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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Why would anyone want to go thru this fake mess of a show? Why would you want your name connected with it as an 'expert'? Why would you want to prove your serial killer ancestor was even worse than you already know? 


    HH Holmes has been well researched. An actual documentary show about him would have been interesting to watch and done in a believable manner. Still feeling like this is  alien two headed baby unbelievable. 

    • Love 5
  2. I think the 80 day rule is so more sperm will have been 'saved up'  providing more opportunity for a male to be created during the next fertile cycle. Many of the rules in The Old Testament have to do with health issues. Somehow  people figured out fertility enhancements even then.  

    • Love 1
  3. He seemed rather well spoken for some one with the addiction and health related problems they said he had.  I do hope he can stay clean. Another person who was fine until they were prescribed opioids for pain.  I think those are the 'gateway drugs' we should be outlawing. 

    • Love 8
  4. 42 minutes ago, lascuba said:

    I'd 100% agree if they would just say that. But no, it's still all about all the work they did "in the field" and how they're just moving their ministry to Arkansas.  

    That's what they said if we had a translator app for fundie speak.  See, 'the Lord is leading us to' means either ' we really really want to do ' or 'that other thing didnt work out so we are going to do'. 'Ministry here' means either ' that reality show that we all pretend isnt our income' or ' we are going to start a church in that big building JB bought'.  It's like the difference between the KJB bible and the NIV bible.   

    I'm perfectly happy to snark on their use of the English language. 

    • Love 10
  5. I've given this some thought. I really can't snark on the Dillards choosing to stay in the states, or SOS deciding to tell them to stay in the states.  Sometimes career paths just don't work out. I know I wouldn't want to drag two small children to a mission field I didn't want to be in. It's ok to accept you can't realistically do something.   Hopefully they will come up with a plan. Maybe that plan is ' be on reality TV'. I suggest they develop a back up plan in that case. But as long as  I don't have to throw money their way, I dont care. 

    • Love 3
  6. I don't understand why they are being allowed to even consider surgery at this age. That's a pretty final ( as in permanent) procedure. A poster on a different ptv forum said extensive counseling is usually done first. Plus- we don't consider 16 year olds capable of handling alcohol/ but they can handle this decision? 

    As to the colon- perhaps it's the 'feel' of the tissue? I remember a docudrama about a women who needed extensive plastic surgery after an accident and they used vaginal tissue to rebuild her lips. 

    • Love 4
  7. I don't think they were ever actually employed by SOS because Jill never had the actual credentials. I think they paid their own way down there( hence the donations), maybe even paying rent.  I think when SOS continued to not hire them, and donations were not forthcoming, then they were done. 


    Derick will get a youth ministry or Christian school teaching job. His tweets will not be a factor. 

    • Love 2
  8. I'm sure that Jinger misses her family in the same way college students do when they are away at school. Doesn't mean she can't enjoy her new life.   Jessa is still in the Duggar compound area, with two small children. She's in need of companionship from an adult female who's fun, doesn't judge nor expect her to watch extra children. , That leaves out Michelle and Jill. 

    • Love 13
  9. I can never understand parents who encourage their offspring to try drugs.  I've done my best to keep my offspring away from it. I just don't get it.  

    I also doubt that Snoop Dog didn't know about the heroin use during the 5 years she worked for him while she was using.   I'm sure he knows the signs. 

    • Love 2
  10. Joy looks fine to me, considering what is deemed suitable church wear for them.  The guys all wear suits. I do wish she was allowed to wear shot Jinger us now wearing.

    I'm going to cut them some slack on the taking time off work thing. Austin  is used to working at his parents, and working evenings and Saturday' flipping houses.  He can schedule a conference into that easier than Derick could at Walmart. 

    • Love 2
  11. I'm sorry- pretty much every kid I know goes to the high school of the parents choice... or the local public school. She may have been molested as a child , or she may just be an alcoholic with false memories. She was definitely molested by the 30 someyear old and the over 21s buying her liquor.   They took her to a psychologist after the brother left- that was the appropriate thing to do if she HAD been molested. 

