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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Given that the daughter is staying with Cara's parents, who take her to the prison to see Cara weekly... I'm not sure she is in a good place..  

    these two should have stayed split up.  Also, I have yet to figure out what married man thinks he can let his 'friend'( and that is what they referred to the relationship as), run up thousands of dollars on 3 credit cards he co-signs for. That ruins his And his wife's joint credit.  

    I aldo noticed that the minute the verdict was read Cara began  babbling 'I'm sorry' over and over.  As if she could now admit she was guilty. 

    • Love 7
  2. I think they are intelligent enough. Jonah and Anna were studying for the SATs. The other 3 seem bright enough also.  They are tweens and teens- who probably don't really enjoy speaking on camera.  i think some viewers  may think speech impediments mean brain impediments.  Remember English was probably not the first language for the adopted ones.  Trent and Amber both seem bright enough also. They seem to be doing a good job raising that brood and teaching them good values.  Alex is somewhat emotionally immature, sophomoric, and selfish but I think he's like many10 year olds, honestly. 

    • Love 2
  3. I think Brianna does have a chemical imbalance.... of the brain. She needs medication and therapy, and then to follow thru. I think there is a reason why her parents opposed her relationship with Matt and it's more than just their concerns about Matt. I think they know their daughter and they know she can't manage on her own for reasons unrelated to her height. 

    • Love 3
  4. Yes. Ambers pain was apparent. Hope the steroids and therapy did the trick.

    Based on how easy it was the second night, the kids have cooked dinner before.  They just took the opportunity the first night to be 'goofy' - their way of blowing off stress, I think. 

    I am glad Trent was able to take off work while Amber was in the hospital. It sounded like he didn't leave until Amber was mobile. He mentioned something about it not being practical to go back and forth- so maybe they went up a  hospital familier with Their medical issues? 

  5. I think it's creepy either way.  Wonder if he made a habit of this? Also, warrior princess Betsy shouldn't have just believed him when he said he was separated for years. Has she never heard of this thing called the internet? Didn't she wonder why she never met the rest of his family if she was the love of his life?

    i also wondered about the reality of his wife's dementia. The dementia that he told his girlfriend about 5 years earlier, but told the cops was just diagnosed( that was supposedly why the wife was visiting those friends that night). 

    I think the wife has some cognitive difficulties now- she seemed a little  childlike, but Andrea stated at the outset she was still recovering 2 years later. At the end, they said she lives with her son and his family. 

    • Love 5
  6. For a while early on  Nicky missed dinner often because she was with her Dad, but then that stopped.  There was that one weekend getaway downtown for Linda and Danny, which Danny missed most of working- and they made it back for Sunday dinner.  Don't they ever go on vacation? 

    Personally, I think every Sunday until after dark is a bit much to ask when everyone works long hours.  When do they get downtime? 

  7. It's more than just getting away from the Duggar world. Jill has been pretty far away in distance, but she has the same mind-set as her parents.  I think that's on her, because I don't think Derick cares what she wears or does. Same with Jessa and Ben.  'free Jinger' started because posters saw a different mind set within Jinger. I think she chose her husband with this in mind. 

    • Love 13
  8. I'm still trying to figure out why Jer and Auj decided to have a baby just because Zach and Tori were having one. Did the couples have some sort of secret pact that they'd become parents together?  Because all I've been hearing is how annoyed Jer and Auj are about having to move their planned 5 year schedule up.  That was THEIR choice.  

    I'm also tired of Jer's constant ' season of life' comments. He acts like a 60s coffeehouse philosopher. It's very annoying to those of us twice his age.   

    • Love 7
  9. Personally I thought Michaela told Brad to go fish because she was hungry, and his normal role in camp was to go fish. 


    As to her having a hard time relating to people not like her... how does that make her different from most of the rest of us? Take a look at who you surround your life with. I'm guilty of that same comfort level. 

    • Love 9
  10. Bull and his team were fine the way they were. I don't need this JP character running roughshod over them.  Ruins the show for me, leaving a bad taste in my mouth at seasons end. 

    • Love 7
  11. These women don't like each other, they are not truly friends.  They seem to only see each other during filming.    You can tell by the conversations that they have.  They participate in this show because they get paid and get their face in front of a camera.     

     Terra mentioned she hates the arguments.  Well, then stop starting them. Stop allowing Tonya to egg them on.  Treat people kindly. Showing 5 year old video that Christy told you she made because she needed the money is not being a friend.  Ruining a baptism party is not being a friend. Talking on camera about Brianna's body Oder is very not being a friend. 

    None of them are any better. Stop getting mad because you weren't chosen for a model shoot and someone else was. Tonya has the right to choose from more than 3 friends. 

    • Love 6
  12. Bitter apple- 


    true- but I still remember those days when I couldn't even go to the bathroom without toddlers or two year olds wanting to know what I was doing . Even great parents need a break, the Dillards also deserve a break. 

    • Love 3
  13. It's perfectly understandable that Grandma Cathy wants Izzy for the weekend.  It's also perfectly ok for the Dillard's to send him there.  I loved it when I got to go to Grandmas as a kid.  I'll snark on lots of things the Dillards do- but not this. Let's be grateful Izzy has a grandma where he's special, not one of the hundred or so that the Duggars will end up with. 



    I don't make friends well either. We moved at least once a year( not military, dad couldn't keep a job), and we never brought 'friends' home, or had money to go anywhere. 

    That's why I love this forum. 

    • Love 14
  14. You can see minors parents or older siblings named in police reports in the local paper everyday. Anyone who knows them can even extrapolate the minor involved. I've figured out my children's classmates that were involved thisway. Yes, it seems ridiculous in terms of actually keeping a minors identity secret, but it's the letter of the law. They were not required to redact James Robert and Michelles names, just the names of the minors. 

    • Love 9
  15. I don't see it as being worth millions. Yes, the show was cancelled- but wasn't that actually after the Ashley Madison event?   then the show was brought back a year later.,  I doubt TLC pays them 10 million per season. Next thing you know TLC's contract will end up in evidrnce.

    Yes, they are victims, yes their privacy was violated. Yes, Springdale police department(where Dads are allowed to ride along) needs to apologize for poor redaction.  That report would have never been published if They hadn't been PUBLIC figures. And as to privacy- Anna - birth- toilet.  

    • Love 4
  16. If the actress playing Michelle needed off the show, then just don't create scenes for her. It's not like she was in all that many episodes anyway.  Wasn't Granger enough of a reset? 

    • Love 2
  17. They just had to follow thru with the Diana is the all powerful Vesen, who could be great or evil storyline.Then they had to keep the keys and what was found in the box storyline. The end result being what we got. Yuck. 

    I did enjoy the back to the beginning feel of the last couple episodes- the cabin, how they all met, Wu's snarky comments, etc.  but the rest, just yuck. 

    Adalind and Nick had chemistry at the beginning. If they had just gotten rid of Juliet before the Adalind-Juliet switch, we all could have rolled with the Nick- Adalind pairing. Then on top of that, they had to reduce Adalind to cameo Mommy appearances. The chemistry disappeared. 

    And the ending scene- leave Diana out of the trailer. She belongs on the Renardside. Make it 30 years, and throw in a reference to a 2nd generation Wu and Hank. 

  18. The worst part of the Frankenstein stuff was the poor limb attachment those doctors did.  Really - you only sew about one stitch every inch along the shoulder line?  

    Eve seems to be totally gone, Juliet's speech mannerisms were totally back after she woke up on the hospital. 


    I like the WOW. The stuff like the stick,  Diana, GW, BC bore me silly. 

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