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Everything posted by turnitwayup

  1. Sydney Bristow (Garner) gets recruited yrs ago in college to work for the CIA but she is actually working for a rogue agency SD 6. Her friends (Bradley Cooper, Merin Dungrey)thinks she works at a bank and travels a lot. She also has no idea that her dad (Victor Garber) aka SpyDaddy is a double agent for the actually CIA and SD 6 until the end of the pilot. She gets recruited and assigned a handler (Vartan). The 1st season is Sydney balancing her personal life with her friends while being a double agent for the CIA and SD 6. 2nd season got the Super Bowl ep so that was a game changer so that SD 6 was exposed. The rambauldi mythology was confusing and Sloan's (Ron Rifkin) obsession with it. Sydney's SpyMommy (Lena Olin) shows up out of nowhere. There were time jumps, character deaths, fun supporting/recurrent characters and lulzy Ford product placement.
  2. Nathan is doing 3 panels at Nerd HQ. 1 with Con Man and 2 solo ones but I wouldn't be surprised if Alan is with him on one of them.
  3. Shazam is saying What A Way To Go by John Paul White but I can't find the song anywhere on youtube, itunes or spotify. Abigail Spencer. Twitter has been promoting her character on Rectify and she's recurrent on Suits. Barely recognized Rick Springfield, but he was really creepy here. Between the characters Michael Hyatt, James Frain, Alex Fernandez and C.S. Lee play, Frain seems the least trustworthy. Yara Martinez keeps showing up for a handful of lines so maybe we'll see her backstory.
  4. Oh cool Annet is in this ep. I like her on The Americans.
  5. I did crack up at the cat but I wanna know if he bought or someone made that knitted cat on the ottoman object near the window. There's also the lulzy shower selfie so maybe a lifeproof phone cover he possibly has.
  6. I remember how distracting Alias was with those Fords. Pretty sure one of the characters mention an F-150.
  7. Michael Dorn is in Con Man. PJ's selfie with Michael.
  8. Terri talks about Beckett's performance review instead of picking a fav thing she wrote. It was interesting to hear what writers pick as their favs even thought I only watched about 20 of the listed shows.
  9. Been catching up on Devious Maids and I notice 10 main/recurring cast members have guest stared on Castle. 3 in s1, 3 in s3 with 2 in the same ep, 1 in s5, 1 in s6 and 2 in s7.
  10. Most of the eps are TV-14 and I remember seeing at least one TV-PG ep while binge watching it. Going by NBC's site, 1x01 TV-14 LSV, 1x02 TV-14, 1x03 TV-14 LV, 1x04 TV-14 LV, 1x05 TV-14 V, 1x06 TV-PG V, 1x07 TV-14 V, 1x08 TV-14 V, 1x09 TV-14 L, 1x10 TV-14 V, 1x11 TV-14 V, 1x12 TV-14 V
  11. Since some of you are into Nathan's facial hair, just letting you know he shaved for Con Man filming. BTS pic from Con Man twitter.
  12. I think Castle starts filming around the 2nd week of July? I know Con Man is filming throughout June but PJ said in one of the Con Man hangwith that Nathan is gonna be busy in June cause he has set his filming schedule around Nathan's other schedule. PJ didn't really go into detail about it so know one knows if it's for another role.
  13. I think it might be on hulu but I watched it on nbc's Aquarius full ep pg. No commercials and I'm about halfway thru. I'm liking the development of the Sam/Brian/Charmain partnerships the best of all the different storylines going on.
  14. Well Gates managed to last one more season than Mongomery so I wished they spent time developing the Beckett/Gates relationship this past season. Now I'm wondering if there is gonna be huge time jump. Too bad they couldn't kept Penny on as recurring so that Gates could announce her retirement during the show to lead to Captain Beckett. GSN was rerunning The Chase with Seamus and I thought I heard Brooke call him Lt. Ryan so that cracked me up since I was like when did Ryan become a Lt.
  15. Maya was better on Shield. A captured Shield agent that's got brainwashed by Hydra/Whitehall. She got to do a fight scene with May and basically was Ward's damaged girlfriend that would do anything for him. In the finale,
  16. LOL. At least this yr's intro vid for ABC with various characters in Annalise's class is entertaining. My fav promos are still 15 yrs ago WB's with Crawl ('99) and Oh What A Night ('00).
  17. Saw this Nathan interview and photos for a Tyler Shields exhibit on Just Jared. Man on the Moon You Tube vid. Of course Nathan is dressed better here than on Castle, but I just realized that Christa kinda reminds me of the women Don Draper had an affair with on Mad Men.
  18. The only things I've seen from the upfronts is abc characters in Annalise's class and actors dancing to Montell Jordan.
  19. Lol I kept thinking someone is a fan of Scream. It would been kinda amusing Beckett has said something cause she probably saw in hs.
  20. Yeah I really don't need to see another campaign especially for a character that shouldn't be in politics. But maybe they need go find some West Wing writers that aren't busy if the showrunners do decide to purse the political storyline. Debora Cahn was the best left in the writing staff after Sorkin left and she hasn't written for Grey's in 2 yrs according to imdb.
  21. Rogelio's alarm is amazing and finding out he married XO drunk had me loling. Poor Jane, Rafael and the rest of the family. I hope they will able to get the baby back from Sin Rostro.
  22. Lol, that's why I stick crew and writers I don't care to follow on a list. Makes it easier to see what they tweeted but doesn't clog my main feed. Now I wonder if she will get the Jane the Virgin viewing party to switch over the Castle so she can live tweet west coast airing too.
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