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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I personally do not think members of any political party (or any other group) all think alike, or should be stereotyped.  I think most people fall all over the map - conservative on this issue, moderate on this other one, and so forth.   I've self identified as Republican for a few decades  now - but I will not vote for Trump, for example.  I early voted, and every thing was either Dems or Libertarian when I got done this year.  So am I a RINO,now? 

    Back to Trump - I just cannot support him because I can't find anything about him I respect, think he would be an incompetent and bad President, and he gives me the creeps.  I would feel the same if he were running as a Dem. Libertarian, or Independent - because I just don't like HIM.

    • Love 9
  2. I'm watching some of the CNN Melania interview.  Ok, Trump campaign - which is it?  Women who claim sexual assault should be believed (such as the Bill Clinton accusers, even when no proof was found and their stories were inconsistent), or we should be investigating these women's backgrounds (such as the women who have accused Trump, because Melania believes her husband when he says these women are liars).    So Melania can stand by her man and basically attack and demean the women, but when Hillary stood by Bill, well that was terrible?

    Look, I believed at the time that Bill did have sex with Monica, and that it was a terrible imbalance of power and authority,... a 22 year old intern. I believed he cheated on Hillary.  Trump has cheated on his wives.  The difference?  Bill Clinton is not running for President.  I voted for Hillary because she isn't incompetent.  I voted for Hillary in spite of her husband. I didn't vote for Trump.... because he is  insane, in my opinion. 

    • Love 14
  3. CNN and Melania - 'Billy Bush egged Donald on'.   Donald was a 59 year old businessman used to dealing with international businessmen and women.  He knew how to carry on conversations without saying the stuff he said.  'They may not have known the mic was on'.  That is ridiculous.  Donald had been doing the Apprentice for a while at the time he was on this bus.  He knew about hot mics, and so did Billy Bush and everyone else on that bus. 

    I have no  respect for this woman.  I certainly don't want her to be First Lady any more than I want him to be President.

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  4. I felt bad for Frances, and didn't think she deserved life.  However,I did not think two years was too much.   Her husband did die, and she was driving recklessly down the interstate.  It could have easily been someone else that she sideswiped.   I was disappointed at the end when she went on about how she was going to be separated from her grandkids for two years.   I gather  she  thought she should get probation or a pat on the back?  Look, I get that she was mad and upset.  She should have just called the cops and told them that someone was driving the family car without HER permission, and where she was.   She should have reported Bonnie several weeks earlier when she was texting all those things all day long.  Especially when Bonnie sent her nude photos - that's sexting, and Bonnie could have been arrested for that.  

    As for Bonnie, what a piece of work.  If the man hasn't left his wife after 3 years, he is not going to. Take your lovely parting gifts of two cars, and 3 years of free rent, and go hunt up someone else.   She should have pulled over - if Bill was following, he would have stopped.  It's not as if Frances could really hurt her standing by the side of the road.  Someone would have stopped and pulled Frances off.  I'm surprised Bonnie didn't relish the chance to harass Frances in person - kind of shows her cowardice.  Any man who watches this episode and dates Bonnie deserves to have their life turned upside down when the relationship cools.

    And for all the idiot cheating males -- think about how easily this could be you. 

    • Love 14
  5. I'm currently watching Rep Yoho, a Trump supporter on CNN, say with a straight face that we should ignore all these allegations while voting because this is not the time and place to investigate, and that 'he without sin should cast the first stone'.

    First,  no one is literally threatening to stone Trump.  Deciding that he isn't qualified to be Dogcatcher because he is an awful man is not the same thing as stoning.  We have prisons full of people, I don't see us opening the doors and letting criminals out because we aren't perfect, either.  Does he think Christian victims of sexual assault are just supposed to allow someone to assault them because they aren't perfect, either?

    Second, when is the time and place - a year from now after Trump is allowed to win the election?  I don't care to have another 5 years of defining what 'is ' means.

    Third,because he also brought up Bill Clinton - BILL CLINTON IS NOT RUNNING. I'm fairly certain that if Hillary wins, no female in the white house will be in a room alone with him.   If family (such as Melania's nude photos) are off limits, then Bill trangressions are off limits too.

    • Love 8
  6. It seems odd to me, but I feel sorry for Billy Bush.  He's going to lose his job, and have this follow him around for the rest of his life.  Yet, I don't feel one bit sorry for Trump, and whatever the fallout ends up being for him.  I feel two faced about that, but there it is.  Why is that, do you think - other than I never watched his show, and didn't know who Billy Bush was until Friday night? I feel sorry for this Nancy person, who I also couldn't tell you anything about - has either of them apologized to her?  What about all the other men on that bus - whats' the fallout for them?

    • Love 1
  7. I too have noticed the blond women.  I have to really look close to know which one it is on any given show.  I'm floored at how they just circle around to whatever the talking point of the day is regardless of what question got asked.  I'm also floored at how they think that their opinion is THE opinion of every voter registered to their party.  Each party is a big tent, and their voters don't believe the way they do on every point.  They don't realize that they insult a good portion of their potential voters when they do that.  They also seem to think that just because I am of a political party means that I am voting for them.... and I didn't today when I early voted.

    I think the surrogates have come into vogue since the cable news networks went to 24 hours of all politics for 18-24 months before each election - which means pretty much all the time.  They have to have enough people to cover that. 

    • Love 4
  8. This is now the merged topics of The Surrogates; The Election Peanut Gallery; and the Non-Media Indispensables - it covers all of those folks that AREN'T running for office, not just campaign surrogates



    A place to discuss all those people who wander from cable 'news' show to cable 'news' show repeating the campaign talking points.  Corey-Jeffrey-KellyAnne-Kayleigh-Scottie-Katrina-Betsy-Ana-etc, etc, etc.  Any one of them on any show fair game. 

    • Love 2
  9. I'm going to have a stroke due to high blood pressure by the time the election gets here. CNN is must-watch TV for me, but the KellyAnn, Kayleigh, Katrina, Scottie, Corey brigade make me want to throw something at the TV.  I must not be privy to the super-secret websites where they get their talking points, and conspiracy theories.  Also, Hillary has a lot to answer for, but doing her job as a court appointed legal aid lawyer isn't one of them.  She asked to be unappointed (the proscecutor has said so), and was not, so she stepped up to the plate and defended the guy - which is a vital part of our justice system.  Afterwards, she established a rape crisis hotline.   I don't want to vote for her, but she is(my opinion),  the lesser of two evils. 

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  10. What a week for the mods to open a forum for us, huh?  Any of you political historical wonks wonder what would have happened if CNN had been around during the Nixon-Kennedy years or during the Nixon resignation period?   Think the 24 hour coverage would have caused those elections/situations to play out like a cage match, too?

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