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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Idiot mother and her mumbling 18-year old suing older sister (from another mister) for money for the car being illegally driven/parked. Glad they got thrown out. Sadly, they will probably still get the show's money. 18-year old's attitude summed it up pretty well: "Mmmm -hmmm." Not used to answering direct questions, that one. In other news, EVERY add on my page today has a puppy on it. Must be picking up on all the dog cases we've been discussing. They are so adorable!
  2. If only...... I'll help cover your gas. Somebody grab the cheeseballs!
  3. Agree 100%. Was baffled by her ruling on that one. Another example of her just being too cranky to be fun. I didn't catch the end of the teen driver case. Who won?
  4. Exactly! We "evicted" a guy who owed a ton of back rent when he actually left his stuff in the house and moved far away with no return date. We put his stuff in storage, holding it until we got paid. Of course, most of it belonged to Aaron rentals, blah blah fishcakes, long story. He sues US to get all his crap back, gets laughed at in court, and his lawyer offers to let him make payments on what he owes us. I let loose on that one! He didn't pay us rent when he and his whole fam damily LIVED in the house - he's going to make payments on back rent?! Hell to the no! We agreed to a partial payment (to cover our attorney's fees) AS LONG AS the check came from HIS lawyer's account. Would love to know if the lawyers were ever paid. Heh. They seemed a little taken aback at the suggestion. Go figure. And no, we never collected the entirety of what we were owed. Good luck to all of you poor folks in Alabama for having to put up with this moron (who has a roofing business). We moved on and got better renters. Yes, there are challenges and headaches in being landlords, but it's allowed us both to mostly retire and have "play jobs" much earlier than most. We've been very lucky to have nice properties, and nice tenants for the most part. <<< KNOCK ON WOOD!!!>>>
  5. I love me some @Toaster Strudel recaps! And you hit this one on the nail x 1000. Ya' know, in these types of "CPS/custody" cases, we always hope the other parent is watching and takes a tape in to secure custody. But in this case, if the courts have already given this wacko back her kids (is that right? so confusing?!), what the heck kind of loser sperm donor makes her the better parent? Gad! Poor, poor children. And a repeat "offender" at that! That was all kinds of bonkers in a case FULL of it. And I'm not sure 5 doses is enough.
  6. I have friends who gasp when they learn (not that I confess) that I watch JJ. Not for the show, but for all of you here. Fun to read the posts, but more fun when I know what's going on in the cases being discussed. Hugs to dear cyber-friends, one and all. FYI: The Little House on the Prairie forum can be a real hoot, too. That used to be my go-to on bad days, but I haven't checked in for a while. Found it on TWoP long ago. There are LHotP High Holy Days, where things get REALLY wacko. Used to be a haiku-only-posts day in there! I got to where I had read (and written) so many that I kind of spoke in Haiku for a while. My favorite JJ cases are the ones where she shows a teensy bit of compassion, lets one side hang themselves by feeding out the rope a little at a time, and where we get a little legal education (rather than legal lecturing.) She has been so screechy of late that the new shows, for me, aren't nearly as fun as the older ones. And then the whole fly-swatter thing. That's just always golden. It seems the fly usually picks the most poignant moment in the sad-sack's story to appear. Hee! ETA: Re: Today's eps: The lothario who moves his TWO girlfriends in together (so as to cut down travel time, according to JJ) - what on EARTH would possess these idiot women to appear on TV? For as much as a slimeball as he appears to be, they just come across as stoooopid! Then the chicken case: Doncha' know that if Judy could have awarded the plaintiff $10,000 per chicken she would have. What an awful defendant. And an awful liar.
  7. The gavel reviews have returned! (I hope!) Thanks, @Toaster Strudel!! Archie and Veronica! Hee!! Perfect. I didn't even finish watching today's cases, and completely ignored the later ones. Too much shrieking from JJ, and too many stupid humans. I get that she doesn't get into litigation for spatulas and dish towels, but am in agreement major furniture replacement costs. Not as if they both had used it for years and years. Buffalo wild wings case was really weird. And Mr. Cole, he of the heroin/multiple arrests lifestyle, was just too awful to watch. This show used to be my "gee I'm not the horrible person/parent I thought I was because these folks are waaaaay worse" fix but lately, it makes me crazIER for realizing Byrd and I (and all the rest of y'all) are going to be responsible for ALL THESE PEOPLE and their children, and for the stupid, stupid decisions they make. I miss Andy Griffith.
  8. That was hysterical! "Go to Jack LaLane!" Absolutely sure he had no idea who or what that was. (I do, and remember when the color TV could finally showcase that fabulous blue jumpsuit!) And then the case somewhere (new? old?) today where Byrd had to correct Judy's mispronunciation of the plaintiff's name. Glad Judy, Byrd and the guy were so good natured about it.
