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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Oh. My. DOG! Three guesses which case I'm watching. And the first two don't count. Sheeeeeeeesh!
  2. Be still my heart! Now that IS a magical episode!
  3. Me too! It's so satisfying to see some amoral POS be revealed for what he /she is and walk away empty-handed. Even better when the "winner" doesn't even have to speak! A rare tri-fecta, that is! Forgot this was Sweepstime! Need to set DVR!
  4. Nice to see you are as compassionate as always, AH! Hee! Crackin' me up over here. Gad, I've missed y'all. Stupid work. But I fixed it this semester! Ha! Newbies! @Byrd is the Word - oh that's great! Perfect photo. (Byrd, is it really you?!?!)
  5. Outstanding! I'd missed her name was "Starlina." Sigh. Today was my first day watching in a looooooong time. Glad to see you all again!
  6. I think the two of them in the final would be great - so often the outcome is pretty much a done deal before The Final Vote is read. Those two would provide some suspense! Agree completely! Love the point about him not having stabbed anyone in the back. This has been a good cast, based on the few years I've been watching. And the editing has been phenomenal!! The audience blindsided just about as often as the Survivors!
  7. I had this same experience. I zoomed through the first three books (loved the third - the reunion - sigh), and just could NOT get into the fourth for the reasons you stated. I'd start it, then abandon it. Many times. I think it was actually not until the TV show started that I finally read it. Worth reading, to get to the next one, IMO. I'm on the "didn't care for the final song" side of the fence. I understand the reasoning, and agree that it absolutely is a reality slap in the face but something about it just felt off. Didn't mind the "silent" scenes, and was glad for once to NOT have to listen to another attack/fight. I thought it was all beautifully choreographed, and Claire's anguish at seeing the ring was heartbreaking. Switching the rings is a good example of a positive change. I also LIKE that there are changes from the books. Keeps things a little fresher for me, and offers surprises. If I need the book details, I can read the books. I also wondered if they would be combining things from the next book as well. Hmmmm.... And I'm absolutely on board for the Rollo Show!! Woof!
  8. How you doin'? Power yet? Hope you, your friends and family are all doing okay. Been there, done that.
  9. But she brought evidence!! Photos!! It's not illegal to drive like that!! Heh. Soooooo not the point, you blathering idiot.
  10. OMG?!?! Seriously? She responded with this answer? I'm gonna be up all night catching up on episodes!!! And as I'm reading all the back pages, I too, was wondering about what's going on in MN! Yowza.
  11. So I'm enjoying being home alone this afternoon (yea!) and watching some Judy. The idiot driver who drives over the concrete parking stops "all the time" and did not hit her neighbor's car .... Man! I wonder sometimes if people are really as stupid as they look, and then here she is to prove the point. There's a video f YOUR car, the other car jumps, but nope, you didn't hit her! Lordy. The other two neighbors - I'll bet they are tight friends now! ("My dog loves her dog!" hee!) What a maroon!!!! [/Bugs Bunny] Then the second case. I'm not sure if it's because my meds are askew, or what, but the snot-nosed cretin Shannon who had her car "illegally repossessed" is making me want to FIND her and knock her upside the head. What an awful, awful young woman! I don't usually get personal with the folks we see here, but geeze Louise, she's got me going! The cherry on top: in the hallterview: "Don't trust nobody!" No $hit, Sherlock! YOU are the lowlife! Love that we have new eps, but these are some seriously wackadoodle folks. I hope the woman who sold the car has video surveillance of her home because I'd put money on the fact that those two are coming after her. Furious, too, that those horrible people got money for being on the show. Car defendant should have gotten money to have the car rekeyed. Sounds like she hadn't yet had it done, or have a receipt, so no money. Dammit. Got about 3 pages of posts to go back through, and a week's worth of eps, but these folks left me needing to vent! Argh!! (And I may skip the next episode. I hate eps with old folks.) WAIT!! OMG! These two guys aren't that old! I'd have guessed both were in their 80's!! Just heard they are disabled, so maybe I'll cut them some slack.
  12. Started catching up on last week's cases. Made it halfway through the long-haired blonde woman who met her crossed-arms dream boat online and proceeded to fork over tons of cash. I believe she had cash in the house, and gave it to him, despite JJ's admonitions against having cash in the house. But I couldn't even make it all the way through listening to that nonsense. Having read all about it here, it was all just too incredibly stupid to listen to. They were together, what, a couple of weeks before she doled out the moolah? And he was going to buy a million dollar home? Amazing, and not in a good way.
