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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. The son is not emotionally attached to her- and who can blame him. His comment during the intervention collapse after she decided not to go were very telling.  He's 'learned to pull back from her during these type of scenes'. He's a teenager, being filmed, knowing his friends are going to watch.  But he still wanted to help her.  

    It was very odd to me. Katie was either a terror on alcohol and drugs, or a 'paragon of all virtues' while sober. I find the paragon part hard to believe since she spent most of her teen/adult life on drugs.  I didn't like her at all.  

    I understand Katie's Mom abandoned her, and then only saw her in the summers.  Katie knows how she, Katie, felt about that. It was HER choice to do it to her OWN children. 

    • Love 2
  2. 2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

    I don't know why not.  It is what they voted for, isn't it?  

    I think they are one of the many that has no understanding of where their benefits come from. They are probably the same people that don't understand ' entitlements' are code for Social security and Medicare. They think ending Obamacare and entitlements  will only cut off benefits from the people who choose not to work. 


    I wish people would educate themselves about where their money and benefits comes from. 

    • Love 20
  3. I am still convinced he will either resign or be impeached.  He never expected to win. He doesn't want to actually do the job.  When faced with having to be either the comforter in chief or the commander in Chief he will ring for Ivanka. She can't truly make his decisions for him, the Constitution and the Military Command Structure won't allow it. 


    He won't get his way as often as he thinks.  There are checks and balances and 3 branches of government for a reason. Don't forget- our country was founded by people who knew first hand what tyranny was.  

    • Love 10
  4. I am hopeful that Maddie and Caleb were either legally or spiritually married in a private ceremony while his mother was still alive, and what's been described here was for the show and the Browns. If not, I hope Calebs Dad performs a private vow renewal for them. The vows are the important part. 

    • Love 7
  5. They should charge that Twitter user with assault/battery. He/she did every bit as much damage as physically hitting Kurt. My son has seizures. In addition to what others have said, a person who has a seizure cannot drive for at least 6 months( varies by state)and has to have a doctor certify the seizures are prevented with medication before they CAN drive again. This is very disruptive to their work and personal life. Not everyone lives in a city large enough to have convenient 24 hour public transportation, or understanding employers.

    In other news.trump tweeted that the Chinese should keep our stolen drone. Does he understand they can take it apart, learn our technology and use it against us? 

    • Love 20
  6. 14 minutes ago, SoSueMe said:

    Unless we do have a special needs situation, as has been rumored

    If this was the case( and I think you are correct)- wouldn't it be classy to choose the diagnosis as your special FLOTUS  interest? Think of all the wonderful progress  that could result. 

    • Love 8
  7. I didn't have any problem with Adams' behavior at FTC as it came to Hannah. Yes he interrupted her interrupting of him during questions that were asked of HIM.  She did it often. Did he keep interrupting her during the questions that were asked to HER? 

    Adam  betrayed alliances but those  alliances weren't truly relying on him after the first time. Every single one of Hannah's alliances stupidly continued to expect her to be reliable to their side even after rhe number of votes that she flipped on at TC.  That is why she was called a flipper and Adam wasn't. 

    • Love 5
  8. I think Chris credited Adam for changing Kens mind about David because of Adams argument at tribal council. Adam pointed out that winning the game for his daughter trumped loyalty. Up until that minute Ken had discounted Hannah and her fumbling attempt at persuasion. I do not think Ken would have voted David out otherwise. 

    • Love 2
  9. I'm not sure we will ever see Melania again. She's a stay at home Mom with 1 11 year old child. She won't move 1 child to Washington till June( and I don't think she's moving then either). Meanwhile Ivanka has 3 children under 7 and runs a business of her own besides her Dads. Ivanka is moving them all to Washington and taking on the First Lady duties, while keeping her own business and not ( supposedly) living in the White House. Which means a commute daily. Which means nannies for 3 kids- while Barron gets his Mom.  Pretty darn insulting to those who thought (not me) Melania would be a classy First Lady.  

    To me, FLOTUS is the spouse unless she is physically incapable or the President is single.  

    • Love 9
  10. It's one thing for an established political leader, such as a Secretary of State after 3  years, or a second term President to skip a day of briefings, or just read the highlights that day. It's another for a political newbie with no foreign knowledge, who can't even name the world leaders and religious sects to do so. He needs to hear repeated sessions of the same info along with new stuff to learn it. 

