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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Was it Michaela that made the comment that 'our parents would have voted to give us the fishing gear if they were here'?  Uh, no, your parents would have been just as competitive as these Gen Xers.  You aren't starving, and you can get up and go find some food.  Way to build on the millennial stereotypes. 


    CeeCe needed to give that bag to someone else, this is not the first time she has slowed them down in a challenge needlessly.

    • Love 3
  2. Quote

    Rumspringa is kind of bullshit, though, because if you choose not to return to the fold, you are 100% shunned by everyone you know and love. At best, you acquire kick-ass memories, then return to your regularly scheduled programming. 

    .  The problem that I see (and no one has ever answered) is that the Amish, like the Duggars, often do not have a high school diploma.  Just how are they to survive  out of their elements if they choose not to return?   In my home state Amish are allowed to drop out of school much earlier than non-Amish, because that is what the Amish wanted. 

    The Duggar offspring are just as out of luck.  Exactly how can they to earn a living if JB doesn't provide a business for them to work in? See how that worked out for Josh?  Derek at least has a college degree to fall bac on, Ben has a 2 year degree, Jeremy has a degree.   The Duggar offspring has some skills in the trades, but employers have lots of applicants.... they are going to hire 1)a high school graduate over a non-high school graduate, and 2) someone that won't look down their noses at their co-workers who are 'diverse'.  Diversity training is a BIG deal these days.

    • Love 5
  3. I was prepared to not like either new agent... but by the end of the show, I was ok with it.  It's not that I disliked either actor, I just felt it was too soon too bring in a new agent.  I just hope that whatever health issue was plaguing Esposito is better now.... that's why she left Blue Bloods because she couldn't take the long hours.   I just don't want McGhee's contributions to be overshadowed by the presence of a new senior character.

    • Love 1
  4. My understanding is that the ad IS directed at men with daughters( or even nieces).

    CNN is continuing with their (now) normal practice of covering only 1 story 24 hours over and over. This week its' Charlotte.  Not sure how they are going to be able to handle Monday with a debate AND Charlotte to cover. 

    • Love 5
  5. I cannot wait for Jeremy to have his first real Italian argument with his in-laws.   Something tells me that it has been years since JB and Michelle have had actual raised voices and flat out refusals in return to one of their ultimatums. And, I bet the only child to try it was Jessa.  This man is 29, a good 5 years older and a lot more mature than Derick when he met Jill.   Derick had a college degree, and two years of nomadic life in Nepal, most probably in a shared dorm type room.  Jeremy has a real apartment,  bills, and has truly lived on his own.  He knows he doesn't have to answer to JB once the wedding is over- he doesn't truly have to answer to him before if he's willing to take the risk that Jinger will cancel the engagement. 

    • Love 13
  6. I don't remember Brittany the addict having that good of a relationship with  her parents, other than having drug conversations across the dinner table.  Dad, like a lot of parents, enabled her by giving her money. I don't remember the sister, other than the meltdown when Dad was proven to still be an addict, himself. 


    Now, Megan, the addict had a sister Brittany... who although not jealous of Megan's relationship with her Dad, seemed the only family member that truly tried to stop Megan from doing drugs.

  7. Was watching Chris Cuomo talk to Steve King? this morning about the Trump child care plan.  One of the things he said is that we need more children.  Does anyone remember the days of desired zero population growth and the constant discussion of the number of people in the world? People did what they were requested to do and had fewer children, now we need more? 

  8. CNN - you do not have to cover Hillary's health 24/7.  It's walking pneumonia, she's not dying.   Your reporters all admit to having it on the campaign trail at one time or another.  This is a big world, is that really all there is to talk about?  I am so sick of this election. 

