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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Donald said the situation where the voting location stayed open was rigged. Tapper asked Kelly Anne to admit Donald was wrong- she wouldn't, just kept deflecting. So she didn't say it, Donald said it - she just wouldn't answer the question and admit Donald was just stirring up trouble.  

    • Love 7
  2. Kellyanne seems to be the best deflector ever. Listened to her on CNN Sirious broadcast today. She used hundreds of words to 1. Not admit that last nights' rally disruption was not an assassination attempt, and 2. Not admit that Donald was wrong for calling a Nevada early voting place rigged for allowing all voters in line at closing time to vote. One thing I know - any candidate in the future that hires her will never get my vote because that candidate won't value the truth.

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  3. Dear Surrogates, I as a registered Republican, want you to quit thinking I am required to vote for Trump. I'm not and didn't. I wouldn't vote for him to be dog catcher in a one dog town.  Why? Because I vote for the person best fit to be in the office, regardless of party. I'm not a fan of the tea party or the religious right. I am so very tired of Kayleigh, Kristina, Scottie, Corey, Jeffrey, and Ben Carson's stupid idea that party trumps decency. Please go form your own party. 

    • Love 22
  4. I was happy to see Michaela go. She was RUNNING the game and the other players were letting her.   She was bossy and getting bossier. That usually sends a player off the island pretty quickly.  She lost the immunity challenge because she didn't want to admit someone else might be better than her at using the slingshot. I also think she has anger issues. 

    • Love 23
  5. My husband and son both have pre-existing conditions. When we were both self employed, my husband was on a plan provided by the state at $500 a month, 10 years ago. My son and I had cheaper coverage.  Now we are all covered under my employers plan, but my son is almost 25. He can move to his more expensive employer plan, as long as that is still provided and he is still employed. Obama care reminds me of that state plan for my husband - expensive because the healthy people go elsewhere - but very very necessary. 

    Bookwoman - should he win, he won't actually govern. He will get bored, act as a figurehead. We will be in gridlock for 4 years. 

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  6. Any Latino who is a citizen of the US, registered to vote would have nothing to fear from ICE unless they were accompanied by someone who wasn't.  I don't see how they would find the photo or tweet intimidating. Look, I am no Trump supporter, but I do believe we should take steps to keep our voting records clean, and keep people who shouldn't be voting from doing so. I am from Illinois, you know, where votes are cast by deceased people. 

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  7. Derick is ...an idiot. He should never have asked her to court 5 minutes after seeing her in person for the first time.  He should have never agreed to what basically amounted to a shotgun wedding before he knew anything about her. He should have taken precautions of his own against pregnancy 5 seconds after the wedding.  Had he just taken a few months, he would have realized that he was being sold a bill of goods. He thought that since Jill was adventuresome enough to travel to Nepal to meet him, and had been to El Salvador several times, that she really would be a good missionary in Central America.   He was flat out lied to about what she wanted out of life. Jills excuse is she had no freaking idea what she wanted because no one ever let her decide anything anyway. Most likely the real issue in CA amounts to having been alone with a male. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Captain Carrot said:

    I know this is a small thing when you look at the mountain of reasons to hate Trump, but I've always been interested in history. So, I have to stop from throwing something at the TV whenever he says, "___ is the best/worst ____ in the history of this country". No, NAFTA wasn't the worst deal ever, Hillary is not the most corrupt politician ever, and the media treatment of him is not the greatest pile on in history.

    I think this is part of his appeal to some people. Those buzzwords ( disaster, corrupt,mess, we're going to fix it,believe me) almost seem put them in an hypnotic state. I can't see anything resembling a decent person in the man, but I really think some people just get hypnotized as if he is the pied Piper.

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  9. Watching CNN after debate coverage.  Trumps refusal to accept the results is what they have been discussing since the debate ended.   Some of the CNN contributors are DONE, just DONE even trying to accept Trump.  Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh trying to spin, but it is just not working.  Those two of course think Trump won the debate.

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