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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Yep, I think she wins. Wow. You know, she may have a SLIGHT point, that the girl was driving the car. But sheer humanity would prevent 99.9% of people from copping her attitude and "right" to sue. I think it is her attitude that is most revolting. How awful. Poor kid. You know his life was made miserable after this appearance. My heart aches for the defendant mom. So tragic, and then to have to endure this nonsense. But the whole world now knows.
  2. Was this the guy who was winning, until they showed the video that shows the bicycling guy running a red light? ETA: Nope, not that case. Just saw today's. Different altogether. Both were kinda icky.
  3. It sure looked like she was scribbling down notes. Hopefully a reminder to the staff! "Maybe the baby was having a bad day." Yeah, because four-MONTH olds often do that.
  4. A 1990 Honda is worth $2700? Up to $5200? Does that seem high to anyone else? That's almost 30 years old! Oh, please, God, I hope that day care worker had her license revoked, and this story is all over the news in Idaho. There are just no words.
  5. I was scratching my head at this one, too. How do you buy a house together, but then get to evict one (or two) of the owners?
  6. This cracks me up. Just count the different family "names" in this paragraph! Great job! I don't think I've seen this one, yet, but am thankful for this brief recap so I can get my flow charts and diagrams out and ready.
  7. Most definitely. Wow. Not my style, but even so.... Nice that you found The Official Video. I'd like to know what kind of foundation garments her friend uses, because day-um, the girls were hiked waaaaay up there.
  8. 100% agree with your entire post GM! "Serving face" - hee!! Putting it mildly.
  9. DVR Alert! You don't want to miss today's case! (Ep. #1 for me). Can't miss Lyrical Lipzz. Seriously. The other case was pretty fun, too. I expect we'll see lots of screenshots! Episode #2 - "Mr. Riddle's car was returned riddled with bullet holes." Nice job writers! And subtitles! Loved both the plaintiff and defendant in that case. A good day here in JJ land. (Makes up for the sad custody handoff case. Both of them were nuts. )
  10. I hope Guitar Man takes a tape of the show and fights for custody. He had only positive things to say about the mother in the hallterview, as I recall. Mom is another dingbat. Poor kid. The car vs. bike case cracked me up.
  11. Thanks for serving, Giant Misfit. I've never been on a jury. Paneled several times, and am willing to serve, just haven't hit the right combination of time and opportunity. Mr. Toes has been on several, and some have been just so sad and depressing. Love your list. What a fun game. We need something for what I think have been boring cases this week. My personal addition: Winged Ings. The matching hair was nice to see, though. Clever of them! And Bratinella, "dingbat" is always a good word to throw around. Just the perfect mix of disdain and snark. Hey - anyone seen teebax lately? Hope she's okay. Lots of family drama last we saw. She could probably use some wine. And a bundt cake. And some cheeseballs.
  12. Yup. I think that was why brother/lawyer/well-dressed witness came along. But defendant was bordering on being a true idiot/scumbag. I was afraid Plaintiff wasn't going to win when JJ asked to him to think very carefully before he answered... That's usually when the trap snaps shut. Off to bake a cake. Craving one, for some reason... Grab the wine, Angela, and head on over!
  13. Rerunning this post, because Mr. Toes was upset about the lying to the cops vs. lying to Judy. I think had the case gone on much longer it could have taken a nasty turn. Dad seemed to be getting pretty hot about the cops talking to the boy. And Ilovecomputers, I don't think yours is an unpopular opinion.
  14. Angela, it's another one where JJ went off the rails, I think. Woman's tired of cleaning up the kids messes in her yard; yeah, I'd gather it all up, too. Probably would have thrown it out at some point. It's on my LAWN!! (GOML club. Ha!) Keep the wine bottle handy. This one had Mr. Toes all hot and bothered an hour later. I may have to curtail his viewing.
  15. Yeah, that whole thing was a little hinky. I'm guessing the lawyers passed for both reasons - not really the defendant's fault, and no big insurance payout? And also probably not likely plaintiffs would be able to pay legal fees if they lost. Odd that neither party had any documents to support insurance/lawyer claims/decisions. But a good looking, polite group all around. Two days in a row I've been impressed with the litigants. Wait - what happened to my show?!?!
  16. My guess is that it was the original ad. But Judy was right - she could have checked it out, and who knows what all happened to it in the intervening time. Not return the trailer?! Plaintiff was very kind in the hallterview, I thought. LOVING the tow truck case. The Def. needs to go on my "litigants we love" list. Plaintiff is doing a good job - well-dressed, articulate, has his documents. But still in the wrong. And my understanding is that repo people purposely zip in and out, because most people don't take kindly to having their unpaid property snatched out from under their noses.
  17. Today's new vocabulary word! Foogayze?! Better spelling? OMG! Mr. Toes and I both shouted at the same time, "They're sisters?!" How did we miss that? Criminy. Excellent halterview!
  18. This may be one of my most favorite posts ever. Sheer poetry.
  19. Damn it! Of all the cases to miss! Did the defendant even have to speak, or did JJ just let the plaintiff hang herself and then snap the trap shut? Those are my personal faves. When one party just stands there - and wins! Good on stupid plaintiff for losing. Having the right to sue does not mean one automatically wins. Which I think an awful lot of people believe. "He who sues first wins." Man, if only!
  20. Of course, the kicker here is that he never owned the building, and saw no reason to give them back their money. The dingo/pitbull mix! Yowza!
  21. Casteel? Please say yes. [/V.C. Andrews Fan] Not sure about your reference, but if there is such a name out there, somewhere, and the defendant's a name is taken from that source, then that's a little better. I had a student once with a creatively spelled name, and the lament was there was no little bicycle license plate with his name on it. Bummer. No kidding, right? More wine!
  22. "Mmmm. Good cracker. Good cracker." #ImissAndy
  23. Special Snowflake rerun today - admits to police she ran a stop sign, and of course isn't insured, her mom tells victim's mom to lie to police, wah, wah, wah, "I didn't get my due process" wah wah wah. I hope her whole town watched this. Of course, they probably think she's a hero. JJ gave Mom and Dad Flake a smackdown. Yeah, like that'll help. If not for y'all, this show wouldn't be much fun anymore. Glad to have the cracker counters on board. I find myself looking forward to the next update. Lordy, how sad is that?!
  24. Ah, the beauty of "pausing the live TV" feature! So easy to just fast forward through Corinne, any discussions about her, any of her naps. Cuts the show down to about 20 minutes, but that's not too bad. Of course, from a $$ standpoint, that's a lot of commercials I missed, too. I spent a lot of years teaching junior high. Not why I watch this show. I miss when there were exciting destinations and activities (although the dairy farm was kind cool, poop and all), and women were just that, and there was a semblance of "seeking romance." Now it just seems to be a platform for a future reality show, or to further careers. Which is fine, I guess. I'll tune in to see some exciting travel destinations (Wisconsin! Never been!), such as they are, and because there isn't much else on on Mondays, and I do have the option of fast forwarding, but as a member of the target demographic for this show, they are losing me.
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