  13. JJ: Byrd, take a break before 6 across and take care of this. Byrd: It was 6 down. hee!!! Loved it!!
  14. I'm dying here, reading these! Haven't seen any of these cases, but this is absolutely hilarious. Mr. Toes keeps asking what I'm laughing at, and it just doesn't translate! The " jewelry jurry" "fix" from a couple of pages back nearly had me in tears. And Emily Litella! Ha! Hee! @AngelaHunter I knew we were twins separated at birth! It is pouring rain here, and I really don't want to go teach today. Maybe I'll give them an "in class" assignment so I can stay on the couch and watch some Judy action. I didn't think I was missing much until I came back here to catch up. Dang!
  15. WAAAAAY late to the party and waaaaaaay behind. But this was hysterical. I can only imagine JJ's reaction!
  16. OMG that's hilarious!!! That case sounds all sorts of awesome, in a horrible, awful, sad kind of way. Odd how those things go together on this show. Stupid job this semester encroaches on my JJ time, so I'm missing a lot of these. May have to learn how to use the DVR. Someone who loves me really should post a pic of Jessica Rabbitish. She gets more colorful every day. Glasses, you say?!?! ETA: And how does someone have a string of felonies (really 20? or just a bunch?) and walk the streets as a free person every day?
  17. This was awful. "I should get a job!" You think? After 11 years, why start now? Being a "Stay at home mom" doesn't seem to be doing the kids any favors. I think she has her own "issues" and that's why her daddy keeps putting up with it. As a parent, I get it. I really do. But at some point, you gotta think that your kids need to make it on their own. Grandaddy isn't always going to be able to bail sweetie pie out of jail. (Unless maybe there's a special trust fund he's set up just for that purpose?) I get that the dad thought Grandaddy has certainly been paying mom's share of children's expenses, why not this one? I could tell JJ was going to go down the "how did you expect her to pay you back?" road early on. Grrr.... Missed the earlier cases on that ep. Dang. Also missed the well-cleavaged "Jessica Rabbitish" from the other day. But the recaps/recounts have been hilarious!
  18. Atta girl! I missed most of this week's eps. But in truth, I'm not sure I missed much. :-(
  19. When teaching the kids to drive, we had to remind them OFTEN that these good Samaritans aren't LEGAL traffic control folks. If they wave you through, it is still YOUR responsibility to make sure the route is clear. Can't rely on them. I turned the case off. I could tell it was just going to end up being a shouting match where everyone thought they were in the right, and that Judy was going to probably go 50/50 on them. My two cents: The guy in the turn lane was in the wrong 100%. It's not a "fifth lane" for traveling traffic; it's a merge or turn lane. Even if he's planning on making the left turn, zooming up a quarter mile isn't allowed, and he should have been EXPECTING other cars to be coming out of a driveway, ALSO making a turn, or coming into that same lane. Defensive driving. Very glad to have missed the case involving a litigant with special needs.
  20. Just back from the movie. Hysterical! Will it win Academy Awards? Nope. But lots of fun, lots of Sam! And yes, definitely the next James Bond. Loved it.
  21. I'm dying at this and Mr. Toes wants to know what's so funny. NO way in hell I can explain. Good heavens, that's funny! Great man you found! He gets you!
  22. Heh. Caterer and dress were beyond perfect. As is photog. DJ played wrong "walk down the aisle" song, but it didn't seem to matter too much. Whew! As for in-laws, well, yeah, we may be seeing them on the teevee. I'll think of somethin'. (But their son is just wonderful. Baby girl did good!) Rescue pets are the best. People ask what kind of dog we have, and the best I can come up with is "Black and orange." As for breeds, take your pick!
  23. Oh, that's hysterical!!! Good thing they don't have puppy starter kits like that. I'd be a goner. I just don't see the point in cats. Kittens, yes. They are cute and zippy and, according to @SRTouch, laughably destructive. Then they turn into cats. BORING!!! You people are just weird. @AngelaHunter and @Brattinella and I know a true pet loves you back. So take that! (My brand new* son-in-law had a snake for a while. Aside from the "ick/shock/phobia factor", seriously - is there a more UN-pet-like pet? Talk about pointless....) *Brand new s-i-l as of 9 days ago! Wedding over, bride fabulously gorgeous! Never been so proud of my Little Toes, or Mr. Toes' sob-worthy father-of-the bride speech. Not a dry eye in the house. But man, I'm glad to be able to sleep through the night again, not worrying about stuff! Just so you know, outside weddings, in Texas, in August are HOT! And in our case, mercifully short. I think I got more compliments on that than on anything else! ha! And yes, they considered having their furbaby be in the wedding as a ring bearer. We dog people think like that.
  24. Cat people. Sigh. (but that critter in the picture is a cutey)
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