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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. It is always the plaintiff's burden to prove. Even if the defendant has copies of everything to prove his "guilt" and the plaintiff has nothing, the burden still falls on the plaintiff. She was an odious woman, in my opinion, and I'm willing to bet well-practiced at this particular set-up.
  2. Dear men of Minnesota: Toni Meadows is on the loose. Watch out! RUN!!! I think the producers must own stock in blood pressure meds. We've been having the most horrible, blood-boiling contestants of late!
  3. He at least had the instincts to protect his daughter! Far more than she seemed willing to do. Lordy I hope someone looks out for those kids!
  4. Hope upon hope that someone sends the family court a tape of the episode! Wow. And yes, I'm in line to give Calvin a hug! I don't know what amount he suded for, but I'm soooo glad he got the whole $5000! The ONLY saving grace in the woman's corner was that she referred to Calvin as her baby's father, not "my baby daddy." Then it all went to hell after that. As for the Spanx episode - a whole half hour for "Case dismissed!" Ugh. Producers, there have got to be some better cases out there! Maybe we need to start a campaign for cases we'd like to see. TPTB apparently got the message about cell phone cases! ETA: Add the well-dressed but stupidly entitled rerun "squattahs" in to today's episode mix and I sense AngelaHunter and I are in for a boozy evening. Join us, won't you? Cheers!
  5. When I read this, I first thought it was today's rerun featuring Barbie and her daughter Shirley Temple. I understand "fashion" wigs, and medical necessity wigs, but that just seemed a little too fake. Could it have been her real hair?
  6. Honest to Pete, there's no way in hell anyone could make this stuff up. NO. Fricking. Way. And there's not enough booze to make it any more believable, either. I haven't seen the gun ep, but recorded it. I read the description on the guide, and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Can't wait to watch. I think. Exceptionally fine post, @AngelaHunter. My hero. (And your photo cracks me up every. single. day.) And this gem, had me doing the ugly snort. I need to bookmark this page/post for days when the world is sad and gloomy, 'cause that's a guaranteed pick-me-up! Thanks, @Giant Misfit!!
  7. Scooter Woman today! Holy smokes. My burning question: Who was taking the video???!!! I think it is very clear who was at fault on that one. Wish Mr. Orange (hee!) had collected a boatload of cash from the harassment. Would love to hear one of @Toaster Strudel's awesome recaps of that one! Rerun of the Piggy lady - another "holy smokes" case. Criminy. Just batshit crazy. ETA: 'Nother rerun: Mylene Barrios - owner of a pit bull. She vaulted nearly to the top of odious litigants. Ugh.
  8. But see, they don't actually get the degrees. They just enroll, collect the student loans/grants, then "withdraw." Some of 'em. Some really do a great job, get a good degree, and make use of their opportunities. Not so much the students we see on this program, however. I thought yesterday's "massage therapists" were a bizarre bunch. Not sure what the madam massage shop owner with the flaming hair was countersuing for, but would have liked to hear what all she had to say. Missing all of today's eps. We are having a parade in our town! Go Astros!
  9. No kidding. And crossed eyes? Or was it just the bugs? Rerun of the bicycle man was hit by a car, and who sadly only collected $5000 from the [insert long list of adjectives here] defendant who countersued because the crash damaged her car! Turned it off and came back in time to see a couple of our most bizarrely stupid litigants: The poor Ms. Lamb who handed over tons of money to a creepy-eyed Lothario (gad - I need Lysol for my TV), and the even more amazingly stupid Imogen, who also crashed a car into a tree, but it wasn't her fault. Stupid tree! Jumping out into the road like that...
  10. And honest to God, I've watched the ep twice, and I would SWEAR this was in the show! I guess it is just that powerful enough moment in the books, and was so expected, that my brain just filled it in. Hoping she "remembers" and delivers it soon.
