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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. And the paperwork showed it was a loan from Speedy Cash. Guess who one of today's sponsors was?!?! Yep! While the whole thing was indeed damaging to brain cells, I was a little disappointed JJ didn't award him something. The loan had gone to collection, so it has probably been reduced. I do an exercise with my college math students about what "minimum payments" will get you in the long run on credit cards. They are most often flabbergasted (even my more "mature" students!) The best part of that case was watching Ms. Antionette keeping up with the "Did you have an intimate relationship" questioning. Heh. Oops! The second ep featured the Tickle/Joynt litigants. Made me giggle.
  2. Early rerun today: Guy uses the word "conversating" and the proceedings screech to a halt! Judy gives Byrd "the look" and he just absolutely cracks up! "I looked! It's not in the dictionary!" Judy informs him. More cackling. Love it when he gets to be a real person! Stupid, stupid 2 minute cases. Hoping for some good ones this afternoon!
  3. There's gotta be a song in there somewhere.....
  4. If I recall, Judy explained that the def's countersuit is only if plaintiff gets the dog back. Which would have been appropriate, to all of America, excepting the plaintiff. I thought it a nice touch (and a show of how she cared for the dog) that the def didn't want, nor expect, to be repaid for her care of the dog. In other news, I just watched the Dirty Dancing remake. Oh my.
  5. I Just. Do. Not. Understand. This. At. All. What is wrong with people? Do they not even understand that "pregnant" leads to "children?" Who have to be raised? And cared for? Admittedly as an adoptive parent, I'm a little over-sensitive to this, but good night. And birth control is free now! Wine, Angela, I need wine!!
  6. I caught that, too! Wonder whose?! Could have been one of those government programs that pays after the fact per a contract, and maybe that's what he was trying to explain. But I doubt it. The housemates? Yowza. I hope someone traveled with the defendant. She may not make it home otherwise. Truly vacant behind the eyes. Glad to have you back, Toaster Strudel! The early reruns featured a litter of dog breeding cases. Judy was in her element! The experienced breeder/champion dog show-er decided "pick of the litter" meant as many as she wanted. She chose three! Woo hoo! Just a vile woman, and I hope the entire show dog and breeding communities caught whiff of her.
  7. Boy, you summed those up pretty well, AH! The Dusty case (baby name book! Snerk!) had me reeling from trying to keep up. Almost need a map of the relationships in that group. Truer words were never spoken. Just wow. Dumber than a box of hair. (And wasn't it pretty, by the way?! Blerg)
  8. Would have loved to hear @Toaster Strudel's recaps today. Just a bunch of wacky folks, and wacky cases. Difficult to process and understand some of 'em!
  9. Based on what I could tell, it was basically(!), a screen shot of some random woman's facebook page that showed her friends. And amongst the friends were the defendant and the ex. STALKING! JJ gave her nothing (duh) and awarded the def $5000 on the counter claim of harassment. The "victim" couldn't be bothered to show up at court on the date of the restraining order hearing (she had a doctor's appointment! And a note!), but the def had driven 7 hours up, hotel room, case dismissed, and drove 7 hours home. JJ all but laughed her out of court, and yet, she swears she will refile because the stalking/harassment continues. Judy pointedly argued that SHE was doing the harassing.
  10. Hopefully all is well, and your tornado safe space is full of wine and cheeseballs! Watched a bunch on the DVR today (with a slice of pizza and a big ol' glass of wine!) Wacko blonde stalking "Victim?" Did she EVER state what the stalking behavior was, other than being facebook friends with her ex? Dude lived 7 hours away, she contacted him first, and I never heard anything he did to cause problems. I have no doubt she will file for another restraining order. Hope he counter files, and wins again. I'm guessing he and the ex may well be friends now, if only to compare notes! Finally saw Wooly Willie's case of the "attack" video. Looked a little iffy to me. Dang, he wanted that video to be played!!
  11. This one just almost had me running to the "Rulings We Disagree With" thread, UNTIL the hallterview when the def mentions offering to split the windfall. Heh. Greedy, indeed. But a little weird, too. And I also want to know just what the heck kind of "workout videos" these were!! Me thinks not your average run of the mill. Hmmmm.... Out of town, @Toaster Strudel? Excuse me? You are on the new "work a week, take a week off" recapper employment plan? I think not! (I hope it's a fun time, anyway!)
