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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Quote

    You can also buy tube socks, videos, jewelry and other odds and ends.

    How odd.  Maybe its' an urban thing. Central Illinois salons just sell hair products, purchased from their normal suppliers.   Now, people who run 1 or 2 chair 'salons' out of their spare room might do this, but brick and mortar salons don't.  I am continually amazed at the business savvy some of these addicts show.  If they weren't addicts, they'd be pretty successful people. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Bastet said:

    In this typical scenario, where the show is just going to end without a spin-off, why oh why would you send the characters off to something different than what we've spent all these years enjoying?

    For the same reason they cut Susie and brought in Kent.... because they could.   This kind of stuff goes on a lot in long-running series.... they want to run away from the heart of the show to do some 'different' scenes,  The viewers hate it.  

    • Love 4
  3. If anyone from CNN reads this forum.... please place warning labels on your screen every time one of Trumps surrogates speak.  CNN is doing a terrible disservice by allowing them to be on panels as if they are respected objective pundits.  All of the women sound exactly the same, same inflections in their voice, same word choice... as if they were robots with digital recorded talking points.  Jeffrey Lord has his own sound, but is every bit as twisted when he tries to defend Trump for being thin-skinned.  I am sick of the 'panels' that are nothing more than paid/volunteer campaign staff.   Anna Navarro does a great job of at least trying to be objective, and discussing all the candidates in some fair manner (she can't with Trump, and I can't blame her).  Donna Brazelle also did a great job, and the actual CNN employees (with the exception of ex-Trump employees) try their best to be objective, but The trump people are just too much to take.

    CNN is only lately come to the realization that they need to be actually investigating Trump rather than kissing his ring, I will blame them if he gets elected.  They've done a great disservice to  our country. 

    • Love 10
  4.   My wedding was at a church, but we held the reception elsewhere - because we wanted alcohol and a DJ.  That's sort of frowned upon other than a Catholic fellowship hall.   We both wanted the church location, because we feel that the church is a more holy area than a hotel.  Your mileage may vary. 

    If the Duggars just want to have the church wedding, and traditional church cake and punch reception, they should do the following

    - only invite true family and close friends.  Do not invite more people than you have chairs for.  Make sure you have enough of whatever you ARE serving to provide for all the guests. Make sure that you have enough room inside the sanctuary and fellowship hall for your guests, or if holding the wedding outside - have a tent big enough for everyone. 

    - schedule the wedding at 1:30 or so. The guests will know to eat lunch before they come and that dinner is on their own.  You are not supposed to schedule a wedding/reception that cuts into a mealtime unless you are going to feed your guests. 

    - if you are not providing a meal or heavy appetizers, make sure your registry includes lots of items that are less than $50 - because you should not expect gifts that are more than $50 unless you are feeding your guests.  That is just my opinion.  Yes, people might go in together for more expensive items, and Aunt Mary may give you a larger gift if she chooses. 

    The Duggars could do all of the above, the wedding would still be meaningful and appropriate.  But they won't, because they want everyone in their religious circles to be present for the trading of the bride from parent to husband.  I am surprised they don't have people check the sheets for blood the next morning, as they did in the old days.  They seem to base all their other parental beliefs on theories from the same era. 

    • Love 8
  5. Why would Amy be required or expected to accompany Matt or take care of him. HE left her, HE is divorcing her.  That means they are no longer each others' personal responsibility. Business partners, yes, but he lost all rights to leaning on her personally the day he moved out, and definitely the day he filed for divorce.  

    • Love 8
  6. OMG - Mom.... step up and be the Mom.  Don't sit here and cry because Jonel may be gone to treatment.  This is your one way to start making up for what you did to your own children with your own addition.  Instead, she bawls, and crys and says she won't be able to be strong.   Be an adult.  Show your daughter how to be one.

    • Love 2
  7. The name didn't throw me.  I have read somewhere that traditional Indian names referred to sights/sounds around the baby after it was born.  Later in life, the name could change based upon significant events. 