  11. Like many others, I could have used two minutes more on the photograph scene and maybe two less minutes of "mmmmphmmm." The photo scene was soooo powerful in the book. I'm one of those that appreciate changes from the book, just to keep it interesting for ME, but I think we were all short-changed in this scene. The only other thing I fixate on is the fires in the fireplaces and the candles. Jamie left fires and candles burning overnight in the shop? Or does he return after a lunch break? And the fires and candles in his room at the brothel? Already lit or did Pauline make a SPEEDY beeline up to light them all? Silly me. Allowing practicality to get in the way! And as mentioned by many, the humor - Geordie, the bumping of noses, the interruptions, all those little "real life" things and tidbits from the book. I thought Young Ian really resembled "Jenny." Facial expressions, etc. As if they are really related. I'm one of the few that didn't gel with Fergus - the younger version was so round-faced and amazing. Hoping Older Fergus grows on me. I also appreciate that they toned down the cartoon aspects of Willoughby. I really don't like all his business in the books, but some of it is really important later on, so see the need to include him. There is just so much left in this book to cover. Just don't see how they will fit it all in.
  12. Don't know that she was REALLY a tween, but she looked like one of those "Big Eyes" characters and very much younger than the guy who LOVED his child! (And who when he mentioned he was petitioning for custody, JJ muttered, "Not a chance."
  13. Thanks, @SRTouch! It's almost like I was there! My TV info said something about a guy named Famous, and baby ashes, and that was just a little too intriguing. "Gotta have a cigarette!" That's a first! And I agree with Angela, too many baby daddy/Springer-esque cases. Too many cases today of people trying to get money (and $5000 at that!) for absolutely nothing. We need some more ebay fraud cases, or crappy wedding/prom dresses. Or "Fawx" wigs. That was kind cute. Interesting custody-type case, with the older gentleman (who seemed to have issues) and big-eyed tween whose children are required to live with the grandma. Just another sad one. Poor kids. Although, with that gene pool, they may not know how bad things are. Yes, I'm a horrible person. Get over that bridge, please! Sure it wasn't Miss Scarlett in the parking lot with the candlestick?
  14. Can someone please recap the baby ashes case? If it's worth it, that is. Just saw the tail end, and noted the giant (but attractive!) necklace that covered a tattoo. Saw the wacky friends who moved in, then out, because of the bratty daughter. Me thinks a little more than "bratty." Sheesh. Couple of interesting landlord/tenant cases today, where different sides prevailed in the cases. We charge "per hole" in the walls (according to the lease), mainly to discourage leaving lots of them. Of course, if they are reasonable, no worries. We also have in the lease for lightbulbs, which JJ probably wouldn't appreciate, but after you've had people take EVERY SINGLE bulb in a house, it gets pretty pricey, and is a pretty crappy thing to do. Of course, that's also usually just the evictees... And there is LOTS of eviction notice given: A 3-day "Notice to quit", then if they aren't out, you have to file in court, then GO to court, and then the judge issues a "be out by x number of days" order. Could have been 24-hours, but I doubt it, and they for sure knew it was coming. And they countersued?!?! Shebarbara the other day! Cracked me up. Too funny. Soooo many possible good screenshots to create memes with! (or mimi-s!!!!) In other news... Regarding JJ and her, "Does your grown child pay rent? Why not?!" rants: That sounds reasonable, UNTIL you recall the case a while back where a grown child was one of the litigants (plaintiff? def? don't remember), and JJ was all about, "If your grown child pays rent, then you can't have RULES because they are now a paying tenant." So my grown son does not pay rent, but he has "chores" and is expected to do things to maintain our home instead. Because if he's a rent-paying tenant, apparently, I can't make him clean his room, the bathroom, mow the grass, change my oil, etc. And we can kick him to the curb if the need ever arises. Sometimes this show renews my faith I humanity, and other times, it sends me into a tail-spin the other way.
