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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. It sounds more like  Jinger just joined that church in the same day that someone else was baptized. I've only been baptized once, but have formally joined churches since in a recognition type ceremony. 

    Also many churches baptize infants, who then confirm their faith around age 13 in a confirmation ceremony. Baptists do not baptize infants, they wait until they can proclaim their own faith. 

    • Love 1
  2. Wu probably would have fallen in love with Adelind except he never saw her that morning.  He saw Holly, and so he fell for her.   

    Loved the episode, except for the mirror. 

    I hope we have seen the last of Black Claw, and the government agency stuff. That is what ruined the show for me.  Diana is annoying, and could have just been left in the hands of the resistance. 

    I love the Case of the week.  They could have gone on with that for years.  

    I thought Eve was staying with them because she wasn't safe by herself? 

  3. Why did the guns  have to be stolen in the first place? Why couldn't super rich girl Nadine  have bought them from Daddy? 

    Why do they keep getting rid of actresses once I've finally gotten used to them? And who is this mealy mouth crying Percy? This is not her kick ass character. 

    • Love 5
  4. Speaking of the head slap- whenwas the last time we saw one. Torres has been here long enough to have gotten one AND to know what's up when Gibbs stops the elevator. 

    There are too many people on this show. Please remove Elle, Torres, MI-6 guy and Quinn. Vance can go too, although I've gotten used to him. 

    • Love 2
  5. I like the idea that Jinger wears pants on what appears to be a regular basis based on the number of photos we've seen. Not just a one and done thing. 


    As to the sermon- their religion calls for modest dress. The parishioners are free to find a different church if they don't agree.   She's not in a burka, not wearing magic undergarments, nor covering her hair. Personally, I agree with a little decorum in what you wear. I, a female, really don't need to see your private parts exposed, or 'red carpet level 'barely covered. Having said that, wearing those types of things doesn't give anyone leave to touch you without permission. 

    • Love 7
  6. Walter should be mature and genius enough to understand oxygen deprivation and hallucinations. There was nothing to be embarrassed about. Instead he should have thanked Paige and laughed about it all.  He acts like a 10 year old with a crush.   It's obvious Paige's job isn't finished  by his reaction, so who is lying now,Ralph? 

    Paige doesn't fit with Walter, nor did she with Tim( no chemistry). She actually fit best with Ralph's father.  I wish they would quit trying to shoehorn Walter and Paige together while causing havoc on the team. 

    Happy is really expanding her relationship skills. Framing Toby Dick - she's ready for marriage. 

    • Love 1
  7. Snow and Charming wouldn't have been able to raise Emma in peace:

    Regina would have been able to come  after them - if they could cross over the town boundary then so could she.

    Further, how were they going to live outside Storybrook?  Snow wasn't really a credentialed teacher and Charming thought he was still in the enchanted forest. 

    Snow was coming through the portal with Emma, but they didn't know then that the curse would create Storybrooke as it became.  They couldn't  know when they woke up what going to Emma would do to the 'savior' timeline.  For all they knew,Regina would snap her fingers and kill Emma if they went to her. 

    • Love 1
  8. im watching this via  DVR - and promptly fast forwarded at tribal council since I was reading comments along the way. Outing on national tv is not something I need to watch.  Trans is not a body 'situation' ( can't think of an appropriate word) I totally understand about - the brain chemistry vs genetics  - but I don't have to understand the basis for it to  be accepting of people and to mind my own business.  I expect people to do the same with my particular situations.  Varner should know better.  

    • Love 3
  9. Derek is perfectly happy being a missionary. He'd love using his college degree and bring a real one. Its' Jill who has discovered adulting in the real world is hard, and doing it in a foreign country is too much. However she's been raised to believe the man is the head of the household, so she won't express herself to him, Derek is not a mindreader. This is partly Jim Bobs fault. He didn't know his own daughter well enough to laugh the' I want to be a missionary' off and went and picked out a guy that truly wanted to be a missionary. 

    • Love 10
  10. Texas mom- when you figure it out tell us, b cause we dont know why we are watching either. Although I will say this is the first episode I have been able to follow in I don't know how long. I actually enjoyed watching it. 

    Cigar95- no, you aren't supposed to be able to figure it out. Season 1 wouldn't help at all. 

    So Ryan has another damaged female to deal with? 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    There is nothing wrong with wanting a life partner that is compatible with your lifestyle AND your professional as well as person goals, choosing someone based on THAT in addition to attraction and affectionate feelings makes a hell of a lot more sense than marrying someone cause you think they are hot (Ben w/Jessa), so IMO you have no reason to feel bad. 

    Truthfully I think that IS what the whole courting thing is supposed to all about, just like modern arranged marriages. However, the Duggars pervert that with their insistence on 'purity', no hand holding, hugs or kisses, chaperones even just to take a walk or sit in the same public restaurant.  What they do prevents any kind of frank discussion about each other's goals or wants and needs in a spouse. 

    • Love 8
  12. True- but Elana is worried about the dwarf child being jealous and resentful of his non dwarf twin. Zach can discuss what it's like to be in that situation.  He can tell her what he could keep up with and what he couldn't.  For example, soccer worked ok, a smaller bike. Etc. 

     He can tell her what Amy did to try to equal out things, and what were the issues with being in the same class. 

    • Love 3
  13. The reason Tai's telling Jeff that the vote for Sandra was such a big deal- was the fact that Zeke had told Jeff that Jeff and Sandra were safe because the vote would be for Tai. Jeff ran back to Sandra with that info and she started trying to work her Magic. Tai had been told to say they were voting for Andrea.

    • Love 2
  14. It has finally occurred to me that the 'gamechangers'  describes all the differences in the game this season. And NOT the cast. Because I never thought most of the cast were gamechangers. Exile island was really the best example- luxury and a chance to strategize with Cochran. Of course Debbie didn't take advantage of that. Cochran really had her pegged. 

    I think Ozzie has finally matured and may be capable of recognizing someone who should not be believed. Was truly amazed that this tribe withstood two sessions( camp and tribal) of Sandra's' manipulation. Finally. A cop saw thru her. 

    • Love 8
  15. She can. My point was she didn't say - I should check into this religion that I apparently never looked at before and see if I believe their tenets of faith. She said ' oh I just 5 minutes ago in this conversation discovered my ancestor was Jewish, so obviously that's the religious community for me'.    At the next stop she says- my friends all think it's cool and want to throw me a bat mizvah.  

    • Love 1
  16. I really do not understand why Reid had to get caught up in the holistic therapists murder and in end up in prison.  I see nothing that it adds to Reids character or the units characters.  I also see nothing entertaining about it. If MGG wants to leave the series, temporarily or permanently, all that needed to be done was for his character to decide profiling was no longer his passion.  He could have been going to do research on a cure for Alzhiemers, or actually developed a romantic relationship cross-country. 

    • Love 3
  17. 22 minutes ago, SmithW6079 said:

    Because he can't afford an Audi? 

    No- because an Audi isn't practical to take rodeo equipment, tools of the trade, ranch supplies, etc. in.   I didn't mean to imply they didn't have money.  

    My sister drives a Ford King Ranch pick up truck- specifically named for the sprawling King ranch in Texas,$41,000 used. Big trucks aren't cheap. 

    • Love 8
  18. I don't see why it matters if she wanted the guy to also represent her. He's free to say no.  And i am sure Terra is not his only client. If so, Terra makes a lot more money than she should. 

    On the other hand, Brianna is the one who fired her agent and then got mad because  Christy hired her. 

    • Love 4
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