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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Derick didn't make fun of Jill. He instead had a look of' we aren't supposed to be talking about this'.  Since then we have surmised that SOS didn't like all the DA talk. 

    Jessa was not in a first row coach seat at the beginning of the flight. Wonder who traded seats so she could put Spurge on the floor?  I don't fault them for using the under 2 no seat rule. But I suggest driving next time too. At night. 

    • Love 5
  2. Jessa could solve this by turning her social media private, and telling her siblings not to post Jessas kids pictures. If she wants the public to see the pictures, then she has no one to blame but herself.   As for bottles, sorry.... once my children could drink from a cup, then bottles went away.  


    That being said. I'm happy to snark on them here, but im not going to go to their posts and criticize them personally... not on kids, sexual beliefs, Jazz, or anything else.  Heck, I don't even criticize my Facebook friends on Facebook. 

    • Love 20
  3. Jill is ruined by her upbringing. She was never allowed to have a job, a checkbook,  etc. she has no concept of adulting. So Derick is never going to be a missionary because Jill cannot understand  adult responsibilities such as learning Spanish, interacting with anyone not named Duggar, showing up on time, following commands, etc.  Cross Church program assistant is all Derick is going to get.  

    • Love 13
  4. Witch hazel used to be applied to small pads that you used to wipe over the episiotomy- a numbing agent of sorts. I expect that's what Audrey is attempting to mimic. 

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  5. I think it's a good thing that Derick is taking some official training in a field that he obviously wants to be his career. I even understand the fund raising since it is a program prerequisite.  People are free to donate or not.  At least they now know what they are donating to. 

    Now that Jill knows she doesn't ' have a heart ' for overseas ministry, maybe she can step back and let him go for short stays by himself. She can get her Duggar dormitory fix in while he's  gone. 

    • Love 1
  6. I wa amazed at Jeff trying to tell the archeologists to 'just hold up their digging ' and rethink how they were uncovering the body. Pretty sure they've done this a few more times than Jeff has.


    Everything about this show was ' could be', ' might be',  ' can't be ruled out', and so forth.  It's just as likely that evil people were inspired by jack and committed jack  ripper like murders  in America as it is that the actual Jack the Ripper came to America. 

    • Love 4
  7. I think she's just short and big boobed. I probably looked just like that at the same point.  Her outfit looks ok at this point. 

    I feel sorry for her and Austin though.  She's going from her first kiss to parenthood in 9 months, at 19.   They've barely spent any time alone and they never will now.  Exactly the problem with Jill and Derick, and Jill was 3 years older - and actually 3 years more mature.  I dont think Joy knows how to take care of a baby because I don't think she ever had to with the 4 older girls around. 

    • Love 10
  8. I don't see a problem with Jeremy taking in actual friends, or pastors/church staff from Corpus Christie, or members of fellow churches. He's got a famous wife, and no security that we are aware of.    does it matter who he took in as long as he took someone in?  That's x number of people that found refuge. 

    • Love 17
  9. OMG. Former family. Um, no.  When they split, will she tell their daughter that Jeremy is her former family?  Jeremy probably won't even be allowed to see her without a long custody battle.   So I guess this daughter to be doesn't  have aunts, uncles or grandparents with the same last name(Roloff).   


    Edited to add- on the other hand, the quote is part of an article that refers to Jeremy and Audrey being 'their' son and daughter in law. The 'their' being Amy and her boyfriend, Chris. Bet Matt loved that paragraph. 


    Article also says Audrey feuded with Amy when Amy decided to divorce Matt.   We all know the divorce was the other way around, even though that IS how Auj  and Jer keep trying to play it. 

    • Love 3
  10. I believe she was at the hospital before the birth at Zach and Tori's request. Amy went home once Tori went into surgery,  She and Matt also did some landscaping for them, but made sure to leave before  they came home from the hospital. They respected Zach and Tori's space.  It's likely that Jer and Auj have stated they don't want anyone at the hospital or at home for several days.  

    IMO, Amy will get lots of time with the granddaughter because Auj and Jer are going to 'put their marriage first'. That's code for Two or three date nights a week etc. 

    • Love 1
  11. Amaryllis at least truly doesn't know much about Holmes or Jack, while Jeff knows a lot more than he is saying. His set up questions to get 'experts' to talk make it sound as if he's never heard of Holmes before. Only to then state some fact about Holmes that shows he already knew the answer to his own question. 

  12. Mk202-


    in the USA episodes, some of the addicts have been diagnosed/treated for medical/mental issues as part of the rehab facilities function.  Do you think the Canadian ones do also?  The administrator made it sound like Clint had an issue that interfered with his being able to fully work the program. 

  13. So according to the interventionist... this drug addiction is all because Clint has ADHD and is jealous of his siblings success. Did I hear him right? The man graduated high school and had a job.  He chose to try coaine at a party, got hooked and has paid attention to being an addict for years.  Don't put this on the parents.

    After finishing this episode- there is something else wrong with Clint.  He's extremely fearful of everything and everyone.  He was immature at 36, which can't be blamed on his age when becoming addicted as he was an adult by then.  

    • Love 5
  14. The dress may be ugly- but At least it's not form  fitting and we don't see the complete shape of her abdomen. However. Anna is a walking display of why you don't want to have 5 kids in what? 8 years?   

    Also, this is not her first heavily pregnant travel escapade. Remember the bus, the book signing tour and the suitcase of baby supplies in case she birthed that baby on the bus. 

    • Love 11
  15. i have nothing against her parents  age when she was born. My last  child is 33 years younger than me.  He's a few years younger than  Katherine's age.  I just meant that her Dad is now 73 and is frail to some degree. Her Mom appears in her 60s, and just seems no longer capable of having to supervise someone ( besides her husband)  24/7.  Im younger than both  of them and I wouldn't want to deal with a Katherine at my age.   I frankly do not have the energy I did 10 years ago, and will have less in 10 more years. 

    I also think her parents insistence that she excel at everything was too much for her.


    As to therapy- Ken tried to tell her they would give her the therapy she needed for the rape(s), since she's now been raped again by a few of her prostitution customers. 

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