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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Man, that was something, wasn't it? I agree - there was a "mysterious!" hustle in there somewhere, but I'm not sure it was a deliberate one! Not half a brain betwixt 'em. LOVED how she called the new "owner." heh. I watched a couple eps from earlier in the week, and not much that was memorable. Did see the loose/not loose/formerly leashed in the dog park/not in the dog park case. Idiot defendant. And the stupid Mean Girls who kicked out a friend but demanded she pay 3 months rent. Yikes. Those three are going to be trouble for a long time. I just can't believe how many 18- and 19-year old plaintiffs we see. I don't think I even knew it was possible to sue another person at that age. Of course, things were different in the dark ages.
  2. Today's old eps: David "Aaron" McAdams - we've had some low-life, despicable defendants here, but this one may take the cake. Smug, smirky, jackass. Judy is exactly right - someone will die because of his reckless driving. (This guy refused to pay back former girlfriend for bail/warrant money, saying it had been a Valentine's gift. Proud of his 11 speeding tickets, times in jail, and suspended licenses. Just horrible.) Hopefully he's locked up somewhere. Cracked up yesterday with the return of "Chawwaaa" girl. At her. Horrible case, although the plaintiff just about did everything she could to lose! Shut up! I did kind of wonder briefly, perhaps, if the pup in question was a Chow- Chihuahua mix. That COULD be pronounced "Chawwaaa." Nah.
  3. Speaking of disrespect (which to me, will NEVER be a verb), when one of the feuding sisters was asked what the trouble was, she replied along the lines of, "There was no disrespect." I guess she could have said "There wasn't no disrespect." Maybe three negatives would have cleared things up.
  4. The Chicago group? Yowza. And then the hallterview! "Kissaundra?" Oh, my, just no. What an unsettling group on today's shows! We've got some fine current recappers, but I kind of wonder what Toaster Strudel would have made of the messes we saw today.
  5. Dang. I must have missed this. What a shame. NOT! I did watch yesterday's pig vs. dog ep. Would really have liked to hear the expert witness. We have wild pigs around here, so there would be NO video/photo opportunities. But if it was a "family pet," I might not be as cautious. Hard to say. But an expensive show dog? Nope and more nope. Here's hoping our Florida, Georgia and Carolina JJ fans are safe and sound. Nothing scarier than a big hurricane coming in at night. When the phone, radio and television go, it's hard to know exactly what's going on. Be safe, friends!
  6. And see, this is a perfect example of why it is so frustrating! We see (and know of) so many undeserving idiots who are raking in all sorts of tax dollars, and so many good people who are denied the benefits they truly need. Wish I had a solution. Heh. We had potential tenant call once. During our discussion, I learned he was looking for a place to rent because the house he was living in was being foreclosed on. That would, of course, be HIS house. So, you don't pay "rent" for a house you own, and you think I'm going to expect you to pay me rent for a house you don't own? "Good luck in your search." Now, to be fair, there may have been all sorts of legitimate reasons for him not paying his mortgage, but since our houses usually rent about $300 more than a typical mortgage payment in the area, I wasn't so much interested in the risk or reasons. I am aghast at how our society as a whole seems to be so completely without integrity. No self-responsibility, no sense of pride in making one's own way, no understanding of how choices often lead to unpleasant consequences that are your own damn fault. I think I need a dozen episodes of the Brady Bunch, or Little House, or something, where people are fine and decent and live happily ever after. Except poor Tiger, of course, who hid in his doghouse one day and was never seen again... Thus endeth MY soapbox moment. SRTouch, I feel for you, and hope your co-resident gets the help he needs soon. Great recaps, by the way. (JJ rather than MM? hee!)
  7. Guess who is on "Renovation Realities?" I had the show on in the background and heard a familiar (if slightly annoying) voice. Is "reality show" really a career now? Shows up as S16, Ep 9. Original air date 7/16/16 according to my online guide.
