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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I remember watching the original episode.  I believed then that Pam Hupp should have been the logical suspect.  I was amazed that the detective was 'prepping' her as a witness.  That goes so beyond his job duties.  The more he prepped her by pointing out what the defense was going to say, the more suspect she became.  As near as I can tell, the police never seriously looked at her. 


    I also could not figure out why the victim wanted friends to be the beneficiaries, and then supposedly be unofficial trustees on behalf of the daughters.  Why didn't she talk to an attorney?  All she needed to do was set up a trust with the daughters as the beneficiaries of the trust.   I think Pam Hupp took advantage of a women with cancer, lied to her about being willing to take the money on behalf of her daughters, and then kept the money.  Heck, even the fake letter said Pam was to hold the money for the daughters, then Pam turned around and denied it. 


    Why would law enforcement think that 4 normally law abiding people lied on a friends' behalf in a murder case? I don't care how good of a friend you are. I'm not lying for you if I think you killed your cancer stricken wife.  I'm darn sure 4 people aren't going to lie for you.


    I also think we all have stopped at more than 1 gas station or convenience store to get things.  Maybe we like the price of the drinks here, the dog food there, the gas somewhere else. The guy had time to burn off while waiting to go to his friends.  

    • Love 9
  2. I thought this thread was a non-spoiler thread?  Anything I have written has been based upon what has happened up through and including this episode.  I didn't realize we were talking about future episodes that most of us have not seen yet



    The discussion about David texting another woman is from the previews that were shown at the end of the wedding episode.  We don't know why they chose to show previews that far in advance.  However, the episode synopsis for next week mentions it 

  3. I liked it,  yes, some clichés, some not-quite-real situations.  But, I still liked it.  Not understanding exactly who the woman that was on insulin was in relation to everyone else, but I gather she is a relative of one of the two leads.    I want to know if Will doesn't know that his wife will leak everything, or if he 'knows' but doesn't 'know'. 


    Yes, we are dropped into this in the middle, just as we were with Falling Skies.  That's ok.  Let's hope they are a little smarter than the Falling Skies writers.

    • Love 2
  4. None of these six people are perfect - no one is.  If they were really really good at relationships and reading signals, they wouldn't be here.   In order to really want to have someone else pick your mate (unless it's a cultural norm, maybe), you are admitting that you suck at picking Mr/Ms Right, and holding up your half of the relationship.   The supposed premise to this show is that the 'experts' match you up with people that should be your Mr/Ms Right and should fit with your relationship skills.   But, they seem to suck at that - or aren't really giving these couples needed support.  There should be daily checklists, exercises, and journals.  There should be daily required conversation topics for the couples.   That's not really happening.  It's also obvious the experts aren't watching footage during this process.


    Sam should have failed the psych tests.  That much was obvious with her behavior in the minutes prior to the wedding.  Their six weeks should have been terminated as it's damaging, or Sam should have been told point blank by the experts on camera her behavior is inappropriate. 


    Vanessa and Tres seem to be trying. Referring back to my first paragraph, they both have issues.  Heck, name me a married couple that doesn't. 


    David and Ashley.  I'm sorry, she's NOT trying.  She's a 30 year old professional student who should be bright enough to pick up a book with tips on doing some of the items I mention in the first paragraph, even if the show isn't giving them to her.  Heck, even an etiquette book would help her out. Even a book on small talk. 


    David is treating this as a REAL marriage.  He is expecting at least a kiss a day, goodbye, hello, goodnight.  You don't get to the finish line until you at least start the race.  She's not even turning on the key, and refuses to do so until at least 2 months into a six week marriage?  I don't hear him asking for sex. Picking her up and rolling onto the bed is a typical 30 year old guy thing with his girlfriend.  He didn't do it to be controlling, he did it to be funny.  I refer again to paragraph number one.  

    • Love 15
  5. I'm also going to speculate that Sugar Bear reads below his 'grade level'.  I think that is why he was so upset during the bed frame exercise.  He could have built it but he couldn't read the instructions well enough to tell her how to build it. 


    If I remember correctly (from the few times I flipped thru channels), these two were not intimate because Mama June didn't want to be, any more than she wanted to go thru the commitment ceremony.  I cannot figure out why men are attracted to Mama June in the first place.

    • Love 4
  6. I'm sorry, Ashley is not just physically not interested, she just can't stand being in the same room as David.  She is just counting the days until 6 weeks is over.  Based on the previews from the wedding episode, David moves on before the six weeks is over.  Even though I don't agree with cheating, I can't get all that upset if that is what he does. 

    • Love 9
  7. Sam is a twenty-six year old veteran with $60,000 sitting in his bank account, yet he shares a checking account with his father and attends community college where he requires a tutor.   Julie is five or six years out of high school, is attending community college when most of her classmates have probably graduated university a couple of years ago, aspires to a somewhat unrealistic career of fashion, literally died wearing a tiara, has a mother who still waits up for her at the age of twenty-three, and her mother hopes she'll live at home forever


    Sam's Dad may have had a similar on-line access that I have to  my sons.  I can get to his account on-line to put money in because he has granted me access.  I don't have my name on his account.  This made it easy to put money in when he needed it, as I could just transfer from mine to his.  He may have attended community college because he is trying to save money, or was just an average high school student when it came to grades.  Tutors are a great way if there are courses you have issues with.  My son used them especially for calculus or writing.


