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Everything posted by turnitwayup

  1. Lol we wouldn't be having this conversation if Luke wasn't such a fail with Castle's wardrobe. Especially when he done annoying things like the PI wardrobe of seeing the same gray shirt/black jacket 3 eps in a row. It feels like Castle's entire wardrobe is like the 40 piece minimalist thing. Plus it's drabby this season cause it seems like all we seen are black, grays and shades of blue. Anyways, Beckett was wearing heeled ankle boots in Still but she was wearing thick soles like a 1/2" platform and large heel circumference compared to the usual stiletto heeled boots she wears most eps. The most sensible shoes she's worn were the ones while get we're wandering in the woods this ep, chasing the suspects in a few eps and climbing on Castle in the haunted house ep.
  2. Aww I loved that sort of Numb3rs reunion tho younger Abe with brown eyes and older Abe with blue eyes is lulzy. Did enjoy the Lucas hug with Henry when invited to go to the club and their entire interaction there. Heh that Hanson was in a band and cute karaoke scene. It's really the interaction with the main character have with each other that keeps me coming back. Cuba is boring me here. He has more chemistry with Taraji in 1 ep on Empire than with Alana on going to 3 eps so far next week. Nice to see Fredrick Weller again. He was my favorite from In Plain Sight.
  3. Most random news today is David releasing a debut album in May. http://rol.st/1Mv5H3H
  4. Rewatching the ending and I notice Robert Duncan sort of did the beginning Happy chords when Espo put on the hat. I really hope that dvd extra is seeing the full Get Lucky routine in the outfits.
  5. That B story was great. LOL at Espo dressed as Pharrell and Ryan as one of the Daft Punk guys. All they were missing is someone to dress up as Nile with his guitar smiling away. Loved they were doing a friendly bet that reminded me of The Double Down and Espo's fake injury reminded me of Punked. Fun that we got to see some dancing by Castle and Beckett with Martha's help. Cute that they like to sing and dance in the shower. Really sweet that Castle got them out of the talent show cause of Beckett's stage fright, but she was doing never seen karaoke at some bar at the Hamptons. So she's fine with performing in front of strangers but not in front of colleagues. This back and forthness on her character makes it ridiculous that she would be suited for politics. So is Alexis interested in law now? I wish they would tell us what is her major. Yeah I agree Meredith Monroe looked so different with that hair style in her 1st scene. Last thing I saw her in was a rerun of Criminal Minds and I think she was suppose to be in her late 30s on there. Every time someone said "Pitbull" I kept thinking of Nathan's love for the guy when he hosted the AMAs. Then I kept cracking myself up with "the hammer is my penis" in the last scene with Castle, Beckett and the guy filming his commercial. I think that hospital set might has a much screentime or maybe more that the morgue this season. Overall, is ep was more enjoyable that the last 2 eps. I did kinda lol at the new promo. Was there even new footage?
  6. Interview by Jon. Heh, so he thinks that Espo ready to commit in a relationship. I've never gotten that impression. Srsly just bring back the transit cop for him. So he was also clueless about the finale while filming ep 20.
  7. Hmm for a talent show I would guess maybe a magic routine. It would be a nice homage to s3 with the magician ep.
  8. I see that the talent show is gonna be the B story. I hope we get to see parts of it but maybe we'll get some fun competitive interaction between Castle, Beckett, Ryan and Espo. That would be cute if Nathan did a hang with today. Like if the cast and crew sing happy birthday to him or pulled a prank on him.
  9. It must suck to not know if you're gonna come back next season and haven't they just started on the 2nd to last ep of the season. I could do without the yellow. Gold or white would've been better. Red and yellow just seems so McDonalds. Not a fan of the pillowcases now that I see it in those gifs. Well Reiko and Nathan have Fox cancelled shows during the same year in common.
  10. TPTB are really get mileage out of that hospital set. I figure it was the wife or cos since we barely saw them after being introduced to them. Reiko was my 1st choice since she's more well known than the person playing the cos. I rather have Beckett go up the ranks in NYPD than doing anything with politics whether it's city or state level. It was awkwardly shoehorned that that party chairperson knows who's Beckett is. This season's Ryan/Espo centric eps weren't that good compared to previous seasons. Love the new bedding in their bedroom. I loled at Castle being a 1D fan and Espo knowing where they're touring. Also Castle and Ryan working the crime scene was cute. Makes sense why he was wearing plaid and what looks to be a new coat. He probably threw on whatever since Ryan texted him. I did like seen a purple button up back but wished he could lose that jacket. The grays and blues were getting really boring. Beckett looked great in that green coat and her hair was much better this ep. Next season should be shortened to about 20 eps with 10 in the fall and 10 in the spring. Keep Forever and put that in the winter and summer months in the same time slot. That way we get new ep of shows and it's the only compatible 1hr show on the current schedule. Wasn't Jenny's brother a teen in s4 cause he was forced to have him as his best man which Espo was pissed about too. I don't think they ever mentions other brothers for Jenny let alone any other siblings. At least we knew Ryan has sisters since s2 so I figure one of their husbands would be the brother in law since he's probably closer in age to have a security firm.
