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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

     And because the people he now feels secure following are saying constantly -- and ordering others to say -- the exact same stuff that he's spouting.

    This. If you go over to the Duggars family blog, that’s the majority of the comments. The commenters are outraged that Dericks’ free speech rights have been violated. They specifically reference the NFL posters protest( which they don’t support).  They also agree wirh Dericks’  feelings that Jazz has been exploited. There are some that say he should have stated that without being ‘rude’ to Jazz. They pretty much all plan to boycott TLC( which should do wonders for the Duggars ratings). 

    • Love 10
  2. Joy is short. There is no where for the baby to go. I looked just like she does at the same point in my pregnancies.  I do not think Austin and she had premarital sex/ not that I would care if they did.  Austin got grief from Jim Bob because he and Joy, both being adults, dared to have a conversation after curfew.  When would they have been allowed enough alone time to go from 0 to 60 and where would this have happened? 

    • Love 9
  3. Truthfully, I agree with a poster above who thought Derick had cut ties with TLC rather than the other way around. Their statement never says they have cut ties, rather that Derick has not participated and that they don’t plan to feature him. That’s not what they said about Josh. 

    I think Derick has decided he doesn’t share JBs particular beliefs and that’s why he’s joined his original church’s program. Where  women can wear pants and enjoy music.  Where people can date.  Where his wife doesn’t have to be a brood mare. Now that doesn’t mean Derick isn’t one of those who think every single word in the Bible is literal, rather than a parable. Doesn’t mean he understands that bible verses are to be taken in context and sometimes that changes the entire meaning. 

    • Love 11
  4. 3 years of marriage? in which she’s basically screwed her life up, disowned her parents, disowned several friends, and tied herself to Matt forever because of the baby.  No idea if she still has custody of her daughter.  I hope she practices better judgement from now on. 

    • Love 4
  5. 48 minutes ago, floridamom said:

    I will admit that I don't quite understand transgenders and why someone would go to such great lengths to 'change', but it's certainly not my place to be mean or hateful to another human being who has caused me no harm. I try to imagine the inner struggle and turmoil that person must have been and is going through in life. It's more Christian to be kind to someone dealing with such a profound struggle in lie than it is to 'correct the belittle' them. Jesus would never do that. He loved ALL for who they were, He instructed to love God and be kind to others and treat them as you would have them treat you. 

    When I have encountered gay people, male AND female, I have found them to be the most kind, likeable people I have ever met as a whole. I encountered only one transgender individual thus far, in the grocery store one day, and I have to say....a nice, non-intrusive person. I wouldn't mind if that person were a neighbor of mine....beats some of the neighbors I have now!


    I tried to post something like this earlier, but deleted it. My wording was not clear. This post is clear and I  agree with it. I don’t understand the mismatch between the brain and the  body either.  The idea of reassignment surgery makes me quiver- but it’s not my body, not my choice, and No One is required to explain it to me.  People in the midst of that choice( choosing surgery or deal with this mismatch some other way)  are, at the core of it all, human beings just like anyone else.  Good, bad, funny, boring, etc. 

    • Love 13
  6. If they were going to do a birth episode, we’d have seen it already? 

    We've already seen Joe and Kendra’s wedding, which was well after the birth. Plus, we haven’t seen Derick and Jill since a couple brief DA videos.  The powers that be ended things with Derick before the Newlywed game episode- that’s probably the actual reason they weren’t on that episode. 

    • Love 6
  7. I do not believe JB is seething. It’s been documented that they asked a crew member to be replaced early in the show  because the crew member was gay. Michelle did robocalls regarding transgender people’s bathroom use.  They believe what Derick believes.  

    • Love 9
  8. This is who Fornell was when he was first introduced to the show. He was not a nice guy.  He and Gibbs developed  a relationship over time, but that was because  Fornell changed.  

    • Love 7
  9. In this post failed ERA amendment world.... it is supposed to be OK for a man to stay home  and the female to go to work if they both want that.   If Bill and Jen want that, then more power to them. Jen certainly makes enough money for it to work.  Bill seems to have some sort of an income and is able to get the kids to appointments and events.     Calling him dead weight is demeaning to  stay at home parents of either gender. 

    Also, Jen has known Bill since they were 10. She knows his personality.  They are a good balance.  

    • Love 14
  10. No, this episode was meant to be where it was in terms of Vietnam. Hetty has not been a prisoner in the previous episodes. 


    Deeks’ secret is known by Hetty, Kensi, and Whitney. Nell now knows there is a secret, but not what. The rest just knew he got roped into helping Whitney. He is still subject to LAPD orders as a LAPD liaison. 

    • Love 2
  11. Zach’s best friend is Whitney. There is Nothing wrong with a person calling their significant other nightly while away. Especially in the age of cell phone and no long distance charges to deal with.   If he was homesick, then he was homesick. He stayed.  He got thru it- and is stronger for it. A  trip away won’t be a big deal in the future.  At least he is willing to step out into ordinary life. 

    I don’t  understand how the Dillards, Seewald or Duggars get thru ordinary life. A basic argument over something like how you squeeze the toothpaste must just send them to their knees.  I’d like to see film of some door slamming. 

