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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Prayers and hugs to tiftgirl's sweet baby, and yours, too, Patti. It's so hard to watch our furr-babies when they hurt or are in pain. I hope both are resting comfortably and snuggled up for the night.
  2. Today was just kind of a Technicolor day! Steve Harvey and Willy Wonka. Ha!
  3. A great day in JJ land! Two appearances (so far!) of the FlySwatter, and the return of Elizabeth Taylor's perfume commercials. Happy dance! A month of something other than lawyer and speedy cash commercials! At least, fewer.
  4. Add me to the confused list, too. I thought the guy who made cookies "that take a while to grow on you" took a huge risk. Yes, points for cooking something unusual, but using a flavor that most people won't like the first time they taste it? Not the route I'd take.
  5. I thought the exact same thing!!! He's still stuck! My son is studying usury laws currently so got a particular kick out of this one. Guy was a fool, but man, he really got screwed on this one, I thought.
  6. I think I saw this on Little House on the Prairie...
  7. That sounds awesome! Something completely different!!
  8. Missed both afternoon cases today. Stopped by bank to have spousal unit update signature card on safe deposit box. Sweet young thing (and new hire) spent TWO HOURS horsing around with when was it opened originally, how many keys, blah blah blah new forms, revised forms, until someone popped in and said, "Oh, here. He just needs to sign on this page here." Should have been two minutes. That's what we expected. Snarl/growl. Hope today's cases were boring. Dog bites? Loaned/not loaned bail money? Wrongful eviction? Hope so.
  9. Hee! I wondered the same thing! Great photo, but it hardly does justice to said giant spiderwebs. Doncha 'no those will be some great looking art 20 years from now... On the afternoon broken glasses case, the audience could NOT wait to applaud JJ's verdict! Special Snowflake Smackdown! (Although def's mom was a little scary.)
  10. And JJ gave her the full $5000 (was that what the suit was for?) And THEN, was it Byrd, who muttered, "Way to go, man" to the icky defendant?! Don't think it was "Way to go" but it was along those lines. Sure sounded like Byrd! That guy was beyond odious!
  11. <small voice> I'm kinda' liking Mr. Cory-set-my-yard-on-fire-Price in the early rerun. Just something about him. I also liked the discussion of adverse possession - my mom is fighting that exact thing on our 100-year old family farm. The piece of work who burned the kitchen down - holy moley. "What do you do?" "I sit around and wait for him (bf) to come home." I sit around a lot, too, but manage to work part time and do the odd load of laundry. I think JJ was right to demand evidence plaintiff had paid the landlord for the fire damages. I'm guessing a big NOT! Ms. Hammerschmidt was quite the piece of work. I wonder exactly who (or how many) were laughing at her? Everybody? Surprised the camera wasn't shaking.
  12. Hallterview alert! Curious case of Ms. Hammersmith and the repo'd car. Worth a rewind or two. Case is meh, tho.
  13. These are my absolute favorite cases. Even better when we have no idea why she's asking off the wall questions, but we know there is a plan, and then SNAP! goes the trap. Heh. Ha!
  14. momtoall, you just need more wine and cheese balls. Seriously. I somehow missed this ep today, but I'm thinking it may be okay that I did. I DID see one of the older eps today, where our beloved judge opined about how our once great nation is headed for ruin unless we as citizens start accepting responsibility for our actions, and not blaming others for stupid things we do. (The go kart case). How insightful. Four years later and here we are, a nation full of special snowflakes. (And this has nothing to do with elections - just what we see in general.) Sigh. White merlot. It's what's for dinner....
  15. "Right on!" Rewound and watched over and over and over. We also appreciated the coordinated hair and wardrobe. :-)
  16. My goodness she was a handful! Wow. We've gone 'round and 'round about how some people can't afford to "a-move" but I think Tiara, saving $400 - $600 a month, and obviously cash-flush enough for gorgeous nails, clothes and makeup, should have been able to find something, somewhere. But at age 24 (!) she's learned how the system works and thought she'd found a patsy. Both she and Miss "It's not your dog" seemed to have trouble with their hearing today...
