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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I will also miss the NO segments.  I liked those officers.  Of course, I like most of the officers in most of the segments.  I will admit that I sometimes wondered if what came out of the officer's mouths (not so much in New Orleans) during interrogations was a good idea. Sometimes their tempers get the best of them, and I would think that would be something a defense attorney could exploit.  I do not however think that we have seen any of them cross the line into abuse of power. I also think most of these detectives have a good feel for which suspects are capable of being masterminds, and which aren't.  They deal with some of the same suspects over and over again.  It seems to me that most of these murders occur in one of a few situations: robbery, drug related, gang related.... or stupid stuff over what color shirt someone wore.  

    • Love 4
  2. I still miss Suzie.  I'm not feeling the chemistry being Maura and Kent.  He's just creepy.   Still have no idea why Suzie was written out. 

    I've gotten into the habit of only half watching the show.   

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  3. Lotusflower -

    MyKelti graduated high school with two years of college under her belt (a dual program at a high school on a college campus) and went to UNLV for a year after that.  Maddie went to school in Utah for a year, then moved to Montana last August around the same time MyKelti moved to St. George.  They graduated the same year from high school

    year 1 - Logan

    year 2 - Mariah and Aspen

    year 3 - Maddie and MyKelti

    year 4 - Hunter

    • Love 4
  4. My take on Percy is that he had self esteem issues.  As Ken said, it's not normal for a guy to be ok with his girlfriend having sex with other men in their bed for money for drugs.  Especially if he is a medical assistant instructor at a college.   

    My BSOJ cut off after it said that Ginjer transferred to a sober living facility.. so I missed the part about her breaking up with Percy.  Did it say anything else?

    She's a bright person, if she could go back to school, she could get a job. . She will have transportation  issues since she can never get a drivers' license again. There had to be more to the accident story - she served 3 years in prison, but the pedestrian had nothing but a 'laceration' on her head?  I don't think so.  Especially after her brother said he realized she had 'no morals' after the accident.  Of course, this is the same brother that left his kids with her on a regular basis, and he's not concerned about her lack of morals?

    Did you catch the part where she told Ken on his visit that she hadn't had any real contact with anyone of the family for the time she was at rehab - only contact with Percy.  Maybe that is what Ken meant by his prisoner comment, maybe Percy was not helping the family communication.  Think there was some odd vibe with that whole family.  This addict situation was just weird.  She was very clean, very well dressed, very well spoken, lived in a decent home, had contact with her family, carried on sensible conversations with the  producers. Her family seemed to resent her being around, except to be used as a babysitter. 

    • Love 1
  5. I don't mean to offend in this statement, it's just my opinion:

    I believe that the reason Jewish people of the old testament era were instructed not to eat pork, and to keep dairy separate from meat was for their health.  We all know that pork needs to be cooked to a certain temperature, and kept cold before and after.  We are all aware of the various diseases that result from improper food preparation, storage, etc.  We all know not to eat eggs and mayo that have been outside in the heat.  I really don't think it was an instruction for anything other than something to keep people healthy. Electricity, refrigerators, freezers, and stoves didn't exist yet. I don't believe that God (anyones' God) cares whether you eat pork, or dairy and meat at the same meal - as long as you can do it safely.   Your mileage may vary.

    Kody is like the Duggars, he has no concept of taking things within context.  Plural marriage - ok 2000 plus years ago, must be ok now. Never mind women can financially take care of themselves now... etc, etc.  Anyday now he should be telling us that they don't owe anyone anything because its' the Jubilee year and all debts are forgiven. 

    He needs to grow up.  He is the one that decided to have 3 wives, two of which were extremely fertile..  He's the one that knowing he wasn't really able to financially take care of them, brought a 4th wife and 3 additional children into the marriage.  He's the one that wants more children, even though they currently have 6 children in college and 12 more to go.  He's the one that drags them all over the place for one big vacation, and spends all of his time yelling at them because they don't follow him lockstep.

    Mykelti is 1 year younger than Maddie, and already has two additional years of college under her belt than Maddie does. Now, some of it may not count towards whatever degree she ends up taking....  She's moved to St. George, gotten a real boyfriend, a real job.  A job that isn't a cakewalk by the way - ever been in a pawn shop other than the TV ones?   Yes, she's young.... but she's been raised with the idea of getting married at about this age.  The young women asked Kody a couple years ago if he'd had any discussions with interested young men.   I'd like to see them date longer, but they will have dated over a year by the time they get married, since they want a winter wedding. There are still a lot of people who get married right out of college.    They could decide to wait several  years before children.  Maddie will have pressure in that area because Caleb is already 28.

