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Everything posted by hula-la

  1. How is a marriage ceremony/ wedding more official than the piece of paper that actually legally married you?
  2. Did she call them “quirky” traditions? I rarely swear, but she’s making me want to swear.
  3. I had that convo with my mom this week about Christmas (our thanksgiving was last month), that it will just be her and dad, and she’s ok with it. She’s more concerned about me being alone, but I’m looking forward to getting fancy wine and cooking myself a kick-ass meal.
  4. It’s hahm https://www.theknot.com/content/korean-wedding-traditions
  5. Until she stated ragging on the smell of the masks.
  6. Adam has a beautiful voice, in both languages.
  7. I really like this take from Buzzfeed. It’s abusive, and all about power. Spoiler note, it talk about subsequent episodes. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/alessadominguez/hulu-a-teacher-review-student-teacher-scandals?bftwnews&utm_term=4ldqpgc#4ldqpgc
  8. It’s a newer thing in Canada, so we wouldn’t go down to the U.S. to shop (lots of people would take the day off). A student of mine honestly thought it was a special day for Black people “because we were so mean to them”. Bless her naive heart.
  9. Johnathan, the “hair and grooming” guy from Queer Eye.
  10. And that our country is so physically big (second biggest country in the world), with a tenth the population of the U.S., so they couldn’t get inventory to the stores easily. I was so excited for them to come, and was so disappointed.
  11. I used to think she was awesome (when she first came on the scene). Now, not so much.
  12. I feel you on all of this (especially missing Target). Boxing Day shopping never had the drama of those Black Friday shoppers in the U.S.
  13. She couldn’t wait until her parents arrived so she could complain about the relationship.
  14. That was my grandma’s house in Jamaica. There were chickens in a pen beside the house. We had chicken for dinner. Next day, I realized the chickens weren’t there anymore.
  15. I’m a teacher. I feel like I’m going to yell at this show. A lot.
  16. Happy birthday! As a Canadian, I’m most envious of your trip to Target.
  17. At least his mom isn’t insulting the country.
  18. Reminds me of this letter in Dear Prudence. And there’s an update out there too! https://slate.com/human-interest/2012/03/poisoned-meals-my-mother-in-law-may-be-trying-to-make-me-sick.html
  19. Not gonna lie. I would love the opportunity to dress up and dance and party. One day we can do that again.
  20. Hello all my people! Sending love and hugs from Canada, where our nation was cheering for you. Had all my champagne last night, so will snark with some juice.
  21. I went to the (Canadian) post office this morning and it wasn’t open. I went back later and there was a huge line. I didn’t cry, but might have bought 2 boxes of cookies. They were on sale.
  22. House is clean-ish, clothes ready for work tomorrow. I’m ready to snark!
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