  17. What the heck, AH?? Was that the same ep as the car? How did I miss that?! That sounds pretty memorable. I had a litany of landlord/tenant boringness. Snort! No kidding.
  18. I thought the same thing! Right on red means you STOP, then if it is clear, you can go. In my "jurisdiction," anyway! And I don't buy the "unbiased" witness - she was in the def's car!! Not a bystander who observed. Very frustrating.
  19. It was baby daddy's $200,000 bank balance that caught my eye! If I was just being freed from "incarceration" and ran into someone I had been "talkin' to" with that much cash, I think I'd stick around! Gotta be more where that came from, you know. And I think she said the whole $20,000 was long gone. No serious complaints from me about Grandma collecting to take care of that horrible woman's children. If she's scamming, then yes, but I'm willing to bet those kids have spent a much longer time than 17 months with her. As for the landlord couple with the attitude - we need a new word for attitude! Yowza! I think 10 million people were yelling at her! Ick.
  20. So was the Delightful Delvon also the one who mentioned that he and she were NOT in an "intimate relationship" except that one time in his brother's truck? Or is that another fine upstanding yutz? I did appreciate that the woman in question, had the appropriate reaction of looking away and muttering, "Niiiiiiiiice." Slime. Of course, if it wasn't this guy, it isn't surprising I can't tell. Substitute in any one of the babydaddies we see here. The sofa burning/fire dancer case. Wow. I too, was supremely disappointed that they were allowed back in. Great that JJ didn't even really need to tell Byrd - he knew what was a-comin'. And I too, will always remember to never date a fire dancer. Should I ever be in the market again. (Does this include the guys from Hawaii? 'Cause we should maybe be allowed to keep THOSE dancers in. Just sayin.')
  21. Missed today's fabulous sounding cases! Dang! (stupid bathroom tile in rent house!) As for braces, I read an article just today about dentists warning against "homemade" braces. Using hair bands, paper clips and super glue. http://abc7chicago.com/health/dentist-warns-against-diy-homemade-braces/1581926/ Criminy. Where's the wine and cheese balls??
  22. Didn't she award them $4000? I kind of missed the end, but that's what I thought I heard. Since daughter was "partly" responsible, she only got the 4000. Cockamamie story, indeed.
  23. Most interesting hair today on the early (missing bracelet) rerun! Miss Latoya's magenta, yellow and white, long and super short all at once. As one with mousy, dishwater blond hair, these creative coiffures really make my day. Hers is particularly stunning coupled with the neon-turquoise chest tattoo. So glad I have a color tv! Still giggling about "Purple Woo." Sounds like a Prince album of dating songs.
  24. Oh, I just made it through that one. More special snowflakes who think "because I want it" covers everything. Now I know we go around and around about JJ's "ah-move!" edicts, but these yahoos hadn't paid rent in several months. Stash it in the bank and voila - new apartment money! Wow! Imagine that. Or move in with Ma and Pa. They obviously love you enough to come all the way to JudgeJudyLand to be star witnesses! I did love that amazing lease. What a gem. I'm betting they have housing authority on speed dial.
  25. I thought Carla looked beautiful in her zombie getup! Wow. Was surprised to see Damiano, but don't have any trouble with any of the judges. I think if I were competing, I would approach cake challenges with some sort of "optional" twist I could make when they bring in the surprise. a flavor profile that I could modify or switch out . The people that had vanilla-based cakes were better able to incorporate lime curd than those that had specific, complex flavors already in place. The thought of lime with chocolate and peanut butter just makes my stomach turn. It won't guarantee a great tasting cake (or whatever), and plain vanilla cakes wouldn't get you very far, but they know a twist is coming. I thought the zombie pie crusts items were all pretty cute. What is the appeal of a "stuffed" cake, where it is just a pile of candy? If I want a handful of candy, why do I need a cake? I was thinking taking snickers bars or peanut butter cups and mixing them in the batter, or between the layers, rather than just poured in the center. But I would lose...
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