    • Love 4
  6. I watched about 5 minutes of this mess, and it happened to be the 5 minutes where Mykelti was being discussed.  There was mention of a boyfriend and the fact that she considered her home to be St. George, Utah.  So, I am going to guess that b2H is referring to Mykelti. If so, she's come a long way from the episode where Kody was berating her for 'swapping hormones' with a kiss.  Sounds like she is moving on, too. My only concern is I think St. George is where Robyn grew up and I am afraid Mykelti will end up in polygamy. 

    I am so glad the rest of you are commenting and that I can get the gist of each episode from you.  I no longer waste my time with this show - there are many other things that I can waste my time on.

    • Love 2
  7. Mariah is going to college, living on her own, working... but she is not paying for college.  Meri is doing that.  There were several episodes devoted to the fact that Meri was paying for Mariah to go to a private school while the rest of the kids had to go to public ones, were encouraged to go to UNLV and live at home.  The scholarships that Mariah got were not enough to make a difference in the cost of a private liberal college out of state.  Kody is not making those payments, Meri is out of her 'family' share.  So, Meri should have told Mariah to suck it up and be polite or really be on her own.


    Seems to me that someone who has learned critical thinking and wants to distance themselves from the polygamous church should be able to recognize the harm it did to her Mother, and be a little understanding. Is she going to be better with her future patients or is she going to rip them a new one every time they don't meet her standards of a model patient?

    • Love 7
  8. The new car (Range Rover, maybe) commercial where the driver drives thru a construction zone while following a woman in a leopard print dress  just floors me.  They obviously want to impress me with how well the car handles in different terrains, while getting the 'Elephant Walk' song stuck in my head.   However, all I can think of is they are trying to market the car to 4 year olds with vivid imaginations or clueless male adults that will follow anyone in a skirt anywhere. 

    • Love 2
  9. Aren't these the same lights and cables that didn't stretch the first time Kody put them up.  At the commitment ceremony or some celebration?  You know when that band Meri follows played?  It's not all about you Kody.

    As for the timeline - I saw some poster somewhere that said the editors just like to put random timelines together that tell a story.

    Kody - you don't get to dictate where the tables are for Thanksiving.  Its' not all about you. You're one of 20 some people. 

    • Love 2
  10. Brianna's ex is obviously in his daughters life.  He cares about the school district and his time with his daughter.  Regardless of how well he and Brianna get along..... she has NO business trying to sabotage that by steering the daughter toward Matt as her Dad.  Who in their right mind would kick their new husband out of the house for the reason she has and then invite him to take  her daughter to a dance?

    Continuing to watch - I didn't know that Brianna had been abandoned at 10 by her birth Mom... so she probably thinks of her adoptive  parents as also  rans (they are not, they are her REAL parents) and that is why she treats them so badly.   I can see that this birth Mom is overtalking her guilt about abandoning her and Brianna is twisting it to think that kicking Matt out of the house is the same thing as her Mom abandoning her.

    Matt says he's going to be 40 - its' way way past time for him to quit blaming his behavior on his childhood abuse.  He talks a really good game, but he's creepy.

    • Love 4
  11. its already a 50  minute reunion, where most of the contestants won't even get a question..... and we have whomever this is in the weird get-up.  Tai did NOT win, why is he getting so much screen time. 

    • Love 1
  12. For all the medical evacs, this was a boring season.    I cannot believe Michelle won.  If she had gone to tribal council once in the first 22 days, she would have not lasted until day 23. 

    • Love 5
  13. Just now starting to watch this episode.  Solomons' still sleeping in Robins' room?  He's 4. He's old enough to sleep upstairs.  Put the baby in the little nursery, move Solomon upstairs.   Remember all the grief and crying Robin did about not having cribs for her older kids and that they had to share a room?  Does she even keep the story lines straight?  Solomon is spoiled rotten.  You don't ask a 4 year old if  he will share his room... you just inform him that he will share his room.  Where is Sols' baby furniture?

    Kody is even goofier than normal.  Caleb is Kody's sister-in-laws brother, he already knows him.  He also has several sons of his own when he needs male companionship... if they allow him around. The wives and kids had obviously had enough of Kody.  Kody - Maddie is not your possession - you don't 'hand the baton over'.

    • Love 2
  14. In regards to Renard being with Black Claw.... think way back to an earlier season.  Renard started out as a shady character, an illegitimate Royal thrilled to having a Grimm to work for him in a Royal capacity (back when Grimms were known to work with Royals).  One of the episodes featured an old clip of Hitler woging.  I think that same episode showed each characters' innermost desires. Renards' was to be in a position of power on stage with cheers from the crowd. 

