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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. You are right. Each character had issues. But unlike most sitcoms we knew why they had those issues. And we actually got to see them grow and and make progress with some of their issues.
  2. This is par for the course with Meghan. If you confront her or question whatever she is spouting off about she gets upset. Too bad she couldn't use her favorite "I don't know I wasn't born yet" defense.
  3. She can just stop with her faux outrage about this. She did not care one iota until Biden took office. She really is just a truly awful person. She only cares about something when she thinks it makes the opposing team look bad. She was mostly silent when it was her team doing this. One can be for immigration reform and still be a shitty person.
  4. Does she think viewers have forgotten her being so dismissive of the children in cages when the previous president was in office? Just recently Joy was talking about it and we could hear Meghan say OMG like she was so over it.
  5. Once more and more states start vaccinating anyone who wants it those appts are going to become even harder to get. I can see Meghan being told your appt is in June. or July. or August. All depends on how much vaccine is available. I really do think this vaccine is probably one of the very few things Meghan was ever told no you have to wait your turn. How she whined on the View was bad enough but I'm sure in private it was even worse.
  6. I know in my state you could register even before you were eligible. So if she hasn't done that yet she is most likely going to be waiting awhile. Knowing Meghan and her overinflated sense of self she probably has her name on lists in NY, Arizona and "in the Beltway".
  7. And this is someone who supposedly wants to be taken seriously as a political pundit?
  8. You know now that you bring it up I wonder if that is one reason why Meghan is "in the beltway". She thinks she can get a vaccine quicker there.
  9. My mother got the first Moderna shot when she was in the hospital recovering from Covid. And now that she is due for the second shot our county is no longer getting the Moderna vaccines so we are waiting to hear what she is supposed to do now.
  10. I thought Whoopi lived in NJ. Don't you have to be vaccinated in the state that is your legal residence?
  11. I also received my first shot (Pfizer) Tuesday and also only had a sore arm. I became eligible when my state (WV) included the 50-59 year olds late last week. I was honestly surprised to be called so soon.
  12. And how did that work out for her?
  13. That's right. And he gave it to Monica to make up for that.
  14. I was being sarcastic. Yes Monica was always second best. Her wedding fund was used for a sports car for Jack.
  15. Well to be fair Ross was a medical marvel.
  16. I'm sure the Firm had a paternity test done on Harry as soon as the rumors started way back in the 80s. And I'm disappointed in Joy for even bringing it up.
  17. That is the thing though. She doesn't think she is the problem. She thinks anyone who criticizes or says anything negatively about her is the problem. She thinks haters are just going to hate.
  18. If I was producing this show today I would have on someone from Congress or the White House and have them explain the stimulus bill and make Meghan look even more moronic.
  19. Woody proved he was an asshole at the very least by sleeping with his girlfriend's daughter. So people accepted he did that but went and continue to go out of their way to say no he would never do anything to Dylan. I don't think it's that much of a leap to believe he had sex with a teenager to he molested a child. Woody was 57 years old when he was caught having sex with Soon Yi. It was gross. Doesn't matter if he married her later on. He is clearly a man who thinks he should get to have sex with whoever he wants.
  20. I didn't dislike Trey. He was an OK guy. But like you said just not the right guy for Charlotte. If you believe in fate she never would have met Harry if not for Trey so things worked out. Even when Carrie was clearly in the wrong and knew it (with Aiden the first time) she still wanted to be the victim. With Big it was he can't commit. With Aiden (the second time) it was he wants a commitment. And with Berger it was he broke up with her on a post it. Which yes that is a shitty way to do it but their relationship wasn't working. Wanna bet someone in that writer's room was broken up with by post it?
  21. Her behavior since returning to the show after maternity leave has been truly bizarre. Most women mature after having a child. Meghan has regressed. She acts like a teenager trying to get their parent's attention. And her over the top adoration of George Washington today was to put it mildly strange.
  22. For someone who is extremely patriotic she more often than not puts party above country.
  23. Trey married Charlotte because she wanted to get married. Their's was not a great love affair.
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