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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Heh! Mr. Toes and I said the same thing! Boy, she sure had a lot of nice electronic toys, didn't she? And all tossed in some damp, random box to show "damage." Yes, he had the responsibility to notify her, and to pay the bill (!), but when tenants start quoting regulations and suing for "pain and suffering" my sympathy level plummets far into the negative territory.
  2. "Are you SERIOUS?" Yes, you nimrod. You lost! Go home and preen in front of your mirror and stay off our tvs.
  3. When the audience/gallery is laughing at your testimony, it's not usually a good sign. 🙄
  4. I was thinking the same thing. But I'm glad JJ kicked it back, because I think Mama just wanted some of her money back, knowing she was most likely going to hand it straight back to Junior. This case just made me so sad. That poor girl. She is worthy of sooooooo much more, and I don't even know her. @CrazyInAlabama hugs to you and yours, and hoping you all are safe and sound. Just awful to see that.
  5. Next time the mods update this site, they need to add one more button: a million likes. Heart emoji just ain't enough sometimes. Love my AH! We seriously need to plan a road trip. But we couldn't tell anyone, 'cause God knows who'd be on the lookout for us! Hee!
  6. And I'm sure she had the girls on display for her fabulous, wonderful, charming Mr. Ex whatever-the-heck-he-was. They kind of deserved each other. Ick.
  7. Tried to warn you, sweet cheeks..... Hint: Lemon Vodka (Grey Goose a nice choice) with mandarin oranges. Helps heal everything!
  8. Oh, my. Ms. Martinez - yes, you are as dumb as you look. Every person on the planet knows exactly why you showed up on this show with your boobs hanging out. As for Mr. Diaz (?) I am speechless. Just when I think I've seen the worst contest-igant on this show, he appears. @AngelaHunter , break out the good stuff. Yowza.
  9. Or, best friends trying to get one over on Judy.
  10. So was today "Deaf Defendant" day?! Pretty much all of 'em just kept on blathering when JJ told them to (actually!) "Shut up and listen!" Forget turning off their mics. We now really need the oft-mentioned trap door. With a hungry Rancor waiting underneath... It would give Byrd something new to do!
  11. All those cell phone and "Squattah" cases!!
  12. I gave up on this one half way through because I could see how it was headed. I'm guessing she won? This looks like one of those typical HOA-locked properties, and I bet you are exactly correct, @DoctorK. I was surprised she got permission to actually ADD another garage to the property. Contractor seemed to have all his ducks in a row, seemed very professional, but again, I bailed, so who knows maybe he did get all scammy after I left. I did see one photo where it looked like the new drive wasn't all concrete, but maybe faded into the grass, or something? If that was the case, then yeah, maybe there's a beef. Ugh. ETA: Whew. Kinda wish I'd stuck it out, now! (still trying to figure out new forum tangles. Used to combine quick "serial posts" and stuff. But very pretty! Love all the new buttons!)
  13. Dog case involved no injuries!! (as far as I recall), just ownership between nice, quiet defendants' side, and lunatic plaintiff's side. And I agree, she probably will call the cops. Since she wanted 3 times the cash for what was paid for the dog. (or, I guess, the dog.) Excellent theater-value on today's eps! The dog lunatic here, the wacky (possibly deranged?) Karen Watkins and her "What? No warning?" side-kick, and the BSC gal who kicked down the door of grandma's house to reclaim her offspring: quite the cast of characters! Plus two cases where I had no idea what was actually being sued for. BSC gal was suing grandma for kidnapping?! Didn't realize that was now a small claims court concept. Who knew! 🙄 A great day for cheese balls and popcorn! And, @AngelaHunter, more booze!!! Cheers!
  14. I could watch an entire series based on that group. I thought they were hysterical! Hope they come back again and again. And I'm not even sure what she was suing for! Plaintiff stole from defendant, plead "not not guilty" and was ordered to pay restitution. Yeah, that sounds like a perfectly logical reason to sue the def!! Regarding Gucci the Yorkie - was kind of hoping his new owners were going to get the whole 5K just for kicks and giggles. Heaven knows they probably earned it.
  15. And in the hallterview, didn't she even say, "It must have been scratched by an ANIMAL or something"?!?!?! But then cutie-pie said he didn't do it, his "friend" did it. Ooops. But still a cutie, and she didn't deserve a dime any way.
  16. Case Dismissed! Plaintiff and Def. once upon a time got into a kerfuffle, and the plaintiff was arrested and plead guilty to battery, so JJ lectured her about how she should have just taken the car and left. Def. didn't have any money for car repairs, so he returned the previously returned (by her) engagement ring so she could sell it to pay for repairs. JJ believed him, and couldn't get rid of the gal fast enough. Regarding the horse saddle case: JJ has OFTEN threatened to turn off someone's mic when they won't shut up. Oh, if only!!!! Nervous or not, that woman really needed to be quieted. And her "witness" - I'm guessing her daughter? Yeah, she was going to be really credible. Blech.
  17. She seems a little long in the tooth for that, but she certainly didn't offer any other clues that would make us think differently. Perhaps she's in the massage industry. One of those national 'chains' that may not want to be associated with her. "Yeet." I think that whole nonsense knocked a year or two off my life. Ugh.
  18. Boy, isn't that the truth!! I liked today's cell phone (!) case, in that while the plaintiff's didn't exactly have proof for the dollar amount they asked for, JJ awarded it anyway. It was reasonable, and the def was such a doofus. I did think that those two 20-year olds looked a lot older than 20.
  19. Oh, Ms. Reyes, we could tell from the start that things were not going to go your way! Ah-move! Your children range in age from 15-30. How much full-time "mothering" do they need from you?? Would really, really like to know the name of her employer. "Entertainment" in "sports" at night. Uh huh....
  20. Oh, fuck that! What a load of bullshit. Assholes. Glad the plaintiffs won. Thank you for the update!! I did appreciate how dapper each of today's contesti-gants were dressed. Nice change. No see-through undergarments!
  21. So how did the nurses' union case end up? I was interrupted and missed the exciting conclusion! Thanks!
  22. Exactly. I think JJ was just so shocked at the case that she lost her reasoning ability, too! The case was "almost" worth watching just for the sheer OMG-ness of POS and her mouthy, deplorable, odious son. JJ: I always have the last word! Jr.: "You think so?" Gah! POS's hairdo was another high point in an otherwise awful case. I'm guessing there are multiple rap sheets on both those charmers, and if not on Jr, there will be soon, and it will be just as horrific as the crimes his dogs commit. VERY glad to hear Flippy the sweet doggy is alive and well. When it wasn't mentioned in the case, I was a little worried.
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