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  1. At this time, I am not going to judge these very damaged kids (adult and otherwise)whose whole worldview has been obliterated. Give them a freaking minute to process and come to terms with everything that they have heard and experienced. It might take some of them longer to get there. I am also not going to hold them responsible for what their brother chose to do - we have seen no signs that any of the others share Josh’s proclivities, so we should also not blame them or punish them for Josh. They are all the victims of him and their parents and they deserve some space and some grace from the rest of us for now. Fortunately, it seems like the married kids all have pretty good in laws, so they have safe spaces. However, there is still a mess of younger siblings stuck with the parents and they will be forced to stay in touch for now for their sakes I hope now that Jana feels safe enough to move on - I think she sabotaged every opportunity to marry because she felt (or was made to feel) guilty for not protecting her younger sisters. I think she was also the only person Josh feared. She was not going to let that happen with the lost girls. It’s sad that she thought more about their safety than their garbage “parents” did. jB and Meech I loathe because they created and facilitated this mess. They and Josh are the only ones who should be punished for it. My contempt for them and Josh knows no bounds. I would happily pay a convict to make every single day of Josh’s life in prison an absolute misery. Do I want to see JB and Meech rattling around their empty house after being cut out out of the lives of all their children - absolutely! Would I love to see them have to prostrate and beg forgiveness from their children (preferably in public) - oh yes! I want them shunned and castigated. I want to see them destroyed…but more I want to see the remaining kids to thrive without them
  2. I had posted about Josh going in before Anna. I noted that both Derrick and Jason let their wives go in first.
  3. God, could you imagine if someone took a blacklight to that office? 🤢
  4. Depends on the state. In my state, after finding someone guilty, the jury then gets further instructions and then deliberates and recommends the sentence. From what I have been told, the judge generally follows the jury's recommendations
  5. I noticed in the video that when they get to the door, Josh opens the door and walks in ahead of Anna. I think that sums up his attitude towards her. In our decades together, never once has my husband--a fair Neanderthal in many respects--failed to open the door and stand by for me to enter first
  6. I am nervous because juries are so unpredictable. I sat on a jury (spousal and child abuse-completely clear cut case. The idiot should have taken the plea deal, which was 10 years. Instead he got almost 60, with no possibility of parole or early release, thanks to a new law in our state) where one juror wanted to acquit the defendant because the victim "looked like all those snotty cheerleaders she knew in high school, so she was probably asking for it" Thanks to patient and repeated review of materials and an un-airconditioned jury room, she finally came around. Everything seems clear to us, but we don't know what biases this brings, nor how the jury is processing this confusing and contradictory information. Hopefully there is one or two knowledgeable jurors who can break it down for the others if needed. Also, did I read that correctly - the network WAS password protected? It comes down to "Qui bono?" - who benefits from downloading the partition and the CSAM on his computer? Also, Occam's Razor - the most probable and simplest explanation are probably the correct one.
  7. Wouldn’t the remote user have to know that there was a partition to access it? Also, I don’t think that there anything on the desk top that indicates a partition (like a button you push), so anyone who used the computer wouldn’t know that the partition existed unless they were told by Josh. Finally, wouldn’t a random user stealing the WiFi be using it to down load or view stuff on their own device - not to down load it onto a computer they can’t access. Unless they had the partition on their own device, wouldn’t it be impossible to down load from that? The defense arguments make little sense. My dad was a prosecutor for years (and did a short stint as a public defender) He said that sometimes the defense attorney’s job was not to prove his client innocent, but to make sure that the prosecution do their job properly
  8. I was just coming to post this. What moron she is ETA: I wonder if the reason for all of the different woods in the addition is that they were shopping closeout and all that was available were various odds and ends, not enough of any one thing
  9. Maybe if Jill left Nurie and Nathan alone for a g-d d-n minute and let them rest and bond with their new baby, she would heal better. But no, Jill has to inflict six people, including three toddlers and her "disabled" self on the family, making poor Nurie have to cook, clean, and entertain them. LEAVE THEM ALONE. And beyotch, please. I had 4 kids naturally and had stitches and you know what helped? Being able to stay home and rest and not being dragged around! At least when my mom came after my babies, she actually helped and she only stayed a few days, not two freaking weeks.