  8. Anyone else get the rerun(?) yesterday with the mom suing the daughter? Yes, I know a bunch of those. This one was the 30-year old daughter with no job, no place to live and an 8-year old child. CPS was called at one point because her former apartment was a pig sty, then she was evicted for keeping it a pig sty, and then said any mess left in her mom's house was not her fault. Sad case for the mom, and Judy told the daughter several times to get professional help. Just a horrible situation - daughter is well and truly a nut case. Poor granddaughter. Again, where's the baby daddy? Never mind - I probably can guess. The editors are indeed playing with us, I think. The rerun case had two nearly 30-year-ish single parents, no jobs, no money, no place to live, on and on. Then the Sentimental Patio Furniture (hee!) case featured a deceased dad named "Buddy," followed by the case of "Mr. Buddy." When the cases are boring, I can now use the time to find the missing links.
  9. "Yes, Miss." Yeah, that went over well with Her Honor. About a zillion times. And the case was a puzzlement, too. Glad they were all huggy in the hallterview. Free trip to LA, anyone? The first car case confused me, too. They had the car, they had the title, why were they suing the seller?? I'm not much on criminal law, but I'm guessing if they lock you up for 15 months it wasn't for running a stop light.
  10. Oh, no kidding! Wow. A criminal record for a cat? "She's confused. It's a different cat." Just wow. I can relate to the frustration, but not saddling a child, even a horrible, no good, terrible, very bad child, with a criminal record.
  11. Our show forum isn't busy enough to warrant a J-listing at the present time, apparently, so that's why it isn't on the home page. Wake up, everyone!!! Missed today's shows (all 4 of 'em!). Looks like I didn't miss much. Glad to know I'm no longer the only one who openly (!) admits to enjoying an adult beverage or two or eight whilst watching our show!
  12. Thanks, AngelaHunter, for the link. Wow. Half a brain betwixt 'em? "Identity theft" does not equal "idea theft." And now the world knows you've been deframed. So take that!
  13. Here in Texas, the most favored pronoun is, 'theirselves." Agh. Even as a math teacher this drives me bonkers. and said it over and over and over again... I'm sorry I missed the artist activist case! Sounds like a doozy! I do appreciate those of you who fall on the sword of "searching on the internet for more stuff about the dumb litigants."
  14. Oh, Amanda. Gad. Had to make sure that top was cut low enough to show off those titty-tats! One good sneeze and the show would have been rated R. As I said earlier, just a whole day full of dumbshits. I zipped over the Investigate Discovery channel for a change of pace, and found gals finding BFFs and significant others via Craigslist. Yeah, those don't end well. For all the noise I make about drinking heavily, I really don't drink much at all. But I'm into the wine tonight. I think I'll be Netflixing the Dick Van Dyke show or Frasier all night just to get the crap out of my brain. Anyone seen 27bored lately? Or whineandcheese? teebax, you hangin' in there will all the family moved in, and back to school?
  15. I wish sometimes we'd get one full case - start to finish - just to see how much really goes on and if there is, in fact, a lot that we don't see. Sometimes Judy seems to go from listening and sympathetic to "We're done here!" in the blink of an eye. What shenanigans occurred to cause the switch? Although one of the cases today (this morning?) had the parties both talking so fast and furious I had to hit the mute button because my brain was on overload. I kept waiting for JJ to tell them to slow down, but no! She was good to go.
  16. Today's reruns - was there a collective brain amongst 'em? Criminy. Hard to distinguish between Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dummer and Tweedle Dummest. Man. I need a dose of the history channel or something just to remind myself that intelligent people do walk the earth. Or this forum, naturally.
  17. Oh, my dog! A urine pit?! Who does this?!?! And lives there? Is there any possible way this is some kind of odd cultural difference? Maybe if he was destitute and had no other source of income? But I don't think so, since he is "very busy." "Property manager" must be the new euphemism for "main squeeze." Yes, the young man had the party, and had a good time, but I still think he should have gotten more money back. Not all, but more than $350. And they've had parties of 300 people? Eeewwww... Hello, neighbors? Are you watching this?! The car case - I missed part of it because there is a FOOT chase going on around town - but I thought the plaintiff a very striking woman. I liked how both parties were well-dressed, respectful, fairly articulate, and for the most part, reasonable. Wrong, but mostly reasonable. It's a punctuation kind of day. What can I say. Ready for episode #2! Cheeseballs all strapped in. And got my toilet paper bin. Yick yick yick. Fix the damn plumbing!
