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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. And that started Elisabeth's retorts of "what about Obama" for just about anything she didn't want to discuss. Is it really that hard to have a non nasty conservative be a cohost on the View? I do wonder if she will take the high road or will she go out with a bang.
  2. It comes and goes on Netflix. It is currently gone. It is on HBO Max. It is also on other streaming services but you have to pay for it.
  3. I understand her frustration. However if someone is guilty of wrongdoing as the allegations against Cuomo suggest then they need to be held accountable. But yes it would nice if both parties had the same standards. If she was given the opportunity to do an interview with Don Jr or Ivanka she would jump at it. And she would not do any gotcha questions. She wants to paint him as a murderer and not just a harasser.
  4. So is Eboni filling in for someone? Meghan perhaps?
  5. When she talks about her parents she always tries to make them sound like wonderful people despite what she is telling us about them. Everyone on the View is so over Meghan. I doubt she will ever be invited back for even a guest spot. I have never felt Meghan was comfortable in her own skin. I felt the same way about Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Meghan projects who she wants to be but really isn't that person. The day she told Joy it was her job to listen to her bitch was the real Meghan. An immature woman who lashed out because she wasn't getting her way i.e someone not listening to the garbage she was spewing. She has repeatedly called herself a political pundit/analyst even though she doesn't have any credentials to back it up. I don't call myself a comedienne just because I made someone laugh a couple times. She got a degree in art history. She said she wanted to originally be a music journalist. So how did she end up talking about politics for a living? I think she would have been a lot happier if she had done what she really wanted to do.
  6. The show can be entertaining without cohosts being nasty towards each other. Women can have smart discussions about politics and also have fun discussions about just about anything else. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Whoopi, Joy, Sara and Sunny do not have political pundit/analyst in their job description. Why does the "conservative" co host need to be one? I had never heard of her before I came back to the View. I'm not a fan. I don't dislike her but honestly the only thing I liked about her is we dislike some of the same people. I like this idea. Originally the View always had a younger woman just starting out in her career. I think it would be good to have a younger person's perspective on the state of society right now.
  7. While this is true there is a childhood obesity problem in this country. You are right that setting a good example is the best thing to do.
  8. I will never forget when she was a guest on his show after George W. Bush wanted to nominate Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court and Ann said I support Bush but I didn't expect him to nominate the cleaning lady. It was a funny moment. She can be light hearted and I don't think she would be as antagonistic as Meghan but I'm also not sure she could have rational and calm discussions about topics where her and the others would disagree.
  9. Let's not forget her love of Jack Daniels.
  10. I don't think they are friends. I think the more accurate description would be they are friendly. This is true of quite a few people. I'm not so sure about that. It's all about optics and as she says politics is a game with winners and losers. I think she just hates to lose and wants to win at all costs.
  11. Just because she says it doesn't make it true. She has said on the show before about people who have trolled her online about her weight. If I'm not mistaken she said before she was pregnant about how people would have a field day if she gained a lot of weight pregnant. No matter what she says it is hurtful when people attack your looks. And as others have mentioned if she didn't care about her looks she wouldn't (try to ) pretty herself up with filters.
  12. But does she complain about Republican governors?
  13. Funny how they always seem to apologize when they realize oh shit I'm going to lose money.
  14. It is difficult to be friends with someone who has such different beliefs than you. Add to that the self inflicted drama that always seems to surround her and being her friend must be exhausting. One of my very best friends is a gay man and he has repeatedly said he could not be friends with someone who supports people who wish him if not dead at the very least cast out of society and back into the closet.
  15. She truly does. But without her daily platform I look for her to tweet even more outrageous things. She craves attention. And validation. She thinks her political opinions are worth hearing and her advice worth taking. If she isn't on the View (mis)informing the lowly masses she will find another way to do it.
  16. What time did he sent that tweet? Meghan's rant hit the mainstream media pretty much seconds after it happened. I was reading about it online (not just on this board) before the show was even over. All Meghan had to say was I'm not a fan of Kathy Griffin. She has said some hurtful things in the past to people I care about but I wish her well. But she has to make it all about her and how deeply she is hurt for her friend Clay who has clearly moved on and is in fact good friends with Kathy. Did Meghan hold a fundraiser for him? I wonder how Clay feels about Meghan always holding him up as the reason she is supposedly ally of LGBTQ?
  17. This is absolutely glorious. Seeing Meghan called out finally. Mary Trump does not give a fuck who Meghan is. And it is a lovely thing to see.
  18. Mary Trump has a PHD in clinical psychology. She sees Meghan exactly for who she is.
  19. Geez I guess Meghan holds a grudge for something that her bestie doesn't even care about. And he makes her look like petty bitch. Add to that Mary Trump accurately nailing Meghan and she is having a bad day. Well Meghan if you hadn't accused Mary Trump of being an opportunist for writing a book about her own family dynamics the last time she was on the View she might have a better opinion of you.
  20. https://pagesix.com/2021/08/02/sarah-jessica-parker-chris-noth-film-and-just-like-that/ Spoilers in the article. But Carrie's outfit is better except whatever she has on her head.
  21. Joy is right about tattoo placement. I have two. One on my ankle and one on the corner of my upper back. They are mostly hidden unless someone catches a glimpse of them if I wear something that exposes them. Women especially have to think about where they have them put. As she mentioned on your boob can be problematic. Anywhere that can change shape is a risk.. I have a former friend who had a some sun god put all around her belly button. Needless to say it has changed appearances quite a bit.
  22. If she cared so much about him she wouldn't support people who support polices that are meant to be discriminatory towards him.
  23. If she isn't saying that she is saying "I couldn't help but wonder".
  24. A mall I frequent has stores like Forever 21. When I go there I only look at basic things. Leggings, Tees. But overall they have trendy stuff which even if I was their target audience would not like. I read a book about the how stores that are aimed at younger people, especially women, don't care about the quality of the clothes because they know their shoppers will buy something new a month later. Back on topic, I wonder if Carrie was intentionally put in that dress to drum up attention for the show. As I have said before that is not a dress Carrie would wear.
  25. I don't dislike Kathy Griffin. I know a lot of people do but I'm willing to bet more people like her than Meghan. Not making excuses for the outrageous things Kathy says but she is a comic. You don't always know if she means what she says or not or if she is just going for the laugh. However with Meghan when she says something offensive she means it. And if she doesn't really mean then she is only saying it to be get political points I will take Kathy over Meghan any day every day.
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