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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. We don't have a 'legal' language here. Most legal documents are in English. Immigrants and their families have long spoken their language of origin.   There are  many areas where immigrants and their descendants are clustered and speak their native languages 95% of the time. 

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  2. IMO, Caryn was never Amy's friend. She was always Matts'  ally. I remember scenes of her during pumpkin season for two or three years in a row.  She brushed aside any ideas from Amy and the kids, and always carried out Matts wishes/ good or bad. I felt she and Matt had a closer relationship than appropriate back then. 

    • Love 6
  3. Jer and Auj are so much alike. I have no idea what they are going to do for money when their show ends. They remind me of the original 'flower children' of the 60s. Good thing- because a commune lifestyle will be what they can afford. 

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  4. It appeared to me that Zach and Tori had asked both Grandmothers to be there. Tori was so nervous about the c-section that she was worried about being alone for the short amount of time that Zach would be out of the room getting ready himself.  When they saw Amy waiting, she commented that she was on time for once. 

    I love how Zach politely told Matt that he and Tori may not allow babysitting for 3 months.  He politely refered to research they'd done, admitting they might change their minds. Rather than make nasty comments about boundaries and interference the way Jer and Auj do.  

    • Love 17
  5. Chris wanted to meet Matt for several reasons one of which was that he is on Matt and Amy's property when he visits Amy. It's a courtesy thing- and he's right.  It's been 8 months, it's more than time.  If Amy and Chris have a future, Matt and Chris are going to have to get along. There will be family occasions where they will be in the same place. Especially if Amy continues to live on the farm. 


    Jeremy and Audrey act as if Amy is a monster. Are they going to be those holier than thou parents that won't leave their child with Grandma - or parents that send their kids to Grandma every day and twice on Sundays? 

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  6.  I dont remember giving our older son  a vote on our second child( over 10 years apart), but I do remember us asking for his thoughts and concerns about it.  I think Jonah and Elizabeth and Anna do a lot to help out and it's fair to ask them if they feel they have more to give. Also, bringing a two year old who speaks no English into a family of 7 is an entirely different dynamic than  a newborn.  It's going to call for different responses on everyone's part.  This family seems to vote on things, but I am sure Trent and Amber overrule if they feel another decision is best. They are definitely the rule makers and enforcers. 

    • Love 3
  7. I agree about Jonah. Not very many 17 year olds want a new 2 year old sibling. He may be aware of how much adoptions cost and wondering how college for him and the rest of them will be affected. 

    Having a younger sibling would be a dramatic event for Alex, but might also be good for him.   

    However, my own opinion( not that they  should care about it) is that 5 is enough.  Elizabeth and Alex have medical issues relating to their dwarfism. Trent recognized that they'd basically be raising  a child for 20 more years.  And it's ok to be conscious of that.  


    I love this family. Just like the little couple, they continue to live their normal lives and we are welcome unto watch. They aren't seemingly negatively affected by cameras. 

    • Love 4
  8. I was disappointed in this revival. Very few of the characters seemed to have any growth during the 10 years in/between. Lorelei acted younger than ever, until 'fall'. Rory behaving every bit as badly as the period when she dropped out of college. If she had 10 successful years as a journalist, she'd be way more mature than how she's acting. Luke also, same as ever. Most of the stars hollow townspeople, same. Michel, Zach, Jess- they had grown and matured.  Sookie was subdued. Logan - typical male - be more than happy to take the milk for free.  


    I  don't think Rory got pregnant the LDB night, although I think she suspected she was pregnant that morning.  That night  was after Lorelei left for her hike. Lorelei came  back just a few days later and told Luke they were getting married this month (and the wedding date was the5th of the month, so a few days later). Question- who begins a hike thru mountains  in late October? 

    I think Rory suspected she was pregnant and that is why she refused Logan and then ran to her grandparents home to begin the book.  Question- Rory obviously knew the house was for sale, why not tell Lorelei?

  9. If Derick and  Jill had been forced to wait to court until he came back from Nepal, that would have helped.

    If they had been counseled to court for longer, that would have helped. 

    If they had been allowed to have private phone calls and texts, that would have helped. Jessa was allowed to have private phone calls at a certain point, for an hour every night., and her courtship was much longer. 

    If they had had pre marriage  counseling by someone other than JB, that would have helped. If Derick had used protection for a year, that would have helped. If they hadn't run off to Danger America, that would have helped. 

    • Love 12
  10. The death of his father seems never far from his mind....even 9 years later, which is almost 1/3 of his entire life. On the other hand, he was independent enough to go to Nepal for two years.   I think what we see is the real Derick.  He had shaggy hair in Nepal, but cut it off short when he came home to  corporate America. He seems to like Danger America since he keeps dragging his family back there. I think he meant it when he said he wanted to be a missionary . Period. 

    • Love 4
  11. In regards to Lars- he didn't need to shoot in the first place.  A ' stop Who goes there, I have a gun' would have prevented the incident.  Flipping on a light while he trained his gun on the person would have prevented it.  This notion that it's ok to shoot an intruder without even knowing if he's armed isn't ok with me. Most burglars aren't armed. 

    • Love 16
  12. Actually I think she is not bashing moderate Christian churches. I don't think she is bashing Catholics, but then I am not truly aware of their salvation beliefs.  Must moderate Christian churches believe in grace-and don't think you need to dress, eat or drink in certain ways to be saved.  It's the Duggars that think you have to do extra things.  Now she is bashing Islam and Jewish religions. 

    • Love 2
  13. I am always amazed at the number of suspects/witnesses/ victims  that are known only by nicknames - that aren't even names.  I don't anyone personally whose nicknames are as odd. 

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  14. Don't worry- Michelle won't be able to keep counting before long.  She's going to be well into  senility before grandchildren stop arriving.   I truly believe having this many pregnancies aged her quickly. 

    Also- she's not even going to be able to keep all their names straight. My step- grandmother had 14 kids. my step dad being the youngest. I've long since lost track of the number of grandchildren, some of which I never met. I came into the family at the age of 5. 

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