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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. And then added at least one more! Despite JJ telling the woman to cooperate, I have absolutely no expectation that she will. She refused to hear anything JJ said. Caught the last 30 seconds or so of the niece/nephew custody car thing. Yowza. The niece was a piece of work, and I literally only heard agree to answer questions, and then the only thing she said was, "I don't recall." What was JJ trying to get info on? REALLY wish there was a follow-up version of this show sometimes!
  2. Yes, the reason. The rifle in her hand made it clear she shot him. God knows Roger couldn't have. I didn't care for the mercy aspect in the book.
  3. Agreed. It was so frustrating in the books to have him keep coming back. Over and done. Wish we'd seen him suffer in terror a bit more before Bree shot him. Never liked how she snuck out and shot him in the book, and I did like how they left it ambiguous here.
  4. The plaintiff got money back? I turned it off when JJ started asking defendant how long it took him to design the materials. Having worked in advertising in a former life, one does not sit down and say, "Now I will design a corporate identity and materials" and have it done two hours later. Not sure that's where JJ went, but I was afraid it was, so I bailed early. Not the kind of day to be patient with her. Admittedly, it looked like the def brought NOTHING with him to court, so that's a bad sign. I was hoping JJ would contact the plaintiff's company so they could fax over a business card, etc. I'd bet she used the design. And it is the DESIGN that takes the time, not the actual printing of the cards, etc. Too much malarky on both sides it sounded like. Good that they both got the majority of their appearance fees, so they came out winners. Far too much energy on an episode I didn't actually take the time to finish...... #coronabrain 🙄
  5. The Defendant was very pretty and seems accustomed to using her good looks to get what she wants, so it had to cut deep when JJ said she didn't look like a prize. HA! I didn't like that JJ spent so much time ripping the Plaintiff for loaning the money when he 'knew" she couldn't pay it back. For a minute I thought she was going to say it was a gift and dismiss his case. Yeah, it looked pretty much like it was going the "no expectation of payment" route (sadly), and the voila! The Defendant once again sinks her own boat. Heh. Justice prevails! And no, plaintiff's typically aren't awarded court costs in custody issues I would think. I did enjoy JJ's snide aside (hee! rhyme time!) about "if you can't afford the kid you've got, why have another one...." Exactly. If only someone could come up with a way to stop the madness...... In my cynical spells, it makes me wonder if a lot of these women find themselves preggers on purpose, in hopes of a long-time $$ deal -either as a spouse or support payments. "I'm a dancer for an NBA team, and woopsie - preggars by my one-month boyfriend pro player! I didn't think you get get pregnant standing up/the first time/if he said so/the moon was full/it was the third Thursday of the month/if I ate popcorn and bananas right before, etc! Darn. Guess I'll just collect $20,000 a month for child support!" But then, I'm a horrible person, so it may just be me. I also liked how JJ herself seemed irritated by the broken phone case. Sheesh. I figured the two guys are friends and wanted a trip to LA.
  6. Depends on the patient and the cause of the pain. My spousal unit keeps a current 'script of about 10 pills a year (in case he's ever drug tested), but only takes about 2 pills a YEAR. When his pain is acute, nothing else helps (including Vicodin, etc), and the demerol does. Different people react differently. He and I have both had several surgeries, and morphine does nothing for me. My spouse? It's his happy hospital drug! Exactly. The angry babbling in a foreign language would be frightening to anyone. And pulling a 4-5 year old child from the only real home she has ever known is also not a good plan. She already had bonding issues when she first arrived, having been tossed around, regardless of the reasons. It took a long time for her to warm to Shelagh and the family. As an adoptive parent, this resonated with me. The Turners are fairly "progressive' - especially Shelagh. I was hoping they would respond with some type of limited, yet open communication with the birthmother. Letters, supervised visits, photos, etc. And she can not support the child (currently). As a nanny, the other family would have to okay her bringing her child in as "part of the family." So no job, no place to live, even in a country where housing, medical care, etc are all provided to those without. Wanting to be a parent doesn't make it possible to parent. And "temporary parenting" isn't good for anyone. There's a reason birth parents sign the papers. They can't come swooping in 2, 5, 10, 12 years later and say, "Hey, I'm good to go now! Hand her over!" (And that's something every adoptive parent fears, papers or no.) Hong Kong was an British territory/protectorate, and as I recall, English the predominant language (feel free to correct!) Why would an office have papers in different languages at the time? Perhaps they should have, since there were apparently so many of these types of adoptions. But most of the birth parents would have been in Hong Kong, not the UK. I would think the offices in China/Hong Kong would have papers in the appropriate language. Probably not many of the birthmothers lived in the UK. But again, that may be wrong, so feel free to correct. Giving birth is not the only (nor the best) qualification to be a parent. And sometimes, the best parents didn't provide the egg and sperm. Overall, I thought this one of the best episodes. I DO like how the series works in real-life struggles of the times - like the rubella here, the unwanted pregnancies even in happy families, and the Thalidomide earlier. I remember the first episode when Dr. Turner prescribed the miracle anti-nausea drug, and thinking, Oh, God, no! And Sister Monica Joan gets me every time. She is soooo intuitive and "sees" so much. Her catching Sr. Julienne (last episode?) out in the real world, that was so touching and powerful. Just a great show. Sigh. Hankies abound.