  10. I give him kudos for moving away and working an actual job in the Spivey family business. Even with his thirsty mother-in-law, he is so much better off than most of his siblings
  11. WTF… how is she there to “help” (and she even put it in quotes like that)? Poor Nurie has to take care of her toddler sister and help her mother bathe, dress, and walk? By Jill’s own admission, she is just sitting around and snuggling the baby. For two weeks? I would say unbelievable, but it is all too believable where Jill is concerned. I wish Nathan would grow a pair and kick her grifting butt out. He and Nurie deserve this time to focus on each other and their new baby
  12. I wonder if Nathan and Nurie have had any time at all to hold and bond with their baby. It looks like Jill has him all wrapped up in her clammy hands.
  13. So Esther Shrader also has a Nehemiah. The Kellers have two grandsons named Nehemiah. I know the Shraders live in Africa and they have different last names, but I would not use the same distinctive name as my child's first cousin
  14. It must kill Jill that Nurie did a photo shoot with Mrs Keller. Nurie has a genuine smile which she never has with BME
  15. Poor Nurie still has no agency or control. She and Nathan should be the ones to announce the baby. Maybe now that she is a mom, her “mama bear” instincts kick in and she is able to set some healthy boundaries.
  16. Even in 1968, I would be surprised at 12 year old boys thinking they get periods - that was the only part that absolutely did not ring true. Otherwise, the parents continue to be awesome
  17. For those wondering how he paid for law school, I may have solved the mystery. In most Division 1 schools, the mascot gets a full scholarship, including Oklahoma State. So he may have had the money his parents set aside/from his father’s death for further education
  18. I watched the video of them walking out of the courtroom, and I don't think Anna was smug at all (he was though) She looks devastated, her smile is what can best be described as "rictus grin", and her eyes look dead. Her jaw is clearly tensed as if she is pressing her lips together to force a smile. She is defeated. He is strutting and she seems like she is barely putting one foot in front of the other and wants nothing more than to get out of there. With JB and M out of town, she is really on her own to deal with this.
  19. Wait, they are going to have a staircase in the middle of the that room going up to the attic? Talk about a heat/air conditioning suck. Add the metal roof, and metal siding with no visible insulation (I bet they will put that styrofoam crap in) and I cannot imagine how much their energy bills will be. (also, does anyone see any evidence of duct work in there? How are they planning to heat/cool the place? Maybe they are doing a ductless heating/cooling system)
  20. That addition looks like garbage - I'm sure that they had the Amish crew do the bare minimum of framing Poor Nurie, she can't have anything to herself ETA: I think the bay window is so low because she wants to use it as a window seat (so that she can post photos of herself studying her bible there) However, there is on underneath support nor is it securely in the framing, so that window is going to pull out of the wall the first time she plants her fat ass on that sill.
  21. Correct - what I meant is that once you are on the dark web, there is no search function. You use the regular web to find where you are going - those "pointers" There are lots of places to find these on the regular web. He can't use the excuse that he was "accidentally" on the dark web and "accidentally" stumbled across and downloaded CP while looking for something innocuous (if there is such a thing on the DW) If he got it from bit torrent. that is even worse! ETA: He should have at least shaved and looked like he cared. Anna looks like hell, even for being 100 months pregnant with her 7th kid. It will also be hard for him to claim ineffective counsel when he basically has the best in the biz. That appeal generally only succeeds with people using overworked and/or inexperienced public defenders.
  22. You can’t just browse the dark web. There is no google equivalent where you can do searches. You have to know exactly where you are going. There is no “accidentally” stumbling across anything there.
  23. Is that a TV screen visible between the two girls? I wish Kaylee luck and distance.
  24. Now I understand all of Timothy's issues and why he is always "posting" about "best momma" and spending money on presents for her - he is terrified of her. Imagine - a whiny toddler! A child focused on his own needs! The horror! She is a monster, and I don't sue that term flippantly. She never should have been allowed to have a goldfish, let alone 13 children. I didn't think that my contempt for her and David could get any deeper, but apparently it can. I hope every one of those children finds the strength to cut them off completely. She deserves a miserable and lonely old age.
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