  11. Yeah I was expecting a tunic top like this or this so that the bottom needs to be cut off since it wouldn't tuck into pants easily. Ooh new Beckett top that Seamus tweeted on the set.
  12. Can we keep Stevie around and get rid of Margaux? Still don't care about Ben but those previews it seems like the show is wrapping up.
  13. Mitch tweeted another revival article.
  14. Hey maybe we can get a bathroom scene with Crest product placement.
  15. Screencaps of Nathan on new Community ep. You can watch it here if you have an USA IP. He had about 5 lines and 30 secs of screen time.
  16. Maybe from the Joy Luck Club. She has a huge list of credits but I recognized her from The OC and she was just on Forever in a fall ep. Since she was recognizable and barely had lines in the 1st restaurant scene I knew she would have something to do with the victim. Heh. Now I'm wondering the ratio of men and women as captain in the NYPD. Anytime tptb mention a captain it's usually a man. Roy, the guy from ITBOTB, the commissioner from N1F, and now Beckett's academy classmate. It would be nice to see another woman besides Gates is captain somewhere in the NYPD. Srsly the show is really into making the jog in the park really creepy with all that fog. I'm enjoying Ryan's "Hey Castles" and Castle being supportive and encouraging about Beckett's insecurity. I did lol that super cop did Tori's usual job and what Ryan used to do before Tori showed up. I hope Dara's solo effort is better otherwise maybe they should stick to doing the eps together. Did anyone see the hair flip from the promo? Was I not paying attention? Cut scene from the ep? Random clip added to the promo? It's starting to bug me. Oh nvm, I think the hair flip was when she climbs on Castle in the end.
  17. Really off and on relationship? That would describe Espo and Lanie that I hope they won't revisit anymore. Anyways ABC is back to promoting Castle since I saw one promo during American Crime and now Secrets and Lies. Guessing another promo will show up during Revenge too.
  18. Lol the teaser that was uploaded today. Alan has the best expressions plus it has an old Castle publicity photo for the Jack Moore magazine cover. Wow that new mogul level would be so much fun but I don't have 25k to donate.
  19. This! It would be nice to see them looked all dressed up in evening wear together since we got the s1 interesting red dress, cocktail attire for s2 and Ryan's wedding, s4 black dress but Castle wasn't dressed up and Beckett ended up not wearing a dress for her wedding. So it's really time for them to be dressed up together for something.
  20. Is one of the Creasey's doing that Ryan ep? At least they do 2 subplots for other characters in their eps this season. Oh nvm, I see Jim Adler is doing that ep so maybe there might be a subplot going on. His subplot track record are scrabble, web promo for book & I can't remember what was the last ep he did.
  21. So Claire Kaufman, the set decorator has started tweeting. She tweeted out this article that was done last season during the Pi arc. Several pics of Beckett's apartment, a few of the loft, a couple from Alexis/Pi apartment and a few hotel/apartments from various eps. Great read but I had no idea that Castle's brown sofa got re-upholstered, but I definitely notice the new kitchen decor and still not a fan of the new backsplash. It's interesting that the decor had to change due to shooting in HD format. I love it when we get insight into the sets.
  22. They built a PI office for a 3 ep use and held onto Beckett's apartment set when we rarely saw it last season so I kinda wish they just build an Old Haunt set and have a few storylines use it. It can always be decorated differently if needed for different bars for whatever COTW. Currently the hospital set is like semi-permanent since we've seen it so many times this season.
  23. That would be awesome to have Dennis be Gates's husband. They could run into the Castles at a restaurant and the COTW victim could die there and maybe be a friend of Gates. Since the restaurant is in the 12th precinct area you could have Ryan and Espo show up. If Perlmutter was the ME for the case would he actually say his snarky comments to Castle when Gates is present?
  24. Heh Seamus finally revealed what colors he saw hrs later. It's interesting that between the 2 of them, the Creaseys get 4 eps this season. I was hoping for TPW to get another one. I wish for TPW to get the 150th ep if MilMar does the finale together or they could minimize the 2 in a row wtf in a bad way finales by not doing it and give it to TPW. Will Beall was the only one that got a chance at the finale so I wanted TPW or Hanning to write a finale ever since a MilMar written finale manages to get worse each season. Not sure if they get a more wtf finale than s6 but anything is possible with them.
  25. LOL Nathan got into the dress controversy that's all over the internet. By the way I see blue and black dress and the explanation why we see which colors. Slate article on what both sides are seeing.
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