    • Love 13
  9. I've been disappointed by this show ever since Suzie was killed off.   This season being no exception.  Jane becoming an FBI instructor makes no sense, she hasn't the temperment for it.  Worse, I hope Tess doesn't go that route in the books.  Maura is such a scientist, her flip-flop into helping out at clinics and being a writer also makes no sense.  Korsak retiring does, as Kents' taking over the lab, and Frankie getting a real desk.  The Frankie/Nina romance was built up slowly and also makes sense.  Ron coming back to Angela makes sense as it was stupid for her to drop him without even explaining why.  I don't feel any chemistry between Jane and the FBI guy - and I am someone that isn't on the Rizzles train.  This was another show that lasted at least 1 season longer than it should have.

    • Love 3
  10. I'm going to give Jeremy a pass for a while on his speech patterns and so forth.  Not everyone is a natural on camera.  Just because he was a former soccer player does not mean he's used to being close up and personal with that camera other than a short interview on the side of the field.  He's probably very self aware of it ,and very nervous. The whole courtship thing is also foreign to him and very demeaning for a 29 year old normal male. 

    • Love 6
  11. I didn't get the staged feeling.  I just didn't like any of them very much.   The brother and  the friend seemed to be the only semi-normal ones.  I also thought the family was fooling themselves when they blamed it all on her guilt about the Japan trip.  It sounded to me like she was already having addictionist issues before she left.    I also get distracted by the tattoos.  Sorry, but they just distract me.  

    I don't like this interventionist.  She's got that 'I'm better than you, you are so weak and pathetic' vibe.   Andrew does a good job on the Canadian side, and most of the American ones do.  

    • Love 1
  12. Quote

    I dislike the on camera discussion of Christy allegedly taking drugs.  I'm supposed to believe the two people who hate her the most?  There better be a reason for this speculation, because I can't think of a more vicious thing to do to a recovering alcoholic. 

    Thank you for mentioning that - I forgot about it.  Christy seems pretty normal to me, in fact, more reasonable than a season or two ago.  This seemed like pure gossip to me unless something changes really quick.   

    Did everyone notice how it was supposedly Christy's fault that Brianna got served a summons?  Brianna - you are attending an event being filmed.  Did you really think your location was a secret?  And, if you are actually in default to the ex-publicist., then you have to pay up.    I also do not get why it is such a betrayal that Christy hired Brianna's ex-publicist as her own publicist.  If Christy likes what Julie does, then she is free to hire her.  She didn't need Briannas' blessing to hire someone that Brianna no longer employs.

    • Love 7
  13. Stampiron,


    I did not realize that.  No disrespect to the new prosecutor ... but I still think the original prosecutor and the police department has some things to answer for.  

    • Love 4
  14. These women are horrible.  Who crashes a party that they know they weren't invited to, and starts an argument with the hostess on a special occasion?  Why is Terra throwing a fit about Tonya talking to Christy when Terra has been gossiping about Tonya to everyone including Brianna. 

    • Love 4
  15. I just watched the 'enhanced' replay of this -


    Terra runs around and gossips about Tonya to everyone, repeats what Tonya said about Brianna to Brianna, cusses up a storm at a Habitat LA event.  What is wrong with her?  As for Tonya's clothing line - stay out of it, she didn't tell you how stupid your Twerking video was.  I don't get why these women think they have the ability  to start all these clothing lines, workout videos, etc etc  ... they all seem way to immature and tacky to be able to actually run a business. 

    • Love 3
  16. So Dad thinks he was a perfect father, and all the problems are the Mom's fault. Right. Dear Dad and Mom.... don't participate in the addiction with the addicts.

    I didn't see anything 'amazing' about anyone in this family.  The brother appeared normal, the parents appeared dysfunctional and immature for their age.   The kids were normal.  Didn't get a read on the ex.  She may have no choice in letting Ryan see them as his Mom may have actual legal custody even if the Mom has physical custody. 

    • Love 1
  17. Not only did Jinger and Jeremy side hug several times, she was resting her head on his chest outside.  Remember when JB practically gave Jill whiplash changing places with her in Nepal when poor Derick put his hand on her back/shoulder while they were walking?  Jessa and Ben were required to have a chaperone when they sat in a porch swing at a party at Ben's parents. 