  12. The Mount Everest question last night had us reeling. I think for most of the answer sets, we had the questions figured out before they popped up. Missed the Statue of Liberty question. Gad.
  13. Ok, today's repeat featured roly poly Mr. Lopez. Wracking my brain to figure out which cartoon character he reminds me of. Anyone? Gomez Addams?
  14. If Dodger's parents are so hard up they can't find a place to live with their five children, how the heck can they afford a dog? Oh, wait. Jump up 9 or 10 posts to nails, coffee, cell phones, etc. And @AlleC17, get with the program! It's "Borrowed someone some money." Come on! ;-) "Jinky." There you go. All you need to know. Nice job today, @Toaster Strudel! Make up tip! hee!!
  15. And sometimes folks do (and understand) that. And I think JJ sometimes depreciates things too far. Depreciated, yes, but I still have to go buy a new doodad. Agree about the new types of cases. Maybe production has been lurking...
  16. See, this is what confused me about the case. It took me a while to figure out, because I kept coming back to this exact point. It sounded like they never got the photos. Who knows. But when JJ gets her dander up, often it doesn't matter what the "facts" are, since she gets to decide. This, a thousand times. True, it's often the best you can do, and I'd be hard pressed to find receipts for everything I've purchased. Reminded me of the teen last week who lost the brand new, 128 gigawatt iPhone 35 or whatever it was, and produced the Best Buy flyer. JJ was so peeved at the def who'd chucked it in the trashcan she awarded the flyer price.
  17. That was priceless! We had to rewind it just to hear it again. The photo shoot thing took me about 5 tries of rewinding and rewatching to try and figure out. You captured it perfectly. One of those great cases where one side barely has to speak. Welcome back, @Toaster Strudel! Most excellent recaps!
  18. I felt sure Judy's first question to her was going to be, "What the hell were you thinking?" And she had to scurry him out of the house before her PARENTS showed up? All kinds of weird. Had the two gals before that - Roselyn and Latona? "Friends" who met at an anger management class. Well, yeah, that's where I go to find new besties. Eleven kids between them, but I have no idea who lived where. Plaintiff looked so put together for a loon.
  19. Sparkle was great. Would have loved to have heard her talk more! Today's first ep with the 20-year old mom of two - yikes! I hope he takes this video to court. "I don't do pills. I've passed every drug test I've ever taken." At 20, I wonder how many she's taken?! Yikes. Poor little baby. Second case with the painting contractor - there's a gal in the gallery that I thought had horns - but it's just the door knobs of the doors. (Def's side.)
  20. Oh, please tell me that this is today, today's rerun?! I set the DVR before I left, just in case it was something epic! Can't wait to check! ETA: My Own Grandpa! Listened to that MANY MANY times when the little Toes were wee piggies!
  21. Oh, happy day, @Toaster Strudel!!! Congratulations (is that appropriate?) Wishing you many, many healthy days and gavel-recapping!! And Thank God. For the recapping, I mean! Big ol' Texas hugs!
  22. Oh. My. DOG! @ItsHelloPattiagain and @Toaster Strudel were on fire on page 3! Cracking up so, so, badly! The rest of everyone is hysterical, too, but man, you two were da bomb. Y'all deserve awards for those posts, seriously! Would love to have seen Sparkle! (Was she on today? With the BarBQ Cousins? I didn't see much of that one. Trying to grade final exams. Blerg.) She sounded pretty amazing. I'm almost afraid someone will google Barbara B and find out she's had seventy-leven more kids. With more teenage boys. Still ick. ETA: Ooooh, top of page! Bazinga!
  23. She (on the show) was another of those "someone said they'd be nice to me and that's all that matters" gals. So in that regard, very sad. But still very icky. And the young man was somehow attracted to this enough to whisper sweet nothings?! (Was it a dare?!) I would think getting pregnant at 41 coupled WITH "congestive heart failure" would make for a pretty dangerous setup. But that's just me and my old-fashioned value system.
  24. Ick ick and more ick. Could not believe this. And the other "tenant" looked like another potential boyfriend. And a litany of disability services available. Glad JJ pointed out the happy papa to be will be on the hook before Byrd hands over a dime. In theory. Hopefully. Another poor child born into a loony bin with no say in the matter. Bug eyed goofball who hit a tree (but not her fault!) That was another bunch of nuts. Bug Eyes crashes the car, but is so supportive of plaintiff's case against defendant! Fun life on the commune, no doubt.
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