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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Well it's not like that would be unheard of for a conservative View co host to do that.
  2. I've seen the trailer and the movie looks great. It might not be a blockbuster but I think it will do well.
  3. So I'm listening to Mary Katherine Ham talk and I'm thinking I bet you are a lot more of a winger (her word) so I looked her up. She wrote a book with the title End of Discussion: How the Left’s Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Fun). So yeah I'm not all that interested in too much of what she has to say.
  4. Carrie is an unreliable narrator when talking about her past relationships. I'm sure in her mind she thinks at best her and Aidan were both equally responsible for their break up or at worst thinks Aidan was at fault. Let's just say I have some familiarity with this. Carrie chose Big because as much as she said she wanted it to work and wanted him to say she is the one I do think she knew it would fail. When she was with Aidan the first time things were going well so of course she fucked it up. Then the second time with Aidan things were going well and she fucked it up again. But to hear Carrie tell it they both blah blah blah. It was never really talked about on the show but Carrie had a lot of issues. In real life she would never have a happy healthy relationship till she dealt with those issues.
  5. The cohosts can breathe again. Before they were always having to hold their breath anticipating a meltdown. They are enjoying themselves and so are we the viewers.
  6. Oh God no. Wonder if she who will not be named will be mentioned.
  7. I always enjoyed Star except during her Bridezilla days. She was good today. As been mentioned by many other posters this week has been like a breath of fresh air. See ABC powers that be. Serious subjects can be discussed on the same show as more lightweight topics.
  8. I bought seasons 5 and both parts of season 6 when they first came out on DVD and the plastic cases broke almost immediately. They were so broken I had to put rubber bands around them. I go to multiple libraries and the one in my town has the first SATC movie and it never plays correctly. I will forget and check it out again a year or two later and yep still defective. I have told the library but apparently they don't care. That didn't bother me. Her marriage as short lived as it was caused Charlotte a lot of stress and heartbreak. Substitute moving into together for marriage and this describes Carrie with Aidan. And yet she expected to be able to keep her now bigger (thanks to Aidan) apartment. I do think this describes Charlotte. I think she loved the idea of what her marriage with Trey could have been more than she actually loved Trey. She learned her lesson because she genuinely fell in love with Harry the person and not what he could give her.
  9. She seems to burn bridges with each job she leaves whether it is voluntary or not. I wonder if she went looking for a job and this is the only one she could find or if they came to her with an offer. She will be a columnist at the Daily Mail. Wonder if she will actually write the columns herself or will she plagiarize someone else's work. It has been known to happen.
  10. I knew who Mia was before she guest hosted and she more or less was what I was expecting. I didn't dislike her but I didn't like her either. She didn't seem to fit in with the other women. Could be due to the fact she doesn't know them yet or could just be there is no chemistry. Some people you gel with and some people you don't.
  11. So what is she is going to disclose? Anything she says will look like sour grapes. And I'm guessing anything Meghan puts out there will be met with return fire. Pretty sure Meghan has a lot more skeletons than the other women.
  12. I don't even watch DWTS but when I saw Olivia Jade's name I thought are you fucking kidding me. I'm not sure who would have been the worse choice. Her or her mother.
  13. I came late to SATC. I didn't have HBO when it first began airing. The first episode I saw was the funky spunk one so my initial introduction to the show was right before Carrie's affair with Big. I bought the VHS !!!! sets and got caught up before the next season. I knew a little bit about the show before I watched it but not a lot of details. If social media had been around I can just imagine the Twitter wars that would have happened. Team Big vs Team Aidan. We still discuss that on this very board over 20 yrs. later.
  14. That is fine for them but if Sunny makes it a habit of doing this to friends how do we know she doesn't do this to other people? I can't be the only one who finds this not nice. I don't think you have to be in the political world to be knowledgeable of political issues. Joy and Sunny can both hold their own in a political discussion. This I do agree with. The show has never had a true progressive host. When Elisabeth was there as the representative of conservatism she was easily refuted. I didn't watch after her and Joy left so I can't speak to the conservatives that were there doing that time. When Meghan was there it is true she steamrolled the other cohosts but she didn't do with facts or any credible research. She did by being loud and obnoxious. If they hire someone who is like Meghan then the show will go back to being not enjoyable to watch.
