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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I'm  tired of Henry being a spy. I'm tired of him nurturing assets. What was wrong with him being  a college professor? 

    Why do we always have to have supporting characters have marriage problems?  We never needed Jays home life to be  so up front before- why now?

    I'm rapidly losing enjoyment watching this show. 

    • Love 2
  2. Reid is showing no signs of intelligence at all. He's an FBI agent, not a 90 pound weakling.  He's always proven able to take care of himself and others up until now. Where is our intelligent DR Reid? He should hav had at least some training at protecting himself in the academy. 

    I really don't see that the team  is supposed to be investigating Reid's off the books trip to Mexico that ended in someone's death, with all the signs pointing to him ....at the expense of their cases. They work for a living on the taxpayers dime. They can support him, follow Garcias' chart, keeping in mind that he is in more distant prison than when the chart was made. He would only be allowed a certain number of visits a month also.  And it's unrealistic to think a guard controls who goes into protective custody and who doesn't. That's not a subjective decision. 

    Also unrealistic is how the two newest agents act as if Reid is their best friend when they have only known him a couple months.

    Maybe the veteran actors want more time off, but we hardly ever see them even be in the scenes. 

    • Love 1
  3. I  don't mind the cross talking at TC, but I think they should be required to remain in their seats.   We've seen quiet cross conversations change the vote strategy, changing the outcome.  This was a free for all.  Good television, but bad game rules.

    JT was asked about his true alliance during the quiet part of the tribal council.  He had originally been allied with Brad on his original tribe. Now he is the only member of his original tribe on this new tribe.  He knew that he would have been the one going home if this tribe had been at TC by themselves.  Sandra spoke up in her arrogant way and said he had been fully assimilated into the tribe and he needed to be a loyal member of the tribe.  I think, knowing what he knew, that she got on his last nerve with this comment.  I think that is why he told Brad they were voting for Sierra - he picked an alliance and it was his original tribe.  He thought his original tribe were voting Sandra.  He had no idea they were voting for Malcolm, JT was in tears after the votes were read - and that is saying a lot for a country boy.


    If Sandra wins this time, every single one of the people of this tribal council have themselves to blame.  When these returning players don't recognize the biggest threat in the room is the two time winner who has never had her name written down.... they don't deserve to win.

    • Love 6
  4.  I enjoyed the Jennifer Grey episode- with a few exceptions: 


    She didnt know her Grandfather hardly at all, and didn't mention his wife's name.  She hadn't ever asked her Mom about even her Great grandmothers name - but cries almost inconsolably when she finds out how she died?    

    I did enjoy her taking notes- she was very interested and asked great questions. 

  5. I haven't watched this season until the last episode, which I only watched part of. I didn't see the part where Terra wanted to be back on the DWTS.I have to agree with Elena- Terra was 3 weeks post partum when rehearsals stated. She did  risk her health.maybe she wouldn't have to be having this surgery if she had waited for a future season. Asking your health compromised dwarf husband to take care of your health compromised toddler and a newborn and a household move while you actually don't even come home at night after rehearsals is a bit much, even with help. 

    I also think Elena used to spend a lot of time with Terra outside of filming the show. She said her twins were several months old, and Terra had never met them yet. That would be disappointing if they actually had a friendship and lost it as a result of Terra chasing fame. 

    Yes, this season seems all about health issues and babies. It's what is really happening in their lives for a change rather than the various artificial gatherings where artificial disagreements occured simply to be filmed.  Actual reality on a reality show. Except for Matt - who is 40, out of shape with several children to support. His goal is an injury waiting to happen. 

    • Love 3
  6. Why would you vote out your teams strongest guy this early in the game? You can't win if you don't make it to the merge. You decrease your chance of making it to the merge by increasing your chances of losing challenges.   Not impressed.  


    And Sandra needs to go. Hunters don't kill does during fawn season. 

    • Love 18
  7. There was a second coroner - that one ruled it homicide. The first coroner( whose decisions in several cases have been questionable) did not. Lovelace testified in this second trial, not in the first one. 

    • Love 1
  8. 1 hour ago, cereality said:

    Reality is - Jer needs Jing to be away from the family so she can learn to take directions (subtly) from him as headship. He needs to train her on how he wants his laundry done, his home kept, and how he likes his Italian meals cooked; he knows how to cook,

    It is possible - but its my opinion that Jeremy is somewhat different from the Duggars.  I think he is conservative Christian, not Gothard, and not Duggar.  That picture of Jinger in a polo, shorts, and tennis shoes shows he is not a Duggar clone.   He may believe in the male is the head of the household theory, but he seemed perfectly comfortable with Jinger dressing that way in public.  Not only that, but he appears to be dressed up and holding tracts to give away.  Yet, Jinger is dressed casually ... and in shorts.   So, he didn't care that she didn't project the proper 'image' of a meek helpmate.  It wasn't just that the 'heat' meant she needed to dress a little less bulky, because she could have done that in a skirt that came to her knees.  She's also wearing tennis shoes rather than flip-flops, which is also a deviance from the Duggar approved footwear. 

    Will he be imparting how he likes his household run - probably, but he's 29 and has HAD a household.  Since Jinger's jurisdictions weren't laundry or cooking, then she's got to learn sometime from someone.  If she's not working, then I'm not all that terribly upset that she will be the one expected to do it.  She's an adult, and it's not Jeremy's responsibility to do it all while she does.... what?

    • Love 10
  9. I didn't like Sandra the first season, nor the second, nor this one. She's just as prone to temper tantrums as Michaela, and will stab her alliance in the back. As she says all the time' I don't care who goes home as long as it is not me'.  

