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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I've seen each episode multiple times and I have no memory of that outfit. That photo looks like it was taken while she was filming a scene. Maybe that scene was cut from an episode?
  2. After watching the show and watching the gun control discussion I'm convinced Meghan was told to stay home. If she had been there that discussion would have been derailed by her interrupting to scream words like unconstitutional, loss of freedom and on and on. She has shown she is incapable of having a calm rational debate about guns. Friday's show was miles better than Thursday's show.
  3. She does seem to be missing a lot of days.
  4. When she was talking about how many times she had detention and how she was a rabble rouser (really who says that?) she was proud of herself. She still thinks it's a good thing she is being disruptive. It is one thing to get in "good trouble" but Meghan just enjoys being a shit stirrer.
  5. Meghan sounded like a Jehovah Witness when talking about conservatives needing to go to more than safe places and proselytize (and that is the word she used). Am I going to have to be worried about Meghan knocking on my door trying to convert me? She also said conservatives want to go back to the days of Ronald Reagan. Not for nothing but a lot of our economic problems started with Ronald Reagan. Not that I don't think what is happening to Navalny is a tragedy but I can name so many more tragic things that are happening in this country that Meghan doesn't give a flying fuck about. If she cares so much about this I have to wonder why. Yep. Instead of getting rid of the problem they will change the show so she won't be a problem. Note to ABC Meghan will always be a problem.
  6. Well to be fair I don't think Meghan can even answer that question. Instead of just having her beliefs without the label of a political party attached she has to turn herself into a pretzel to try to make sure her beliefs and her party's beliefs match. Joy Sunny and Sara all have their beliefs but I have no doubt if their party's platform changed they would still have their core beliefs. I don't see that with Meghan.
  7. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. One could argue Woody is a just bad at being interviewed but we heard the phone call he had with Mia after she found out about Soon Yi. This is a man who is used to getting what he wants and doesn't care if you don't like it or not.
  8. That would be great but I have no faith in the writers to be able to do that. My first thought was family? Oh you mean Charlotte. I know her name. But I'm inclined to believe the writers did not. If I was lucky enough to be writing for a TV show I would take the time to get details right regarding things that happened on screen no matter how long ago it was. How hard would it have been to do a throw away line about Mrs Tilden being Molly's step mom?
  9. Yes he was literally Even Steven.
  10. And so what? MTG can raise a lot of money but that doesn't mean she is going to have any influence in Congress. But like you said GREENKNIGHT it does proves people in Meghan's party must like what MTG is saying. Meghan is not as smart or politically savvy as she thinks she is.
  11. Meghan has said a lot of disingenuous things but that statement takes the cake. As Sarah said they are all about privacy unless it's regarding a woman's uterus.
  12. Frasier was in private practice in Boston. He could have made a lot of money there and invested well.
  13. I was never a Woody Allen fan but after the story broke about him and Soon Yi and later the Dylan allegations I actively disliked him. When someone I am a fan of is accused of something horrific it is so much more disappointing. Over the past 15 or so years there are so many people I can no longer enjoy watching their movies/tv shows or listening to their music. I know in the grand scheme of things my boycotting them matters little but it makes me feel better.
  14. I'm not so sure about that. And there are ways for employers to find out things. If you have employer provided insurance I'm sure the question have you been vaccinated for covid will now be a standard question. Covid is a highly contagious serious disease so I can understand employers wanting to know if their employees will be at risk for contracting or spreading it. You know you never hear her more progressive cohosts use terms like dumb rednecks but Meghan routinely refers to them in an insulting way although with the cover of Democrats are calling them that. I think that is how she thinks of them. Meghan is just following her tribe's playbook. Pick something the previous administration is responsible for and blame it on the current administration. Yes. It's only a slippery slope when it's something she doesn't like.
  15. Sarah was spot on with her comments. If Meghan doesn't like it oh well. People not getting a vaccine affects everyone. A woman being in control of her reproductive rights affects nobody but her.
  16. I thought the same thing. She is going to show her displeasure if (when) the studio audience boos groans or boos something she says. Watching her the past few weeks I sense she is getting ready to blow. Her tribe hasn't been on their best behavior lately and it's getting harder and harder for her to defend them. I look for one of her cohosts to say something she takes as a personal attack and Meghan is going to say "You know what (insert name) I've had it up to here".
  17. If Meghan is so concerned about that then she should reach out to them. I mean after all she is always saying she knows these people. I feel the same way. It sucks we will have to wear masks and social distance even longer because of people refusing to get vaccinated but at least I know I'm protected.
  18. You give the writers too much credit. I don't think that was their intention at all. I think we the audience saw things that way but I'm not so sure the writers did. As mentioned above Ross's possessiveness was played for laughs. I remember watching it when that episode first aired and not finding Ross's "romantic gestures" funny at all. I was sad he was ruining his and Rachel's relationship.
  19. For Woody I think "the heart wants what the heart wants" just means he wants to do whatever the fuck he wants to do.
  20. As far as I know she didn't post one yesterday or today and they are usually up shortly after the show ends. I wonder if someone she listens to told her to knock it off. Joy seems to be living her best life. She is vaccinated. Has a happy family life. Has lots of (real) friends. She knows Meghan isn't worthy of her time or attention.
  21. Yes. Brady was a baby for what felt like forever. He was born February 2002 and his first birthday was September 2003.
  22. Carrie might have thought of herself as sophisticated but I didn't. I think she was least the sophisticated out of the four women. Aiden could have done a lot better than Carrie. I never really believed she wanted to have a serious relationship the second time. I think she wanted his forgiveness. She hated people not liking her. But I don't think she wanted a happily ever after. Or even a happily ever after till she got tired of it. As we previously mentioned above Aiden was a relationship kind of guy. Once Carrie started seeing him again she had to know it was going to lead to him wanting some sort of commitment. I'm not an Aiden fan but I did feel sorry for him when she broke his heart a second time. Even though it was for the best. Especially for him.
  23. Any bets on how many of those people didn't know the series is based on a book series?
  24. With that one line he did control the narrative for almost 30 years. He was a 50something man who had sex with his long time girlfriend's much younger daughter who just so happened to be the sister of three of his children. If that story had been presented to people without anyone knowing who they were I think the vast majority of people would have been horrified. But Woody Allen being a long time film director knew he could frame the picture so to speak. He wasn't some gross old pervert. He was a man in love. And once the allegations concerning Dylan happened he needed to be a happily married man. I do get some pleasure knowing he has paid a price (no matter how small it may be) for what he has done.
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