    I have little sympathy for someone who says  that her children complete her, but she's never taken care of either of them in her entire life.  The Mom has always taken care of the 1st one, and the Aunt and Uncle the second one.  Why would anyone have thought she was going to take care of Thunder when she wasn't taking care of the first one,  and he was born addicted.     

    Why did Jonel's Mom build the  young daughters hopes up about her spending the night, when she knows  that Jonel never keeps her word?  I smell produtions' hands in this.

    I'm afraid that the two young kids are not going to be prevented from being another generation of drug addicts.  The adults just seem to feel it is a given that the people on the reservation will use drugs, rather than do anything about it.  Many parents feel their 'neighborhoods' aren't ... good for their kids.... so, guess what, they move.  They go to college, they do what it takes.  They don't just lie there and take it.

    • Love 3
  8. 8 hours ago, MissT said:

    Did anyone watch the interview last night with Don Lemon and Sheriff David Clarke... just wow?   I don't know how to insert the clip, but it's all over the internet this morning.   I really don't like Don Lemon at all.  

    I watched a small piece of it after it started.  It was at the point prior to the big blow up, I think.  Don was contradicting the Sheriff about some report, because Don knows everything about everything.   

  9. I tried to give his Mother the benefit of the doubt.... she seems to be a rather conservative woman who is just flabbergasted by Brian's behavior.  She wasn't wrong to be upset because Brian was just sitting on the couch rather than helping his step-father with the hearse as promised.  She wasn't wrong to be upset about his drinking when the kids were coming over, or to be upset because his behavior limits her contact with the kids.  Her screaming was wrong, her letter at the intervention was wrong.  I just couldn't feel sorry for her after her behavior.  What was the point discussing how much she loved the ex-wife when she was in high-school.  That's water under a very old bridge.


    Aunt Suzie seemed more humane and realistic about Brian, but she doesn't have to deal with him on a daily basis.

    The ex-wife?  Well, she probably did have an affair when he was in rehab the first time.  But.... Brian,  your marriage was over the day your second child was born.  You are passed out on the couch, drunk,  while she is driving herself to the hospital in labor at 2AM,  arranging for child care for child number 1, and going thru labor by herself for however long it took you to sober up and get to the hospital.  Were you there in time for the birth?


    I agree with another poster.  Something still seemed off about Brian at the 60 day visit.  I also was confused by the counselor stating that Brian was learning not to be a people-pleaser.  I refer you to the above paragraph. Doesn't sound like a people pleaser to  me.

    • Love 8
  10. I'm just not feeling it this season.  It was nice to see Tess.  I'm sure she's been behind the scenes before, but a tip to the cap with a cameo was nice.  The mention of Frost was nice, but it should have been accompanied by a mention of Suzi.  Yes, I know Lee Thompson also died, and the actress who played Suzi did not.  To stay in character, both should have been mentioned.

    I think Angie's raspy voice is her attempt at having a Boston blue-collar accent.  Can't say whether the attempt is successful or not, since I have never been to Boston.  

    • Love 1
  11. I have to agree Jazz is spoiled, and Jeanette is living vicariously thru her.   Neither of them treat the father with any respect.   When  your father tells you that you are too young for breast surgery, you don't tell him you are going to get Mom to say yes, unless you are Jazz.


    This is the 2nd episode I have seen Sander's football ending injury discussed.  Why do the parents seem clueless about the extent and prognosis for it?  There should be no reason for Sanders to have to be having this discussion over dinner (this episode),, and with Jeannette for dinner (the other episode),... because an injury like this should have had the parents fully involved from the beginning.  heck, the entire family had to fly to California for Jazz's minor surgery.   

    • Love 5
  12. Janelle may have been low income enough to get food stamps... but she probably was disqualified because she worked for the state.  Often government employees cannot take part in benefits offered to low income people. The general public tends to take a dim view of it, while complaining that state workers get paid too much as it is. 