    Ciera started scheming too early. Never be the first one to name names. Tony was just too loud and crazy.  I bet loud and  crazy is more annoying every time you play survivor. 

    • Love 13
  10. Do you think they can handle a procedural?  Both of the two seasons have been an absolute mess to try to follow- the mid season breaks make it worse.  I binge watched the last 3 weeks, and I gave up following whatever plot they were trying to feed us. 

    Aliix and Ryan fell out of love, because she fell in love with Owen.... just as she fell in love with Liam last season. Plus she and Ryan were too competitive with their assignment. Ryan is no good  when it comes  to judging someone's character. 

    And how did Shelby get to be the defacto head of the office a year after graduating from Quantico? 

  11. Jinger did not look anxious at all in that sleeveless dress, and the fit was perfect.  So, if Jeremy picked it out, she had a lot of influence with it.  My guess: since they spent 3 days after the wedding in the US before they went to overseas, they probably went shopping.  Therefore, Jinger could buy what she wanted as she wasn't 'accountable' to Jim Bob and Michelle.   Jeremy probably did have to be supportive and tell her she wouldn't get struck by lightning for wearing it. It had to be after the wedding (or on a shopping trip with his Mom) if Jeremy was present because Jinger wouldn't have been able to go otherwise. 

    • Love 8
  12. Jinger said in people.com interview that she Facetimes with her family, and that they were only a short plane trip away. So I think it's more that they dont want the Duggars at their place days and weeks on end. Let's face it, they were at Josh's almost 24/7 and at Danger America almost as much.  With the way they do courtship and engagements, the newlyweds barely know each other's middle names. 

    As to the double beds vs king in the hotel room- don't you think that Jinger was having to get used to having a guy in bed with her?  Let's let her gradually do that so she can at least get some sleep. 

    • Love 7
  13. I think that look on Jim Bob is because he now has to admit his daughter will be an adult, with a different headship... and will soon be having sex.  He won't get to control every aspect of their life.  Now, so far, he's still gotten to control a lot (Derick, Ben, Josh and Anna)  He probably tried to control Josiah's Marjorie, but it had the opposite effect.   Jeremy isn't going to be controllable.  Hopefully Jeremy has seen enough that he will prevent any moves back to Tonitown for him and Jinger.   


    Last night was the first time I have watched in a while.  Haven't decided about Austin, but he may not be controllable either.   Austin is older than Josh (and seems more mature) was when Josh courted Anna, plus they live in the same neighborhood.  They speak the same language.... and may be so comfortable with each other that they may actually discuss real beliefs rather than Mommy and Daddy approved beliefs. One thing the last couple courtships (not Josh's nor Jills') is that Jessa/Ben and Jeremy/Jessa were allowed actual private phone conversations.  If Austin flips homes, they may not be dependent on either set of parents for income.  

    • Love 1
  14. Joy said Austin vowed not to hold hands in courtship... just as Josh and Anna, and Jill and Derick didn't. Remember the scandalous evening when Jill and Derick( or was it Jessa and Ben? )  were next to each other in a prayer circle and Michelle intervened? 

    I am surprised that Joy was allowed to sit in the middle of the truck. Michelle refused to let Jessa sit next to Ben in Bens truck. 

    • Love 4
  15. Monroe's first name was given on the first episode he appeared in(the pilot maybe?).  He is a person of interest in the crime of the week.  So the detectives have his name and address and pay him a visit.  Pretty sure Ed, Eddie, or Edward was his first name.

    I agree that the Female Wesen did not need to be a hippo.  She didn't bite off the cicada's head because she was hungry.  She bit it off to save herself and the detectives.  I also don't see why a cicada Wesen would be a party animal - other than he had 1 day every 7 years to enjoy life, so he did it hardy. However, where was the explanation as to why he didn't hibernate for 7 years as a pioneer? if he had, he never would have had time to be such as public figure. 

  16. Given Christine's comments, some of the offspring should feel free to elope and inform the parents afterwards. I see no reason why anyone should feel like he needs to ask Kody for permission to marry the daughter.  That's a hold over from when daughters were considered property and more or less sold to whomever offered the most money. If you need permission  - YOU aren't mature enough to marry. Drives me crazy. But then these are people that ask their church for permission to add a wife.

    • Love 7
  17. I think Zach has done a great deal of work on the farm that has never been acknowledged.  No, he wasn't the one driving the backhoes and graders, but he did a LOT of the tractor tours.   I think he probably did a lot more also, but it didn't make for as great filming as the Matt and Jeremy mutual adoration scenes did.  Matt and Amy both seemed to see Zach as  the dwarf with the medical issues, and learning issues, while Jeremy and Molly were the angels that could do no wrong.  Jacob erson that, and his absence is the result.  Zach has quietly matured, bought his own place, has a job, a spouse, and seems content.  Jeremy is the lost poet who doesn't know what to do without adoration.

    As for Matt and Amy: If their children did not realize a divorce would be occurring years ago, then they went thru life with their eyes closed.  Yes, they went to a private Christion school - but their parents were never that religious.  They were Baptist, yet Matt has multiple DUIs for example. Jeremy doesn't care about their marriage really, he cares about it in two ways: the divorce makes Jeremy's and Audrey's website look stupid, and they are both afraid they will be taking care of Matt as he ages. Matt spends money as fast as he gets it (he's almost manic about it), and he won't be able to move himself about on crutches forever.   Living on that farm in a wheelchair will be difficult.  Jeremy's religious rantings are solely his, he didn't have them when he lived at home.

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