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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Since the kids go to an actual school: 

    what happens when only the kids in 1 teachers class are invited to a birthday party or go on a field trip. Do all 26 people go along uninvited? Or are the kids not allowed to go? 

    Did someone have to accompany the son to college and medical school?   

    • Love 1
  2. We don't know yet if Lindsay drank while pregnant... she gave birth in real life  a few days ago. We haven't seen her announce her pregnancy on the show yet. 


    However, I'm going to speculate that she drank at least until she found out she was pregnant 

    • Love 3
  3. Joy goes dress shopping. Ben corrals the kids. Austin works on the house. Mod- please adjust as needed. Plus the app merged my post below into this one. 

    Has Jessa never heard of pumping  breast milk? There is no reason that Ben, and both kids had to come on a plane ride and sit at the park.  

    Hello, Duggars, there are these things called brides magazines and the internet. Joy could have gotten some ideas and made her hated shopping easier. 

    • Love 9
  4. She doesn't have to breastfeed. It's not a Christian requirement even.  I really am disgusted by people that try to make me believe they are humming gospel music 24/7.  people  who actually do that don't discuss their mastitis in a tweet nor their treehouse sexual activity. 

    • Love 9
  5. Katelyn had only recently become an addict. She had not yet lost herself as badly as Ashley. 

    I don't know whether a lot of these afflicts seem so beyond redemption due to the drugs  or because they just are beyond redemption.  Ashley seemed like a kid when she was in the beach with her uncle, but orally out of it otherwise. 

  6. Yes- if they had to bring the kids to a distillery- bring their tablets and headphones.  The pub was fine. The castle would have been fine, since there was a playground at the end.  HoweverBill should have held Zoe's hand and had Will stand next to him or Bills parents. Until they learn to behave better- doesn't matter what their chronological age is.   I'm going to agree that they still have catching up to do there- given their early history.  That was probably some of the worst tour behavior I've seen televised- except for the Duggar tribe at Stonehenge. 


    But it is nice to see this family who obviously get great joy out of each other and their kids. 

    • Love 7
  7. So Melissa gets herself expelled from high school just before graduation.  and then later drops out of nursing school just before graduation. She leaves treatment after 3 days.  There is a pattern there. 

    She refers to beginning drugs as ' meeting' them as if she's in a relationship with an intelligent life form. Meanwhile she has lost her son, the best intelligent life form in her life. 

    what the hell is Brandy doing with Colby?  There wasn't a better spot for him? She doesn't strike me as a stable person herself.  She seems to be overly 'excited' to be on tv  and overly happy to be derogatory about her nephews' grandmother. She also seems to love bragging about the fact she has Colby and Melissa doesn't.  

    Exactly what  is it that Melissa doesn't want to 'feel' ( that was her stated reason for being an addict.). She strikes me as being a natural actress. And loves any excuse to get high. 

    i think Brax might have been offered a spot if he had seemed to have been that important in her life earlier. I don't think they realized how dependent she was on him until the actual intervention. 

    I hope Andrew didn't relapse after this. 

  8. Joy had her spunkiness back for the house renovation. She had no problem telling Jed what they were planning for the house. She was fine with teasing Austin about the smashing of cake at the reception. I believe she's gotten the JB and Michelle talk about letting your headship make ALL the decisions.  Austin  however wants her to make the decisions herself that he doesn't care about. Hopefully after the wedding they actually got to talk. 

    • Love 6
  9. 45 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

    thought for a long time that Jackson has ADHD.  I think his parents have trouble tolerating him and I hope he grows up tall and handsome and dumps the whole bunch!

    I don't think his parents remember that he exists. I think Jackson is the child they lost in the airport, and Jana comforted him. I'm trying to remember seeing any interaction between Jackson and his parents- ever. 

    • Love 5
  10. Wait- don't Jessa and Ben own their house? I think Jinger and Jeremy bought their house in May. 

    Jason looked off in this first TH. 

    Seriously, they had to have  parental permission to touch each others arm while she's learning to rollerblade?  

    • Love 8
  11. I hope Lindsay is capable of taking care of this baby. So far she seems unstable and an alcoholic.  This baby could give her someone to love if she can overcome that.... or this baby could be toomuch for her. It's quite possible Grandma could end up raising this child. 

    • Love 2
  12. Do you think maybe they will decide Amy might be of some value as a grandmother after all? Maybe they will be willing to overlook her great sin of not preventing Matt divorcing her if she will rock that baby while they sleep.  

    Yes, parenting a newborn is hard. Didn't they just watch Zach and Tori? Tori had a c-section, and still didn't complain as much as these two. 

    • Love 7
  13. Something I see from that picture.... it's very very different from the other Duggar households. There are books. There are book ends( heavy knick- knacks). There are formal chairs.  I don't know what the rest of the house looks like...but this is not a 19 child home. 

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