  9. Seems we are all mostly in agreement on that one! I thought it a ridiculous case, and perhaps that was Judy's beef with it. But I do agree that any adult, in a school setting, needs to be ultra vigilant about kids running out. Of course, we learned that in driver's ed, back in the olden days, when we had to watch all the videos about learning to drive. Woman was very lucky the little girl wasn't more seriously hurt. The bail case? Cracked me up when Judy asked, "Woman to woman, what did you see in him?" Ha!! I'm on to the rerun of the couple that attacked a busy body guy about the handicapped parking space. "He tried to rape me!" "Kick him, son!" Aaaaallll caught on video. What miserable, awful people. Audience amused and horrified and willing to lynch them all. Heh. Son's defense: "I went into defense mode. Time to do what was RIGHT." Sure. Beating up someone else? Apple/tree.
  10. I think she actually mentioned the three children. To which, I scoffed, and muttered, "So far." Another big dose of ICK! After this one, I abandoned the repeat eps I usually watch, because they are often more fun. Just couldn't today.
  11. Those of you in tornado country can easily get surprised. Hurricanes are (generally) a slow boil, and until a day or two before it hits, it's often really uncertain. As @poeticlicensed noted, 10 days out, we MAY start stocking up on essentials: water, batteries, toilet paper, canned goods, and household protection supplies if we need 'em. Even that is pretty far out, since 10 days in advance a storm can be a thousand miles away. (We live on the coast, and got Harvey'd six weeks earlier.) People facing a Cat 3 storm, on an island, with an expected 15-foot storm surge would most likely get the heck out of Dodge to "protect" their children. Schools were closed, I'm willing to bet, and if one can afford to live on Marco, one can probably afford to stay two nights at a Motel 6 on the mainland. Marco (and the Naples area) were sooooo lucky to have missed the storm surge. My mom had a condo on the island, so we kept pretty close tabs. (Very lucky - no damage other than one slat on the storm shutters. ) Hope you were lucky, too, @poeticlicensed! I think he was just another one of those who got behind in rent, and found a convenient excuse. Buh bye! Borrowed, tooken, gaven, all new verbs (or new uses!) that crack me up!
  12. Maybe. We happened to be in Marco Island (where his kids went to school!) about 6 weeks after Irma. Things were mostly back to normal, although several homes still had blue tarps. People don't board up houses 10 days in advance, and that was his argument for not paying rent (as I recall). Yes, they had a few days notice, and some folks boarded up, I'm sure. But there was funky stuff in his story, and when he pulled the "I'm a single dad" line, my sympathies left. Sure, he didn't have JJ's resources, but he had similar resources to everyone else in the Naples/Marco area. And if you live in a house, you pay the rent. As for using lawn furniture to board up, he still used property that was not his. I don't know. Had he had any evidence that a deal had been struck with the landlord (?) about using rent money to buy provisions, then maybe. But "he said/she said" is about all he had. The sober living facility had scam written all over it. Wish we'd heard more about it. A residence where no one smokes and no one drinks and no one uses drugs would be a swell place to live. But being licensed as a SLF? Hmmm..... And I think the one defendant was very much "transitioning." YMMV
  13. That was just all kinds of ick, wasn't it? She seemed so put together (relatively) to be that much of a dope. AND ON NATIONAL TV!! Drink!
  14. Ack! Hysterical! Totally caught me by surprise! hee! Re: "five-head": See also, "Lester Holt." Very glad to have missed that episode. I like the wacky ones! ETA: Oooooh! Just seeing that I've got a part two coming up! (And a new hairdo to consider for the wedding!) Sorry to have missed part one.
  15. "Correct!" gah Although, since we are in the midst of wedding planning at the Toes household, I did kind of appreciate a second look at this one.
  16. Hee!! Woo hoo! We have a moderator who checks on us, and loves us! Show? Show? I think production (or syndication) is having fun mixing up cases to show together. Two cases of wacky women sort of living with sort of boyfriends, and then things don't work out. Gee, ya' think? Don't know about y'all, but I ALWAYS sit on my stoop at 2:00 am, with my mom, and my friends. And yep, when I have to go tinkle, everybody comes in with me! Cozy! Stupid woman. Shacked up with one guy, part time, but living with hubby the rest of the time. Dang. Loved Judy telling Mr. Whats-his-name she could understand why he kicked her out. Double hee!
