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Everything posted by turnitwayup

  1. I wish they would bring back the shoes she wore in Still. The entire look was good and she didn't look like she wasn't gonna trip on anything in those heels.
  2. Ooh cool we get Chad in the upcoming ep with Ricardo. They're filming 7x17 right?
  3. Did that too and the most hilarious comment has to be from Just one thing. At least some seasons gave an airing break of a funny ep following the 2 parter.
  4. She got the part and was going in for a wardrobe fitting. I think this is gonna be Martha's subplot for the season if they show her reading her reviews and maybe everyone going to support her at opening night etc...
  5. This! The promo looked more interesting and actiony while this ep felt like a super long filler recap. Srsly that was excessive use of flashbacks. A previously on at the beginning would've been sufficient. It was unnecessary to have all those green flashbacks to pad the ep. That hospital set is really get some use this season. It's becoming a semi permanent set now. I did like the beginning scene of Alexis teasing Castle but still another library mention and no idea what she's majoring or any internship prospects. It would be nice if there is a future scene of the family leaving the loft for Martha's opening night. Also liked Lanie's braid she had in the alley. Nice touch on the scalpel instead of pen for the credits. Castle's briefing was kinda redic since wouldn't most of them been around last season and some since 3XK was introduced. But at least Tyson/Neiman still can bring the creepy in their scenes.
  6. Aww Deperate Housewives reunion again. Did a 10 day binge watch of s4-8 before it was off Netflix & I'm pretty sure a shirt Nathan wore showed up on Ricardo the following season.
  7. Oh Tamala quit making Esplanie happen. Gurl you should be lobbing for some girl time with Beckett or any storyline not involving Espo.
  8. Sound like Scully's alien mythology. Hey Amann and Bowman, you don't need to pull serious storylines from the X-Files. Yeah I wish this is what they should've been concentrating on Castle's character development. Tho I'll take the P.I. arc any day over the Castle abduction that we got from 6x23 to 7x02 as it currently stands.
  9. I was dying every time they brought that up. Also loled at them explaining to Gillian the current Fox line up with so many Gordan Ramsey shows.
  10. Is it me or does it seem like there have been a lot of screeners this season?
  11. Good COTW and I loled at Henry dropping his bag next to the body to look at the art. Really enjoyed Abe's storyline and so glad that Adam isn't gonna hurt Abe in anyway tho he's still creepy. The show is doing a decent job about bringing backstory to the supporting characters.
  12. Sawyer, Juniper and Pinkerton were other commandos for this ep. Surprised they didn't have Morita back since he showed up in Shield's flashback with Peggy and Dugan. I still wanna know who's Tripp's grandfather is. Since FX is constantly showing The Avengers, I hope Enver's cop character is related to Sousa. I love Peggy's pinstripe dress she wore for part of the ep. They're doing amazing job with the costuming and the set design.
  13. I think the last time I remember seeing Castle in a lighter shirt was s3. The was a white shirt and the white and blue stripe shirt that showed up twice. The beige trench coat was also in that season. Luke is such a fail with Castle wardrobe. It's like he gave up when s4 started.
  14. This ep went by so quick. Poor Castle hs friends. If TPTB introduce another person from Castle's hs yrs hopefully they fair better than the 2 we've met. I like that Beckett has got Castle back. The Ryans making a match.com profile for Espo has gotta be one of the best hilarious subplots. I like how Beckett and Ryan were tag teaming to get Espo to go for a blind date scene in the beginning. It really showed their sibling/family like relationship vibe. Plus it was nice to see Espo not mean to Castle. TPTB should just bring back the transit cop for him to date.
  15. Lol Jon has been trying to do damage control over the Espo hates Castle tweets to him. But yeah I can't remember the last nice thing Espo said/did to Castle when he didn't want something back in return.
  16. Either would be fine with me. I rather tptb allocate the budget to see a party with lots of extras than another explosion or crappy green screen effect. I miss the high society circles that Castle supposely used to be in. Hey bring back the lady who ran the fundraiser in Home Is Where the Heart Stops if she's available. You could even have Martha there hosting the auction again or have some sort of storyline.
  17. Nope the new ep is next monday. It was a rerun here too. Even the show's twitter tweeted about the rerun.
  18. Since this ep was rerun tonight, now I'm loling that that Castle's active imagination promo victim was killed by a pool cue and now 5 seasons later an actual ep victim is killed the same way.
  19. True, they remember Castle playing TerraQuest back in Clear & Present Danger when Beckett thought Castle's time on his computer was playing a game last ep. Yeah Hudson University is made up from Law & Order.
  20. Oh that probably explains while he's wearing possibly the same dark grey button up 2 eps in a row. I know it's suppose to be winter but I sick of the dark, drabby color palette on him.
  21. Lol I first saw that pic on Buzzfeed last summer and yeah he's the only one on the list not working the kilt.
  22. Heh even Beckett got sick of the noir dialog but after all those noir endearments, Castle called Beckett honey at the crime scene. Espo being a fan of the telenovela is good character development and much more fun to watch than being snarky, mean at Castle. I did like the moment of the usher "what happened" comment. It was similar to Castle's comment that Castle had when Frakes stood in line for Castle. Plus more continuity of the pencils on the ceiling and a mention of his disappearance. The ladies room interview was funny too. Santos must be a popular name to use since Jane the Virgin's telenovela uses it. I got the feeling that he would add a P.I. series in addition to Heat and Storm series.
  23. LOL, maybe that can explain the purple scarf he was wearing last ep. I'm gonna go with he probably stole it from Lanie when they broke up.
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