    That's what is up with Renard these days. 


    Yes, we are going to get stuck with JuliEve being the Mother of Kelly, and that is what will bring the full Juliette back.  She's already capable of coming back - hence her answer to Truble about Juliette's opinions ' Best not to go there'.  Adalind will use the loss of Kelly (and, I bet, the re-disappearance of Diana) to go back to being an evil witch.   Rosalee will come up with a cure for Wu.  Hank will never get a girl. 

  15. On ‎5‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 8:39 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

    My question for everyone is this; if an individual who had been a victim of child molestation were exhibiting symptoms such as hypersexualization and promiscuity (as evidenced by sexting and the other behaviors we've seen in Matt) were a woman, would people be as eager to attack her as they have Matt?

    Yes, Yes I would.   I'd say the same thing about them I am getting ready to say about Matt.  Matt has 2 children and 1 on the way.   He's not 19 or 20, he's at least 30?  He's an adult, a parent, and it is time to grow up and act like one.  People don't get to blame every single bad behavior they exhibit on the things that happen to them in childhood.  Child molesters and rapists who were abused as children still go to prison.  Alcoholics and drug addicts who were raised by addicted parents still go to jail for DUI.   I don't see Matt actually taking responsibility for his behavior, he still wants to blame his childhood and be allowed to continue the bad behavior.   He hasn't learned anything from the poor choices he's made prior to Brianna:  his domestic violence charge, etc.  I'm not saying that victims of abuse aren't victims, and that they don't need help... they do, and they should be encouraged and helped in getting it.  But, they still need to realize that they have to STOP the bad behavior and the acting out. 

    I am saying this  as an adult who was the grandchild of an alcoholic, and the step child of an alcoholic and a mean drunk.  My childhood is the typical unstable, often relocating, cash-poor, neglected and abused childhood that comes with that.  I went thru my own wild times, but I straightened myself out, and went to therapy, so that I could be a good parent and be happy. I haven't yet heard Matt say he needs to do that for his kids, he just doesn't want Brianna to kick him to the curb.   

    • Love 9
    • Was it just me or was part II just more of the same as Part 1...

    Terra and Tonya shouting at Christy and vice versa, but mostly Terra.

    The ladies continuing to give Brianna unwanted advice

    Jasmine continuing to think it is all about her and how hurt she was by Matt

    More of Matt and Brianna, their special, asking all the guys about Matt and Brianna

    Terra throwing a beer bottle in New York.. now that was a chargable offense of vandalism as the bottle damaged the door.  I don't know why she thinks that being charged in LA is so much worse than the behavior that anyone can see just by googling her name on the internet. 

    • Love 1
  16. Jill is extremely out of her comfort zone.  She is in a foreign country, with a baby, doesn't speak the language, doesn't know the customs, knows no one.  She is used to 19 or more people in her line of sight every single day, and staying busy all day long.  The reality of her life is a far cry from her daydreams of being a missionary/midwife  All of us can relate because what we thought we wanted in life was a pretty daydream  until it became reality. 

    Izzy has two people in his life that speak his language.  that's it. he's not going to get the stimulation and assimilation that Spurgeon does.

    • Love 9
  17. If Terra wanted her friends at the hospital, then she should have said so.  She told them not to come, they are not mind readers.  What a selfish, self-absorbed person she is.   Can you imagine growing up with a mother like Terra? 

    Elena is better than the rest at being polite around people who are not normally her friends.  These women are not friends - Brianna only found out Terra was pregnant a week before the reunion was taped, and Terra was 18 weeks along at the reunion.  I bet they do not see each other except during filming. 

    Jasmine is even more self absorbed than Terra.

    These women are only making it more difficult for Briana to leave Matt.  Most of them are Moms - they need to learn that you don't convince your relatives or friends to leave their significant other by yelling.  That only pushes them further together.  That's what happened when Brianna's family were so strident about their objection to Matt.

    • Love 3

    Not to speak for MYTHOUGHTS, but for me - I was surprised at this not because it wasn't believable, but because it is preposterous to me that we didn't know this until now. Or, at least if the audience didn't know, that Bebe was startled to learn it. At no time before now did this come up? If only anecdotally considering how much Pakistan has been part of the SoS's agenda?!?


    Yes, this was my not-well-stated point.   Seems to me that something like that would have been established, and referred to in the show before. 

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