  7. I can see why you would be considering this amazing offer. What a catch! Looks like he might have teeth, so that's a plus. How'd Mr. Hunter take the news?
  8. How does this happen? Are people REALLY this stupid? (don't answer that, please.) I just don't get it. I'm sure with 5 kids there are at LEAST 3 different sperm donors, and she wants a married guy WITH NO TEETH? I mean seriously. Is it that IQs are really that low? Or is it a status symbol to see how many men one can collect? Or perhaps, she isn't stupid, and is trying to scam him in some way? I can only imagine what wonders this man possesses - either in physical attributes or "other" ways - that he is not only married, he can pick up somethin' on the side. Didn't see this one, and am really glad. /endrant
  9. I had the same feeling. Some connection between his parents and local law enforcement. Or him. Somehow, somewhere, some type of "look the other way-i-ness."
  10. I remember this one. I can't even imagine this was REAL. How did this not end up with the police or CPS?? heh..... but typical.... Gee, which way should we go....... Ha! Been away from JJ for awhile. It's been fun catching up on what I missed. Glad Sweeps month is here!
  11. I know I grew up in the dark ages, but this is one reason "waiting for marriage" was a good idea. If you ended up with a little one, it had parents! And if you WERE going to fool around, you'd better make sure it was with someone you COULD parent a child with, just in case. Today, it seems, eh, if I get a kid, no big deal. Lather, rinse, and repeat. (and then go on JJ to be a SSMOT/Three/Six, etc.) My 20-something son caught part of a similar episode, and I don't even think I needed to repeat my Mom speech - he completely gets it, after viewing these yahoos. Honestly, I kept waiting for the gallery to respond, kind of like the liturgical responses in church. "So sayeth Judge Judy."
  12. I just watched Kittie's case. Oh, my, Kelly. It was tough to watch. I'm one of those that if you cry, I cry. But I held it together. UNTIL Kelly mentioned that they were talking to the family on Mothers' Day. Man. Her poor parents. Her poor Daddy (we didn't really see Mom). To bring ALL that pain back up. I'm sure the pain always exist, but after that many years, it is tucked safely (?) away. And then to have it all relived, so vividly. I did like how they approached it from both sides - could it be a suicide, or could it be murder. Many times suicide victims DON'T telegraph it in advance, and it IS a surprise. But despite how miserable Kittie's life was, I don't think that was the case (not withstanding the evidence), because she had positive things in her life, and I can't imagine she'd leave those kids in his hands. Also - did they interview the affair/boyfriend? Did anyone know who it was? Awfully small town. It's a circumstantial case, as they most always are, but I sure think there's enough to convict. I know prosecutors won't indict unless they think they can win (lest the scumbag be acquitted and then free forever), but I think this one looks good. If they held the family meeting on Mothers' Day, that was last year. One year ago. SURELY something has moved since then?! Oh -and I think the other gentleman was her brother. Her parents were there (at least her dad), a sister and brother, and then the three daughters. I, too, wonder about the other three children. Hopefully they were raised by someone else?! Kelly apologizing to the girls for the system failing them on the abuse allegations.... no words.