  15. Joy called it a play reading and she did say Sunny had bought a big block of tickets. And Sunny did that coy look she does. She isn't nearly as cute as she thinks she is.
  16. For a long time they were the place to go for critically acclaimed and genuinely enjoyable shows. Then came the streaming services. I think it took them awhile to realize they weren't the only game in town anymore. HBO has misjudged how beloved some of their older shows are. Once a show was over they thought people would move onto other things. They didn't take into account how many times people would stream an older show or buy them on DVD. And as far as Girls goes I watched one episode and said yeah this isn't for me.
  17. Joy is more forgiving than me. I like Sunny but hanging out with your friends drinking when you know you are expected to go to another friend's play reading is definitely rude. Speaking of Sunny I read her book Summer on the Bluffs and all those sex scenes they talked about on the View were nothing to write home about. There were only a couple and they were rather tame. It was an OK book but she shouldn't quit her day job.
  18. Sara said we should have kept troops in Afghanistan and then used the example of us still having troops long term in South Korea, Germany and Japan. Does Sara not see the difference between those countries and Afghanistan? In those three countries there is not a hostile terrorist group like the Taliban wanting to do us harm. It was so nice to hear the women talk about things without any tantrums being thrown.
  19. That makes me think the first part of season 6 might have been the end of season 5.
  20. I wonder what would have happened that season if it hadn't been shortened.
  21. Their choosing not to include any family members save Charlotte's brother and briefly Miranda's sister only made it more glaring that they didn't. They didn't have to show them but they could have had the characters refer to them. I watched soap operas for years and writers would have an entire backstory for each character. It helped explain who the characters were when we saw them onscreen. We got some pieces of information about the four women but almost all of it was from when they were adults. Anything about their childhood or teenage years was usually one line. Like Samantha saying she flirted with a boy so she could swim in his family's pool. With regards to Trey I think he was example of be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Charlotte thought she had finally found her prince but he turned out to be a frog. However if not for that marriage she never would have met Harry. Sometimes things do work out the way they are supposed to. They absolutely were about a lot of things. I remember reading in one of the SATC books that the episodes were written and filmed a long time before they aired. So any negative feedback they heard was irrelevant because they weren't going to be able to change anything. Unless they dealt with it the next season. Which they never did. Case in point Carrie browbeating Charlotte into her selling her ring and giving the money to Carrie. Four episodes later Carrie gets her book offer. Perfect opportunity for Carrie to mention she paid or is paying Charlotte back but we never hear another word about it.
  22. Sometimes I wondered if different writers wrote different episodes and they didn't have an outline of what was to come. The San Francisco trip like T Summer posted was Carrie just looking to get laid. It was Big who all of sudden was like Ok let's talk about things. But they did have sex and parted on good terms. But when Big came to NY for the heart surgery Carrie was hurt by how he acted afterwards. I don't think Big acted out of character. She doesn't hear from him again until he leaves messages for her in Season 6 Episode 17 which is two episodes before the finale. She deletes his messages and then when he shows up right before she leaves for her farewell dinner with the girls she excoriates him. Don't get me wrong it is something she should have done long before that but I always thought the timing was contrived. He had hurt her so many times I just think him reverting back to his normal self after heart surgery wasn't the worst thing he had done.
  23. I think so too. But I don't know if he would have been so reckless. Bringing Carrie into his home was wrong on so many levels. He wanted to get caught even if he didn't consciously realize it. If it had been someone other than Carrie I think he would probably have gotten caught eventually but it wouldn't have been so blatant.
  24. Oh yeah. If you were available to a guy and he didn't go for it women would beat themselves thinking they weren't good enough or they weren't skinny enough or whatever. I think once she found out he was engaged to Natasha she realized it. Her and the girls talked about it. They (minus Samantha who had never seen it) compared Big and Carrie to Katie and Hubblell in the movie The Way We Were. But then of course when he came running to her when he was unhappy in his marriage I think she took that to mean he really did want to be with her. Question, do you think Big would have cheated on Natasha if Carrie had told him get lost? No way would have Carrie have cheated on Aiden with anyone other than Big. I think it was a combination of Carrie wanting more than he wanted to give and also she wasn't the woman he saw himself with long term.
  25. Yes. It's like telling people you have a lot of sex. People who have a lot of sex don't brag about it.
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