  15. I thought Jinky was not going to win anything, until the video, when Def kept up with the "What proof do you have you paid?" It almost sounded a little too "nanny nanny boo boo" to me, so maybe it did to Judy, too. And I agree - once she said $4400 a month, plus two cars, I think JJ had the kid thrown out to avoid seeing the potential smackdown. That woman made no sense. Why did she move? With what funds? Or plan? Rent a driveway to have 3 (or 2, or 4, depending) kids sleep in the car? And in a different hotel every night for a month? Is the mob after her? Loony tunes.
  16. Eeeeewwwwwwww...... (But that's where my mind went, too. Kinda sorry I asked now. )
  17. So just what did today's titty-tat say? The flaming red hair had me blinded, so I couldn't really read. As "festive" as she was, I think the poor pup would have been better off with her.
  18. I think poor Mollie is another fine example of this thinking. At least she wasn't pregnant. That we could see. Yet. I hope Italy gal DID turn brother in law over to the IRS. But I'm guessing no, because her kid has a "wonderful daddy." Heading home, and hoping there are no other members of the Toes family to interrupt (or comment on) my daily dose of Judge Judy sanity. Which in and of itself is kind of frightening.
  19. Soooo not where I thought you were going with this, @AngelaHunter! Yes, double post. Blame the booze.
  20. OMG. I am soooo ready to scream at the idiot (former) dog owners! "My poor 5 kids!!" Oh, get the hell off my TV. Holy smokes that's got me going. Poor Dodger is soooo much better off! ETA: Ok. An adult beverage later, and the previews** and I'm all better now. ** JJ: "You hit her!" Idiot Def: "I did not!" JJ: "Then you shouldn't have pled guilty!" hahahahahaha!!! I love Judy. That is all.
  21. Very sorry to have missed this one! But I can kind of imagine it, having seen all the bits and pieces, I'm sure, in the myriad other cases. I just cobble it all together in my brain. ETA: Old Episode today: Mousey-faced race car driver that pulled out into traffic - could tell where this was headed from the moment she said, "I saw him coming down the road." Same ep: The 13-year old who was learning to drive. Wow. Most beautiful child I've ever seen (including my own, I think!) Just stunning, and appropriately 13 years old.
  22. Speaking of flyswatters, wasn't it yesterday when JJ whipped hers out, and then handed one to Byrd?! He got his very own! Man, doncha' know he's just dyin' to give that thing a swing or two!
  23. Just watched this one. What a loathsome young woman! Just Ick. I think JJ could have explained in sign language, Mandarin, or with pictures, and she STILL wouldn't have seen the "trouble" with her case! I think Stepmom got out just to GET out. But she really does need to evict moocher-girl. Welcome to the fun table! @AngelaHunter, scootch over and make Spunky some room! That whole case was a mess. He really should not be allowed to own animals. The letter must have been pretty damning for JJ to allow it in! Karma got him - he brings a letter to help make his case (which JJ would not have allowed,) but because it is the last nail in his coffin, bingo, bongo, suddenly it's evidence! But I don't think Plaintiff was a prize either - her whole thing about how she didn't neuter her dog because she wants to be able to breed him with his own kind (so he can have a friend and not get lonely), but sure, here's a handy bitch in heat, so go for it, Fido! "Pick of litter" for mutts. Criminy. Cheers....
  24. Oh, good heavens, AH! You should have warned me to grab my bottle before I watched that! She's pretty horrible. As was the coat. Looked like a sweet, if gullible gentleman. Was kind of wishing she'd mouthed off one more time to lose both the ring and coat. And I'd bet money he didn't get the ring back.
  25. How much do I love you, @AngelaHunter?! Thanks! I thought it was something like that, but had never seen it. Neato! I can appreciate these yahoos, though. My son's 6th grade book report was to decorate a pumpkin as a character from his book. So on the way to school, "Percy Jackson" had to be buckled in because the seat belt alarm kept going off.
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