    As to being controlled, here's a thought. Take your medicine, don't pour vodka down your feeding tube, don't make yourself so sick you need a feeding tube... get yourself to class   , don't take alocohol to work. Then you won't need responsible adults trying to make sure you don't die. 

    • Love 1
  12. They couldn't deal with this situation for  multiple reasons. 

    Their age

     Their over-reliance on prayer rather than any Action at all 

    their enabling - the most enabling I've ever seen on an episode 

    Their complete faith that Katherine was the most perfect daughter in  the world and she should be capable of stopping her addiction by basically blinking her eyes like a genie. 

    She will die, her dad will die. Mom will be left with no understanding of how that happened. 

    • Love 6
  13. Jeremy's church has 20-25 members, so 5-6 families? Not sure he needs to be there daily. He probably needs to be available evenings or whenever the families might actually be off work in case of emergency.    I am aware of a lot of small churches that have pastors with other full- time jobs. They just receive a small stipend to preach on the weekends they can. I think this is really what Jeremy's situation is. That's why the members are ok with his TLC schedule. 

    • Love 7
  14. 7 hours ago, MamaMax said:

    AND, it's PROOF from God that you are a good person, deserving of the REWARD of children. 

    I know you are re-stating what other people use to justify a whole passel of kids, so please don't take this personally. 


    We all know people who gave  birth to children and were horrible parents.  It's proof you had sex without successful birth control and were physically capable of getting pregnant. Marriage and kids are about the only important thing we let people do without training or proof they know what they are doing.  God formed us so we could have children( usually). I think he stayed out of it after that. 

    • Love 3
  15. What the rest of us have to remember about the super-fundamentalists( and that certainly describes the Duggars/Derick) :


    They  truly believe that it's their mission to rant and rave about other people's 'sins' so that they feel more worthy. They also feel that they will be judged by God for not turning 'sinners' away from their 'sin'. So they are trying to do what they think is required of them by God. 


    My beliefs don't match that. I believe there are different paths to salvation. Choose what sounds right for you. i may not understand why Jazz can't be in sync with what she sees in the mirror, but it's not my business to tell her what to do. I just hope she gets excellent counseling before permanent physical surgery. 

    • Love 3
  16. 45 minutes ago, ariel said:

    Because most of us here don't work to get pay checks from TLC & Derick does.  If you have half a brain, you don't bite the hand that feeds you in such a nasty way.

    Edited 32 minutes ago by ariel.

    That is a very valid point. Never criticize a co- worker on social media. I didn't consider that part. 

    • Love 9
  17. Something I found interesting in light of the silence about Samuel: Jill and Derick were not part of the 'after' talk show. Could they have decided that the reality tv show life is interfering with their desired reality? Maybe they have decided to go private?  


    As for date night, I've had two children. There is nothing wrong with leaving a 3 week old baby in the care of a responsible adult for a couple hours. Appears to be daylight. The kids were probably napping.  

    • Love 5
  18. Rudiculus item:  Grace and Liam just wandering into Tanz's home without knocking or an announcement from security downstairs. The man had a bodyguard when Liam jumped on the elevator with him,  

    • Love 2
  19. At the point this was filmed. Austin and Joy has been married 26 days, must of which was on their honeymoon. The siblings haven't seen enough of them after marriage to form an opinion about their PDA. Although they might have another answer now. Wonder what JB and Michelle had to say about that scene? 

    • Love 1
  20. On 7/21/2017 at 9:30 AM, Phoebe70 said:

    I recall reading on Auj's blog that Jeremy pursued her for THREE YEARS before she finally agreed to date him.  THREE YEARS!  I can understand a few months, maybe a year....but by that time wouldn't you know if he was who you wanted to date?  That seemed strange to me.  Plus, I can't imagine Jer pursuing anything for 3 years.  Maybe he just liked the challenge?

    I'm going to read that as they met 3 years before they started dating and her spoke to her whenever he saw her in a flirty way. Jeremy has never been focused enough to pursue anything for 3 years. Plus, we saw other girlfriends and dates Jeremy had in the 3 years before he dated Audrey. 

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