  18. It was a doozy. Our favorite Judge was very patient with the mom, and ferreted out that she does indeed have some significant issues. Very gentle with her, even though it was like talking to a brick wall. Court-ordered to not TOUCH the child. Period. So first rattle out of the box, spanks her, during a supervised visit. But, but, but, but.... If half of what the mom said about the dad was true, that poor little girl. He seemed like a good egg, though, and given the mom's issues, who knows. The hallterview was much more dynamic - all sorts of fireworks! Today's old(?) case about the honey-driver who had two accidents in one day (but only remembers one): I thought at first the plaintiff ended up getting short-changed, but I guess it all worked out? Another delusional special idiot snowflake defendant. The goofy, you know, deadbeat friend/tenant, you know, case - hee! JJ: "Byrd, find me a newspaper to read. Give me that blue book!" And after one more, you know, stupid comment, Byrd does in fact hand over the reading material. ha! I really love cases where one side says absolutely nothing. 'Specially when they win!
  19. My sister's comment: "Oh, Great Nicktini, grant me three wishes..." Loved the bit with the Clairvoyants and Jon working together. Would have been better if Paula could see! ha. Stevie Nicks was all kinds of awesome, and looked fabulous. No surprise at the win. This show is still my favorite part of the summer.
  20. I only saw the last four acts (your last 3 and Tape Face), but Jon and Victor were both great, I thought. I quickly wrote down Jon's message - live in vision or live in circumstance. Powerful words. And I thought Victor's act was beautiful. Very dynamic. Grace is a cutie, but I could understand none of what she sang tonight. Really, really would love for a non-singing act to win. So many of the singers just fade away into the crowd.
  21. I think a lot of what this shows is why the Ramseys were never brought to trial. Yes, there was enough evidence to indict, but that's a far reach from conviction. And I think the DA knew there was more than enough "reasonable doubt." Plus, at the time, they presented as pretty sympathetic, which would make a conviction even less likely, in my opinion. Every time I think I've made up my mind, another tidbit pops up that switches me back. Maybe, in another life, we will know the answer, to this, and a couple of other cases.
  22. I had to turn the sound off on the car case. He was trying so hard to make his point. Admittedly, sinking a boatload of money into a car for which he had no title was not the best plan, but again, here we have a case of yes, you DO sometimes put a ton of money into a clunker because you can't afford the 30 grand for a new one. Spousal Unit just did that - spent 3K on a new engine for a 13-year old truck with about 200K miles on it. But better option than buying a new (even used) one. Stupid defendants were in the wrong the whole way, but ended up winning in the end. What a great lesson for the young man. Grrrrrr... God knows I love me some Judy flyswatter action. That would have been all kinds of awesome. A big *THWACK.* Or two. Or twelve. This was hysterical. And I'm a poodle lover. Sick, sick, sick, you are! Good to know that when we have our JJ cheeseball party, we can all meet in Hawaii at califred's! Neato!
  23. Oh, one of my most favorite smells in the whole world. I, of course, was but a wee child in those days. And the paper tape my mom would use to hold down the curls? (or me.) Smearing that glorious goo. Sigh. Thanks for the memory! Just saw preview for upcoming show - "When she (daughter?) called and said she was in an abusive relationship, did you tell her to come home?" "No." Oh, man. This ought to be good. Or horrifying.
  24. I think when producers are handing out fresh-from-the-package dress shirts and new teefies, they ought to pony up for some decent foundation garments for some of these gals. Yowza. Oh my. Just a little bit mean, AH, but so, so funny.
  25. HA! Most excellent. And I completely agree. Blech. And this! Yes! I hope the young men learned valuable lessons and won't face any future problems. The plaintiff young man especially seemed contrite - and honest!
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