  13. That's how I feel. To just, for a few fleeting moments, be able to talk with and to someone that wasn't going to stab you in the back any minute. Add in exhaustion, starvation, etc. When Jeff mentioned the little ones digging in the sand for stuff, there were a few panicky children's faces... The teens seemed thrilled. The little ones not so much. I'm glad everyone got to go play and have a picnic. Even the EoEers. It's a lot to put your life and career on hold for that length of time - as we are all seeing from the comfort of home and air conditioning. I figured some of the babies came with nursing moms. Harder to leave those behind. And completely agree about the whispering. I joined Survivor pretty late, and have gone back and watched some of the earlier versions. Lots to love about the old game.
  14. Was there any mention of Frank at all at the wedding? Yes, Jamie is Brianna's father, but for 18, 19 or so years, if she thought about getting married, it was probably Frank she pictured walking her down the aisle. Of course, I was at a large watch party and no closed-captioning, so it might have been there. Just struck me as kind of sad.
  15. Watching Africa for the first time. If I didn't know Ethan wins, I don't know that I would make it very far in the season. That old/young business with the Sumboohoo tribe was hard to take. Hoping he does well this time. I'm glad to see him looking so well. What a tough ride...
  16. And that the people who win do so based on the skills, not because their sister's grandmother's best friend's cousin's dog just died. (#chopped) I'm new to the show, thanks to Netflix. Started "watching" as a way to fall asleep at night but realized I was too invested in what happens! Love the banter, both (?) sets of hosts/presenters, and the contestants who are there to learn, have fun, challenge themselves, and not take it too seriously. I just finished the Netflix season 5, and was glad to be rid of Stacie. Her way too pink, too panicked, and too over the top everything took out some of the happy place-ness. Great show.
  17. We caught that too, but from a different perspective. A good dose of morphine main-lined like that has an almost instantaneously happy effect. I DID appreciate that every time I thought the film would trot out the typical movie trop, they did NOT! Nice little twists, and lots of Christopher Plummer. That man does not age! (He was in an excellent mystery movie - The Silent Partner - with Elliot Gould back in the 70's and was horribly creepy (and gorgeous!) in that. Great film if you can find it. One horrifically graphic scene, though.)
  18. My guess is they shoot the footage of JJ holding and reading the docs after the episode is filmed. They often highlight things, that aren't highlighted on the documents. Just my theory.
  19. I remembered this one as a prime example of JJ's irritating behaviour. Instead of shooting down the bovine defendant's and daughter's silly acccusations of sexual harrassment and of im prancing naked in the yard, as any reasonable person would have done, she said at least twice "stupid behaviour" adding as an insincere afterthought "if you did it", but so casually it was a clear wink-wink nudge-nudge moment designed to cast aspersions on his character. Which was in keeping with her being hostile to him from the start. Absotively posilutely. Can't believe JJ didn't call them out on it more. She kind of hinted that she wasn't going to buy it, but should have reallly hammered them. I loved the plaintiff in this case. JJ asked him straight up - "Is it possible the defendant never actually hit your car?" And he said, "Yes!" I was concerned JJ would cut him loose after that, but she came through. Idiot Donut Dude was the cause of the crash, and the damage. Whew!
  20. Thanks for summing this one up. (And I agree - he should have been paid for the days he DID drive, etc.) But I gave up on it half way through - just couldn't keep up with the piddling back and forth. I also agree about the landlords - she almost ALWAYS rules against them, even when they are the plaintiffs. Credit card gal looks like she was doing more at the Plaintiff's house than "cleaning."
  21. I would have bet money I'd seen this one before. I even checked the dates, since JJ has her RBG hair. But soft! It IS a new one! Maybe we've just seen this kind of thing so many times before. And I agree. Snoring.....
  22. Hilarious! That says it all. Dear 18-year old: You two are NOT starting a "family." You are knocked up, and out of luck. (Or, hopefully, luckier when he finally ditches you!) Second case: Idiot Plaintiff was given the opportunity to come back later WITH said medical records. But, nah, why bother with that? Seems many of today's contestigants were chosen based on their IQs being the same as their shoe sizes. 🙄
  23. Yeah, national TV is a great way to keep this kind of thing under wraps. 🙄 Glad to see I wasn't the only one who wanted to rip this woman's eyes out. And to @Brattinella's point way back, yes, the daughter was an adult. (JJ seems to play fast and loose with the "is 20 an adult or child?" thing). And maybe could have been more attentive to watching a puppy. But there are sooo many other dynamics at play here, the bio egg donor was way out of line seeking punitive damages. Very emotional case.
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