  13. She did not become addicted to Xanex and Heroin until after a car crash at age 25.  She met her biological father at age 16.   I'd blame her parents for allowing her to drop out of school and move in with the cokehead just as much as blaming the biological father.   Why didn't they get her help in school at an earlier age since she struggled, maybe she wouldn't have dropped out of school then.  

    She needs to grow up more.  She's 29, did not become addicted to drugs until age 25.  I know drugs freeze your emotional age, but she acts 15.   I bet Mom and Dad took care of her from the time she dropped out of high school until she went to rehab.

    • Love 4
  14. gris

    I think the mods normally don't allow discussion because the Canadian episodes are actually from a few years ago, rather than part of the current Intervention season.  That's the only reason I am aware of.    There was, briefly, an Intervention Canada thread.  That disappeared in one of the major site upgrades.

    • Love 1
  15. Mod - if I didn't create the new episode topic correctly, I'd be really grateful if you would fix it for me. THANK YOU!

    Has anyone else noticed that this season seems devoted to the addicts that live amongst  us without being noticed?  They all seem better educated, cleaner, well dressed, well spoken?  It's even more of a gut wrench than the previous seasons' episodes. 

    That being said.... this woman needs mental help more than anything else, I think.  Afterwards she needs to become an adult rather than a spoiled debutante.

    Oops... just got to the pre-intervention, and Andrew's the interventionist.  Does this mean it's an Intervention:Canada episode?  If so, I'm guessing the mods need to delete the topic.

    • Love 1
  16. I also could not figure out why Constance (and Daddy) were not even notified, while Hope rushes to her bedside.  Constance does care about Maura in her own way, she is just not a touchy feely person.  This should not be a surprise, since she raised Maura, and Maura is not touchy feely either.   I also think they show the mother- dad - daughter relationship with a tip of the cap towards money and class traditions.  Maura went to private boarding schools.  Jane and Frankie went to either Catholic or public schools like the rest of the masses.  The Isles family is not like the Rizzoli family. 

    I thought the entire brain surgery plot was silly.  Maura comes out of surgery with all of her hair, no tubes, no bandage, no nothing.   There was no way that was realistic and I didn't even bother to look up the malformation.   I have yet to get the point of the entire malformation plot, other than it is being used as a device to set Maura up for another career in the series finale. 

    • Love 2
  17. I think Christine's 'you can't move home because that is going backward' was (for her) , tough love.  She wanted MyKelti to stay in school. The conversation probably went like this:  I don't want to go to school any more, I'm moving home when the lease is up.  Christine:  If you drop out of school, then you become an adult and need to get a job, an apartment, and provide for yourself.  MyKelti - oh, look, pawn shop guy has an opening.   Did Christine (and/or Kody) need to stop and consider MyKelti's age  and immaturity compared to Maddie, Aspen, etc? yes.  However, these are the people who seem to have all gotten married at the age of 19.  Still SMH as to why they didn't think the children might follow in their footsteps without additional guidance.

    Kody is feeling his age, he has a gaggle of children that get on his nerves, and he prefers all of them to be gone - that's why he is now happy to see them leave 

    • Love 2
  18. What age was Christine when she married Kody?  After dating just a few weeks?   They've glorified this whole polygamy, must have 3 wives and lots of kids thing for the kids entire lives, and then think their children won't think it is ok to get married young?  Of course MyKelti seems too young to get married... but I bet she's more mature now than Christine was on her wedding day.  Christine, who is afraid of toasters, and sharks that attend the Presbyterian church, and being in the same room with her aunt and 500 observers. 

    • Love 4
  19. Logan said some time ago he was no longer religious.  His girlfriend is not Mormon, Caleb is not Mormon, and presumably neither is Maddie now.

    They are all adults, and there is nothing wrong with them having a drink even if Logan and Maddie's parents don't drink. 

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