes but not early. Also Cruz was doing Tiger Lily’s hair and Adnan didn’t object so I guess that storyline is over. And where was Cruz’s “wife”?
  11. Were we being punked with the Grace Lily singing? Maddi said it doesn’t matter she can’t hit the notes because of the energy she brings. More like autotune will be used to fix it. And those lyrics make nursery rhymes seem sophisticated. We’re poppin’ and hoppin’ oh my. And Maddi’s admiration of James Kennedy hasn’t aged well.
  12. Gall stones make you lose 50 pounds?
  13. Salley is here because they need single women and they let Olivia go for spending too much time in Texas.
  14. Lol I think Naomi’s cheater fiancé was probably more successful than Salley. She seems to be fame hungry — The Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, Southern Hospitality and Southern Charm. Also why did yoga and a “quick shower” take from 4:30 to 6:45?
  15. There were two Rods. I think they mean the one who dated Olivia with the beard.
  16. Last week she said Natalie was three times her age. Um that would be 75. And was outraged when Trish supposedly called her one. Which we never saw proof of.
  17. Lana could have inherited the RV!
  18. I thought he wanted to come to the US for better opportunities as an MMA fighter but I may have misremembered. Seems like he has moved on from that and wants to be in some Chippendales type show. When Ari didn’t want him sparring with a woman don’t know how she is going to like all the female attention a stripper gets.
  19. I know on the surface he might look like a green card grifter but their temperaments are so opposite they are just not compatible. He is energetic and light-hearted and optimistic and she is just always miserable and manipulative and inflicting guilt. I think he is gone all day because she sucks the life out of his soul and it is for the purpose of self preservation. And maybe if she cultivated some friends she wouldn’t be so triggered that he has friends and actually likes to spend time with them. It’s normal to have friends. It is not normal to suffocate your partner. She really needs to be single and leave men alone. Both Leandro and Bini seem like decent guys but she is off the charts toxic.
  20. If she can go to Asia for one to three months I don’t think she takes her job very seriously. Not sure why she needed to divorce to travel. I’m sure he would have waited for her after investing ten years in the marriage. But I think she wanted to be free to screw hot guys and look where that led her. Now it seems like she doesn’t want Bini or the responsibility of a kid.
  21. That whole scene seemed like very bad soap opera acting. And like he was having trouble remembering his lines. Does Tayler not have a back yard? Let’s do arts and crafts on the front lawn with cars zipping by a few feet away.
  22. Yeah it’s better to give it up altogether. Is recreational pot legal there? Maybe that would be better for him.
  23. Because we talked the next day and they remembered everything. It was an NIH study lol.
  24. Obviously he needs to give up all alcohol. But limiting himself to beer is a step in the right direction. Further alcoholics can die from going cold turkey so weaning off it is a better move unless they are in an inpatient facility which I doubt he would ever agree to.
  25. I know many people who could drink 10 or 12 beers over the course of an evening and not black out. Don’t know anyone who could drink 10 or 12 shots and not black out. From a study: During the night of their most recent blackout, most students drank either liquor alone or in combination with beer. Only 1 student out of 50 reported that the most recent blackout occurred after drinking beer alone.
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