    • Love 17
  11. They've shown Matt over at Amy's, and both if them in the office.  I'm going to bet that when the kids are home, Matt feels comfortable just showing up at Amy's.   They are still ' the parents' soon to be grandparents together.  If they refuse to allow each other at the others place, that's going to be really annoying for the kids. 

    As as for the kids just walking in the house,our family has always been that way. My parents would be hurt if I knocked as if I were a stranger. I would in turn be hurt if my children knocked before they came in. 

    • Love 1
  12. Too many 'alpha' males, not enough of the senior team members. We needed 3 new people to replace Tony? And those 3 are the only people we get to focus on. Keep Torres get rid of the other 2. Abby is non existent, as is Tim- please start using them properly. Leon does nothing for me, never has.  Truthfully. I liked the interaction at the beginning between the Congresswoman and Gibbs. This is the first woman in the entire series that could play equal to him that wasn't his underling(Kate and Ziva could have if the show had wanted them to). 

  13. I hope Mattis is not given the exemption. Not because I harbor ill will towards him( haven't decided yet). Mattis's appointment needs to be vetoed in order to teach Trump that he has to live within the rules. Every attempt to use grey area needs to be squashed for at least the first year just so that he follows the law whether he likes it or not. The GOP needs to run point on this because they are the ones who let him loose on us. 

    • Love 3
  14. They can go back to a time they exist in, they just can't go to a place that they were in at the time.  Remember the whole two people can't exist in the same time-space from the old Jean Claude van Damme Time travel movie? 

    Truthfully, this little confusing thing is the least of my laughing at this show.  Lucy appears to be the only person whose personal life has been altered by the time-travel changes that she didn't intentionally cause.  Flynn caused his half-brothers life to continue to exist.  World events have altered, Rufus's life has changed because people are interfering with his family and car, but no other changes. Wyatt doesn't appear to have had any changes, nor the Homeland Security woman, nor Mason, etc.  The time-travel facility and experiment seems unchanged.  Doesn't that seem odd to you?

    I know some of you don't like Wyatt, but I do.  Maybe it is because he's eye candy for me - but I find his attitude a lot more believable than joyless Lucy.

    • Love 2
  15. You only have to look at Illinois to know what will happen if Trump doesn't submit a budget. Rauners been governor  almost two years, and there's been no budget passed since he took office. 


    Also, I gather Ivanka and her husband are moving to Washington. So we can disrupt 3 kids lives rather than disrupting 1.

    • Love 7
  16. I'm floored by the Sarah Palin thing. She quit- Trump hates quitters.  He is really bound by that super loyalty oath, I guess.  The VA is still trying to provide even the bare minimum of health care and other benefits to our vets.  She doesn't have the first clue how to lead an agency, she never did anything as governor. 


    Eta- this is how he expresses his gratitude and respect for our veterans? 

    • Love 8
  17. I think trump skips the daily briefings because the two he had scared the $&@) out of him and he's buried his head in the sand.


    also. The next 4 years are going to be a constant stream of explaining to him what freedom of speech and expression means. As low class as burning the flag is, it's legal to do so and a symbol that we DO have freedom of expression. 

    • Love 14
  18. Given that trump is scrambling to fill 4000 positions that he didn't even know he had to fill until a couple weeks ago, you'd think he'd be too busy to Twitter. By nightfall, shouldn't he be spending 'quality time' with his 5 kids and 8 grandkids?    What is the point of these tirades...and how soon will he commit a serious foreign policy faux pas on Twitter? 

    • Love 5
  19. We separate people from their families all the time- prison for example. Coke may not be a big deal in some states, but it is in others. And it all supports the Drug cartels.  I do not see people fighting for citizens to be kept from prison because they'd be separated from their families. 

    How about we  declare Parents in the military ineligible to deploy overseas because they would be separated from their families? No? 

    Camarino broke the law every day he overstayed his visa. It was his personal decision to not get his Visa extended properly, His decision to risk being separated from his family by deportation. Just as people risk going to prison or being deployed overseas. 

    It was also Matts' decision to employ him even though his visa was expired. I hope Roloff farms gets fined a lot.

    I'm all for a guest worker program,and for use of migrant farm labor legally - but that program could be subject to people overstaying those visas too. 

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