    I wondered the same thing you did about Julie.  They never addressed why she was still at a community college.  About the living at home and the Mom waiting up thing... that may be part of their culture. 

    • Love 1
  8. Thanks, Henry's Mom. I had heard of those expanding tests, but didn't realize this would be one.

    I still think she could have called as soon as she got done. She has said it takes longer to commute from this new house, and we all know people her age check their phone every 5 minutes. A call or text to David (or even a producer) as soon as she got his message (before she started driving) would have been polite. I think she deliberately did neither, hoping the film crew would leave (they won't).

    Since I missed the matching episode, I can't figure out why Ashley would have signed up for this. I know I wouldn't have, and I (although an introvert), am not near as much of a prude as Ashley is. How could she not have known there would be embarrassing questions, and situations. Did she think she was participating in a Jane Goodall documentary?

    • Love 7
  9. Actually, David said "Ashley told me she would be home around 7". When he called to inquire about her running late, he left a message stating that she was late. I also bet that she knew when the film crew would be there, and they were obviously there about the time Ashley was expected home. Finals do not 'run late'. They occur from x time to y time, so that you don't end up with two scheduled at the same time.

    • Love 12
  10. I loved Tres and Vanessa discussing bathroom logistics. When my husband and I were first married, we had 1 bathroom. We've had two for years, but one is more for the use of offspring and guests. So, yes, we share a bathroom. Yes, we've both been in it at the same time doing different things. However, we didn't get married 5 minutes after meeting each other. It's going to take time for them to grow comfortable doing stuff (including daily dressing) in front of each other. However, the days of husbands and wives not acknowledging the bodily functions of the other one is long past.

    I really get the feeling that only Tres and Vanessa actually live in the same house. I think the other two couples only show up on filming days -which seem to be once or twice weekly. They just seem so stilted still. Even college roommates gel together better after 2 weeks.

    • Love 3
  11. The women who go on this show to lose weight to have a baby are losing the weight SO that they CAN have a baby. Hope's doctor told her she doubled her chances of getting pregnant by losing over 10% of her body weight. Hope can lose another 10% and increase her chance even more. I think that she would be THRILLED if she were pregnant by the finale. That could happen since even the finalists are home for a few months before the finale.

    Becoming pregnant doesn't mean you will gain all your weight back, although sometimes it can be hard to lose the extra weight afterwards.

    • Love 3
  12. Stephen was feeling guilty about losing the 2 pound advantage for no reason.  He gained on the Black team from where they were when his turn started.  He just couldn't make up the difference. 


    I wonder how many days were actually in either of the two 'weeks'  portrayed this time?   


    Hope may have that PCOS? syndrome, which could be making weight loss difficult.

    • Love 2
  13. I find Christina to be very naïve and childlike.  Has she that low of self-esteem that she thinks the only way to get a guy is that he never meets her before the wedding.  Has she never heard of annulment or divorce?  That strategy just means she is more likely to get married, but also more likely to get divorced.  She appears to be the only one that is taking this all so seriously.   I did not see the first couple of episodes, but the rest seem to be taking it all with a grain of salt. 


    Especially  Emily.

    • Love 1
  14. A little bit of the divorce judge goes a long way.  I don't like the evaluations done by her.  However, they are not much different word wise than those done by the 'directors'. 


    So Sundae wants the man to pay all the bills, and pretty much wants him to go away other than that.   Ice wants to have his girls, but his girlfriend can't text guys.  She's willing to stay and be treated the way he treats her. Althea wants to needle Bendizo any way she can, just to watch  his temper blow. He's not much better.  Sugar Bear cheated on a woman who (IIRC) never showed him any affection, a woman who didn't want to commit to a legal marriage, and after Sugar Bear, associated with a pedophile.  Exactly why are Sean and Catherine here?


    I did like the rock exercise.  You can't have the rock exercise without something like the boxing match, so I have to like it too (even though I don't want to). 

    • Love 2
  15. I have a feeling that Tres doesn't see his Dad and uncle as parental figures.  He seems to have been raised by his Aunt.  There is probably a reason for that, and it may (I say may) very well be that Tres' Dad isn't a very 'stable' influence on his life - a partner in escapades.

    • Love 8
  16. They've been married two weeks - was this the first time Tres went out to a bar?  If so, then she needs to chill out a little.  She doesn't need any time with her friends? Now, if he wants to go out weekly without her, then there's a problem-but once?


    Was Sam raised in the 1940s?  Because she should be able to deal with someone that wants to help out around the house.  She should be comfortable with being treated as equal - she's a bank branch manager for goodness sakes. 


    Ashley participated in this experiment why?  If she didn't have six weeks to devote to this,, then she should have declined.  She's got no interest in being married.


    ETA - Dear Vanessa married life is not happy 24/7.

    • Love 13
  17. Anyone else not a Kathy Griffin fan?  I would love to be able to watch a CNN New Year's Eve, but I just can't watch her antics for more than 5 minutes.  The faster and louder she talks, the tighter my nerves get.


    Also, CNN, I know 2016 is an election year - but you've been the Trump Channel for the last 7 or 8 months.  How is 2016 going to be any different?

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