    I'm guessing that Jeremy can only take these courting rules to a certain point and JB has had to go along to get along.  I don't think the guys are lining up to court the Duggar girls.  For example, - what 30 year old guy wants to 'court ' a 27 year old like Jana with the rules that should apply to teenagers?

    As for the childproofing - this was Josh and Anna's first house, the cabinets and such should have already been done.  Also trying to figure out how Jessa could have had buddies as a child and not already know about child-proofing. 

    • Love 6
  18. Am I the only one who understood Tonya's comment  as against Matt?  I felt that Tonya thought Matt would twist an average size child against Brianna - and then it would be difficult for Brianna as the child got older, bigger, and stronger.  Also, let's get real.  I am 5'1" - my younger child was tall from the get go.  I had to stop carrying him around a lot sooner than my first one (who grew up to be 5'7").  Raising an average size child has got to be harder physically than a little child for a little adult. Look how hard it is for Terra to carry Penny around already.

    • Love 9
  19. I couldn't find fault with the sisters' behavior - she was trying her best to not be an enabler. Dad, on the other hand, was perfectly happy to let Megan do whatever she wanted... 'because it is her birthday'.  Grandparent (unseen except for a birthday card), send a drug addict a $250 check. Seriously?  Dad really thought that it was Ok to leave an 8 year old with someone that had (or at least been accused of) molested her..... because 'that was all straightened out'.  Look, even if the accusation couldn't be proven, there is no way I would leave a child alone with someone she had accused.

    I wish I knew why these addicts can't accept the help that is offered (when they admit they have an issue) without kicking and screaming.  It would be different if they don't admit they have a problem - but most of the addicts on this show freely admit they are addicted.   Megan knew she was an addict, knew she would be dead in a year.... but basically wanted to say NO just so she could continue to scream at her parents about their past failures.  Goodness, take the help.... you can continue to hold their past failures against them later, when you are clean and sober. 

    • Love 3
  20. I think she is just spoiled rotten.   She  does not appear to have a mental disability.  She carries on a normal conversation, can discuss adult topics, has friends of a similar age to herself.  She just has not been required to do anything, such as dishes, cooking, going on a bus by herself, etc. She's been treated as a child.  My DVR cuts off the last minute, meaning that it records on the next timeslot.  So I got to see the last few seconds of her earlier episode.  She sang the National Anthem at a sport event, ran off the field into her Mom's arms, and was picked up like a small child.  She acted as a small child when discussing possible jobs, chores, etc. 

    There have been other shows on primordial dwarfism that featured adults.  None of them acted like this. 

    Compare her to Zach Roloff, he doesn't act like this. Compare her to Bill and Jen of the Little Couple.  Jen is a highly regarded doctor, who was obviously in college at the age Hannah is.  They have different types of dwarfism, but, I still think she is just spoiled. I'm watching the wait for the train part - and it is obvious to me that 1.  she's never been allowed to even buy her own ticket before,and 2 - Mom gives her orders about her 'tone' as if she is a 5 year old - 'be nice or you can't go to the movies'. What's next - ground her for the day? 

    College would be good for her, but she needs to start at a community college.  That transition will be hard enough for her since she is so immature.   In the meantime, she needs people to not do anything for her.   'Here's your room, make  your bed, don't make your bed. Here are the cleaning products.  If she CAN vacuum, then she should.  Laundry - you are on your own, you wash/dry it or it doesn't get washed. Cook or eat stuff that doesn't need cooked.  Go to the grocery with Mom, pick out your food'.  Yes, she will need help there, and bringing food home.  But, whatever she can possibly do, let her do it or go without. 

    • Love 3
  21. They really have no choice but to fire him.  Close your eyes, replay the situation - but replace Thomas Gibson, actor, with Bob Smith - fast food worker.  In these days of workplace violence, domestic violence at work, school shootings, etc..... they had no choice.  What if his next offense was a lot more than kicking?

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