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Everything posted by turnitwayup

  1. Definitely a step up from the last 2 finales, but I wonder if that barn was the same one from s6 finale. Still could do without blueish green tint and really needs more lights on indoors. Case seemed a bit rushed but at least we didn't have endless interrogation scenes in the box. LIke how did the killer able to get a replica of the license plate? I did kinda lol at Beckett's interrogation by 1PP people since going into political is still lulzy for person like Beckett. I rather she become captain of a precinct than be state senator. Have next season finale Beckett getting the captain position and Alexis graduating from undergrad. Love some of the outfits and hair. Beckett basically has early s3 hair but a few shades lighter which is my fav look for her. Green looks great on Molly in those loft scenes and made her eyes look more green. Nice to see everyone dressed up and the last scene is something I've wanted if the series to end. It's full circle moment. Also the Castle/Alex moment was sweet too. Too bad they couldn't figure this out last season instead of her having another boyfriend. Also loved the swings scene. Goes with all important decisions seem to happen there. Plus I like Castle standing up for himself and Beckett backing him up when they go to the creepy barn. Last finale it was Eddie, this season Jon, Seamus and Julianna had a pizza party and live tweeted at Nathan's house. Dude, Nathan how do you not know how to spell Beckett? I do hope someone got vid of Nathan falling on his ass when the swing broke. That'll be perfect for the blooper reel.
  2. If you have netflix, watch the showrunners: the art of running a tv show doc. They usually get exec producer credits and do all the day to day stuff like hiring and working with directors, keeping things on budgets and on time, and basically oversee everything that goes on. Also likely in charge creatively so the tone and season long arcs and usually writes a few eps.
  3. Way to keep fueling the speculation Jon I figure it's probably someone from the 1st 4 seasons. I know Jose Molina is doing Agent Carter, Alexi Hawley latest shows just got cancelled while Rene Echevarria apparently was doing Teen Wolf but his last credit were in '14. Laurie Zaks is exec producing a show that got picked up. Moira Kirkland might still be with Hawaii Five-0. I can't think of anyone else that left that were higher up in the producing level.
  4. Clicky link. But yay since he's does have the most enjoyable eps of the writers left. I thought they would name Hanning since he's done this before.
  5. Crossing fingers for Agent Carter renewal. If Dara is leaving then kinda disappointing cause 2 Creaseys on the eps are better than 1, so if there's a next season, then well have TPW, Hanning and hopefully they gets some new fresh writers that can take up the slack.
  6. Oh man I used to spent countless hours reading fan fic after discovering the gossamer project. I also remember the various geocities and anglefire site where some were fan fic and other ep reviews. Thanks to x files fan fic, I still read fan fic in other fandoms.
  7. Ikr? I think if he gave these song to someone who could carry a tune it wouldn't be so, so bad. The one that was almost 7 mins long felt like it was going on forever. I did lol at some of the comments on the rolling stone article.
  8. I really want this show to get renew so we can see what Jo's reaction when Henry tells her. Maybe they can keep it as 12-13 ep summer programing or move to sundays since I won't be surprised that shield's spin off could get the tuesdays at 10 spot. I'm gonna miss the new supporting characters info we get every so often if it doesn't get a second season. Plus it was really sweet on Ioan's twitter Q&A at a laundromat today how much he loves working with Judd and how they have great chemistry.
  9. Ioan is doing a twitter Q&A. Heh maybe that way Abe and Martha could meet. Ioan must've loved doing that men at 10 promo.