    • Love 21
  12. We just put glazed  porcelain tiles in our kitchen. Our refrigerator was unplugged 24 hours unbeknownst to me and the water line for the ice maker put a large puddle of water on the floor. The contractor told me that would not hurt the tile at all.  Sort of the point of the glazed tile. What kind of tile did they put down that they have to replace it? Cabinets I understand.

  13. I am happy to see Jay promoted  to Chief of Staff. I like all the staff with the possible exception of Daisy. I’d like her too except-1.  She trampled all over Matt’s heart and 2. - the actress’s  pregnancy caused them to write a ridiculous plot just to give the baby a father who wasn’t Matt. 

    If Henry really wanted what was best for Dmitri, he’s leave him out of the spy business. He’dhave listened to Dmitri’s apology and offered up one of his own.  Also, we all have work lives that interfere with our personal ones. Bess was only mad because it was Dmitri this time. 

    Stevie is still a waste of a Character. I assume the actress would prefer some real scenes rather than this boring stuff. 

    • Love 1
  14. I picked up a rental car last week. It was not in the parking space they told me about. It was in the oassenger pick-up spot right outside the rental car/baggage claim doors.This  was a regional airport.  If I had needed to swap anything on the car, I would have been next to traffic too. My guess is that the rental company was  told ahead of time filming was involved and they were trying to be helpful. They probably just didnt think about the pedals having to be put on.  

    • Love 1
  15. Usually police won’t even take a missing person report to 24 hours if it involves an adult without special needs. Then the police were stretched thin by Harvey.  So, yes, I’d hire a PI.- and  look at everything I found find in the house.    I thought 48 hours kind of led the audience in circles on this- blaming the boyfriend, the uncle.  Making it look like the ex was mild mannered, etc.   the police would have known otherwise with just the tiniest bit of research.  

    I felt very very bad for all 3 kids( the college age student still seemed like a kid to me).  Each has their own special things to work through. The younger two, who will be raised by a family friend, and will soon lose their memories of their parents. Yet have to live with ‘daddy killed monmy’.  The  older one, who  knew her father in a completely different way, and is old enough to have to deal with all this as an adult. She has to deal with the trial, the media, the loss of her father in her life without someone standing in as parents figure( no family friends to help her navigate her 20s).  The decision whether to try to maintain visits with her father, or cut off all communication.  Her siblings will have these decisions made for them. 

    • Love 7
  16. Kids that age tell their adult figure they don’t like them- meaning ‘ I don’t like that you made me do x.’ They don’t really mean they don’t like  them.  No- that meaning is saved for when they are 15, scream ‘ I hate you’ and slam the bedroom door.  I don’t think Will hates Jenn, nor do I think Bill is scared of him. Nor do I think Will would physically harm Jenn on purpose. He is however almost her size and needs to be taught that she is more fragile than him because she is tiny and has little mobility. I do think Bill, Jenn, and Bills Mom are physically incapable of corralling them.  That is why it’s Bills Dad, his stepMom, and Jenn’s parents that are the ones asked to accompany them on these trips. They can chase after them.  

    • Love 11
  17. Something to consider- Jenn’s parents says their vacations were spent at that hospital when Jenn was little, with just an extra day or so before to do fun things. Maybe one reason that  Jenn and Bill are taking the kids on so many trips is because they know that could be the case with them in a few years. 

    I thought the kids did ok at the doctors. Yes, Will could have cooperated a bit more. So could a lot of other kids at doctors, including my own in past years.  The facility is used to kids coloring on the floor, etc. places like that try to make their waiting areas kid friendly. 

    • Love 10
  18. The ‘m’ word. The teens saying that should have known better. As Trent said.... there’s certain words those teens ( and their Mom) wouldn’t have liked hearing.  They shouldn’t have had to be educated. 

    They got multiple offers after 1 open house? 

    • Love 3
  19. I really enjoyed this episode. It’s nice to see the kids getting to do kid activities, such as the duck.  Nice to see the family together.  The genetist(?) was very emotional about the impact this show is having on his patients and their families. 

    Can you imagine the expense involved for average families to visit doctors several hundred miles away( and probably out of network for insurance)?

    • Love 10
  20. I dont remember how old Nadine is, but Bebe will be 59 in December. It’s possible she no longer wished to do the long hours a series like this takes.  

    Nadine first requested  a leave of absence. It was Bess who first said she probably wouldn’t be back.  So, she filed a leave request and then eventually puts in retirement papers. She’s probably eligible to retire by some age plus years of service rule. Plus, Nadine had money. 

    You can imagine a life on the west coast for Nadine that might include a job, giving speeches or volunteer work if you choose. She just wanted to move closer to her son, and not miss out. If she chooses to ease out of the work force, well... no one ever says they wish they had worked longer when they are on their deathbed. 

    • Love 2
  21. Conceptually. Garrett understood that swat took down bad guys. His trouble is that he’s not a bad guy... therefore swat doesn’t always save their tough stuff for the bad guys. 

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