  17. I wonder if he'd have played it if Wendell had played his? I was panicked that Wendell didn't! My guess is Chris felt certain Wendell (le sigh!) was toast, since he did not play an idol. So why waste it? As for the girls, is there ANY chance they voted Libby, in case Chris, Dom and Wendell all played idols? That would be pretty deep thinking and strategizing. So I guess that answers my own question. Love all the discussions as to whether Chris would have made a good goat or not. Excellent points on both sides! I thought tonight in the opening merge scenes how thin and gaunt all the men looked. Almost as if it had been 3 weeks since the last time we'd seen them. I'm late to the Survivor franchise, and am really loving this season. Is it real? Is it fake? Did it used to be real? Will it be fake soon? And on and on and on! As for Dom's "fake" idol, it kept him pretty safe from being voted off! Great episode, great season. Rarely watch anything twice, but I often watch these eps again after reading all the comments. Can't wait for next ep!
  18. Well bummer!! I was considering what types goofy-assed crimes to rain down upon you, @SRTouch, just to see if you'd bring the kitties to court! Excellent post, by the way. I can second almost everything in your post (save the Army). I'm also not an auditory type person, and have trouble with lengthy questions (we were watching Zuckerburg the other day) so would be standing there with my mouth hanging open. Although JJ tries to keep questions short and simple, with only an occasional vocabulary word thrown in as an aside to her lecture of the day. The only upside to ever being on these shows is that the "winners" actually get some cash out of the deal. Getting a judgement and getting the money are not the same. If our society EVER needed a reason to implement a rule similar to "you need to have a license to catch a fish" regarding creating children, I think Brittany White may fit the bill. Ick, blech, yuck, OMG, grrrrr, ARGH! What a horrible excuse of a parent. I know we hashed this through the first time it was on, but she still just boggles my mind. Couldn't believe that one of the ten zillion times she tried to correct JJ it was because Judy referenced the boogeyman as "her boyfriend." "He wasn't my boyfriend!" Okay. Your "man who may or may not have abused your daughter." That better? I feel pretty certain that had Judy had her flyswatter out she'd have reached across the bench and slapped the snot out of that woman. I sure would have. Wine, anyone? I need to head over to the drinking game thread...
  19. I tuned back in for the last part of this one. I kept wanting to correct Mr. Announcer every time he said "Shafonta claims Mr. Lofton DEFRAUDED her." No, sorry, she claimed, as you noted, AH, that he "frauded her." Kind of like the "fox locks" maybe she just used the wrong word, but I still laughed.
  20. I couldn't make it through any of the shows (so far) today. Such an awful collection of humanity. Blech. So I'm watching society's finest on the ID network: Murder Comes to Town. Why this is better, I do not know. But it's okay for laundry folding.
  21. Ha! Me, too! Too funny about the Moldy Blueberries - that was the story JJ told as her "Fable du jour."
  22. I've noticed, too, that the cases often are very similar, or related in some way! Does production release them together, or does the syndication company? Hmmm... As for today's, in the first case, the Mom was wanting the boy to pay so that she didn't have to file on her insurance. Couple that with the fact that the daughter was not a licensed driver, I think it makes her culpable in making a car available to someone (at least one) who is not eligible to drive. In the other one, while Mr. Smartypants made some good points, I, like JJ, think he was probably NOT the designated driver, or if he was, he wasn't as "designated" as he should have been. He was just a little TOO rehearsed, and a little TOO full of himself. YMMV, of course. But it does seem odd that JJ made HIM pay. Was the car insured? Hmmm.... May be another one of those where JJ knew more info than we were privy to. The rerun of the Lothario with the mail-order Russian girlfriend: Oh, brother! One more thing to add to our "things to remember before you go on JJ" list: If the judge asks "Are you SURE?" it's time to rethink one's position. Stat! I think he was a horrible creep, and took full advantage of M-O, RGf. She looked like such a waif. Felt bad for her, even though she made poor choices, too.
  23. I remember Laurie used to also always paint furniture brown. Why paint brown wood brown? Made no sense, and took beautiful wood and turned it into painted stuff. And the ceiling fans as noted earlier! Standard equipment in every room, in my neck of the woods. I don't think Hildi ever did a room I even sort of liked, and is the sole reason I'd never be on this show - then or now. I quit watching after the feathers, the straw, the fake flowers (the dust!!) and the sand/circus tent room. How horrible. New ep: Hildi wasn't so bad, and Doug's room was actually at least attractive at the end. I'd still wonder about dust/fabric particles with the burlap, but it looked nice. But I'm not sure I can do this show again.
  24. I'd bet good money that the smirky snowflake teen hit-and-run driver has been in trouble again, and will be incarcerated soon. Hope no one dies in the meantime. Judy usually enters all smiley. Man, she was loaded for bear from the get go. And rightly so. Oh, Levi, Levi, Levi. Good on you for trying to make child support payments. But I don't know that there's much between those sweet little ears. I haven't laughed so hard at a case in a long time. They deserve each other, but as per usual, there is a small child involved who will have to be the grown up in that family. Sigh.
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