  10. Nope, she's on Bieber's manager's label School Boy Records with Interscope distribution deal. Call Me Maybe was a hit because Bieber and Selena Gomez tweeted about the song. The only other song that seemed to get radio play here was Good Time with Owl City. I Really Like You is doing ok on CHR and it's not getting an itunes bump tonight with all of the voice contestants tracks. Hey I'm just glad she stop dressing like a 14/15 yr old since she's turning 30 this yr especially since an 16 yr old voice contestant couple seasons ago was basically dressed like her. She marketed toward the under 35 crowd so it's kinda ridiculous to have Castle be all fan boy around her. Now Castle trying to get an autograph for Alexis would be cuter and made more sense. Maya must have been filming over at Shield so I don't know why they just didn't have Ryan do all of the video work instead of bringing in Tori 2.0 for one scene. I loved all of the loft scenes and that Castle/Martha talk. I'm fine with Alexis no where to be found since we got Martha and the broadway play storyline. A couple episode ago I was thinking they totally gonna drop it since last we heard about it was during the 2 parter. I did loled at Castle's story of the most awkward parent/teacher conference ever cause of the last time's Martha's 1st line was. The writer/model cop skit was entertaining and I think on the background screen I might've seen skit!Beckett pinch the ear of skit!Castle. It was hard to tell since I was trying to listen to Mr. Walsh and the Beckett fan girl writer. I'm surprised that Jaleel got so little screen time but there were so many suspects and 3 well known tv actors as guest stars. At least we only got 2 in the box interrogation scenes. The interactions with Danny Valentine were fun. One of the sequences looked a little off. When Beckett saves Danny, it looked like Castle didn't catch a ride back to the precinct cause he was gone for a couple of scenes before reappeared next to the whiteboard. Between Beckett's solo interrogation, Espo knocking down the door with his vest while Ryan was at the SNT studio doing something else made it felt like everyone was off doing something on their own while who the hell knows where Castle was.
  11. The female pilot locked herself in the cockpit after asking Castle to help solve the murder.
  12. It was the ringtone of the stolen phone Beckett broke into a car in After Hours when they and the witness/killer were hiding in the playground structure.
  13. Aww that was really cute. I wonder if that was part of the routing they practiced with Martha. Beckett's hair kinda looks mid s3ish there.
  14. I don't know what made me lol harder, the 90s flashbacks of Deacon, Rayna and Beverly or the horrible blue/green screen beach scene which kinda rival's Castle's telenovela sunset at the Hamptons. Oh ABC and it's low budget sfx for most of their shows. Jade outfit in the cgi scene was ugly too. Teddy and the hooker is still one of the worse storylines this season and there have been some bad ones like anything revolving around Gunner that hasn't been just singing or Will's friend.
  15. LOL I remember when she was Mulder's love interest in that no1curr ep of the X Files.
  16. I did smh at the person asking for David to marry Gillian. I was like really on fb which looks to be a real name and pic. Here's a link if you want to read the rest of the q&a.
  17. This! At least it was confirmed that Revenge is ending today and the last half of the season was leading up to it. Unlike this show which is in limbo and every other ep isn't leading to any kind of closure. So that was probably Krista sitting at the table with Nathan standing behind her in Ming Na's pic from his party. Heh, she kinda like Castle with the twice divorced and practically adult child if those 2 last and get married.
  18. The show confirmed on EW that's it's ending and TVLine article.
  19. Aww ET congratulated Stana on her marriage on tonight's ep. The showed a couple red carpet vids and her talking on the phone in Beckett's 2nd wedding dress.
  20. The Creaseys should stick to writing eps together. Dara's was slightly better than Chad's since she does seem to try to do some continuity. At least this ep was much better than LFLD where we didn't get them creepy building theory together. There were nice moments at the beginning where Alexis knows Castle spiel and the hug at the end. Still don't know why Alexis can take all this time off since it kinda look like a busy week long? schedule on his ipad. Probably would've made more sense as a March ep so she would be on spring break. I did lol at the Oceanic Air and Hudson University. It's like a one two punch of bad news. Should've known that having Paula Newsome as the most recognized guest star for the ep, she would be the killer.
  21. Lol I thought they got Espo a date for this event but then I realize that's Beckett sitting next to him while Lanie/Tori are on the opposite side of the table.
  22. Agent 33 actually showed emotion and personality since being paired up with Ward's storyline. I'm beginning to like Maya way more on Shield than Tori the precinct tech person.
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