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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Because saying on tv, "She probably just mooches off the system" doesn't go over well.
  2. But why was she suing them? For her share of the $12k? That would explain her agreeing with JJ.... I hadn't considered it was HER ins that paid the $12,000. Hmmmmm...
  3. Oh, this is priceless, AH!! And he indeed, was the best of 'em. This, from @patty1h: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No! Stop!! I can't breathe!! HAHAHAHA! Spunkygal called this one! That was something else. Drops her kid(s) off on the weekends so she can relax. I have no words. What was up with Judy on the insurance "scam" case? She was all over that one, but without sharing what she knew/suspected. Why was the plaintiff suing? Did she think the $12,000 insurance should be hers? I wish she'd been at least allowed to explain WHY she was in court. And sweetie, nodding in agreement when you are being accused of insurance fraud is probably not the bet move. Loved seeing The Riddler's glasses back on the tv. If plaintiff burned down the apartment, which is where I think they were headed, the landlord is absolutely entitled to be compensated for the loss of the structure/rental income, if in fact that was covered by insurance. Of course, a church collecting rent sounds like taxable income, but if given in cash, then things get a little murky. Very bizarre case, and I really want to know what went on. Maybe there are newspaper accounts of the "fire."
  4. I loved these guys. Interesting, different, and each performance was NOT the same as the time before. Would have been fun to see what came next! Winning act? Probably not. But at least worth watching. As has been said many times, I'm tired of the endless parade of singers (and children). Quit telling acts to step it up and do something more impressive, when singers get a pass. And I'm done with the dance recitals and choral groups. Now, the singing airmen were kinda cool - my first time to see them was the N'Sync song. A few singers is fine - 'specially if they are cool and different, like Prince Poppycock. But enough with golden buzzing. I WAS glad that at least an adult got Seal's buzzer - we had predicted one of the children we saw earlier would get it. I think Simon is looking for acts he can develop as a producer, hence singers, rather than "talented acts" the showcase the variety of America (and other countries.) I kind of also miss when they showed the HORRIBLE acts - a fat lady in a suitcase comes to mind from waaaay back.
  5. Rabbit hole alert! Rabbit hole alert!!! WOW! Great (?) find! Ms. Colliflower. Good night, I had forgotten that one!
  6. We wondered about that, too. The FBI is looking like real idiots here, especially the guy with the beard. Haven't gone back and researched the story so as not to be "spoiled" by how this unfolds. After this week's episode, we may just wait and record, then binge watch. The ep ended and we both shouted, 'NO!" Really well done.
  7. So I'm visiting with my 80-ish aunt today while she's in town. We talked insurance at one point and she mentions in an aside, that "Sometimes, when there's nothing else on...." she watches Judge Judy, and is surprised how seldom people have car insurance. Ha! Cracked me up. Welcome to the Fun Table, Auntie! Embrace the Judyness! No apologies for watching here! It was so funny. I showed her the clip of the two dumbest defendants ever. (Yeah, you know the ones. ) I made sure she knew that JJ comes on two times a day, on two different channels, for four times the fun. She also agreed that our favorite judge does seem a little crankier these days.
  8. I'm impressed, @Brattinella! Didn't know you spoke jive! Had the closed captioning on and still couldn't make out half of what he said. What happened with Shaquita (she of the see-through top and accompanying wardrobe malfunction and WTF shoes) and her sister? Feed cut out before the case ended. I'm guessing Judy tossed them both out, since they were buddy-buddy enough to watch each other's hooligans a month after some hideous (not) household violence. I remember the days when the evening cocktail made me silly. Now it just makes me mad. Bummer.
  9. Most places call this "kindergarten", but the point is well taken. Many of these in-the-home day cares are run by well-meaning (present case excepted) moms with little to no training. I was also surprised that the parents hadn't looked a little more closely. Maybe they were friends? But the "bad day" comment is beyond the pale.
  10. Maybe they have by now? I'm guessing her appearance on the show didn't do much for her business. I hope... We've had some odious "contestants" on this show, but she ranks right up there in the top 5 in my book.
  11. So is Seer Rees our first palindrome-named contestant?! Seriously?! Haven't even made it to the case yet and this has me reeling.
  12. We wondered about this, too. I can see they may not have had probable cause for a warrant initially, but I would think there's enough now to do a more thorough search. Maybe that's next on the agenda. I, too, loved the farmer woman! "* I * could take him!" Indeed!
  13. I think the subtitles were for the benefit of our hearing-impaired viewers! His lips never moved, so lip reading would be impossible. My fave part of this case though was the plaintiff's name being "Riddle" and the announcer kept saying how the car was riddled with bullet holes. Hee! Interesting how often people leave their prized possessions in the care of a dear, sweet loved one/neighbor/cousin/hair-dresser, and then claim they are worthless lowlifes during the case/hallterview. Kokka Coleman. France has (or used to) a law whereby all baby names have to be approved by the government. I've always thought that was ludicrous. I'm rethinking my position...
  14. Okay, Mr. Toes needs to forgo retirement and go back to work, and Junior Toes needs to go back to school. Having them loitering around the house all the time interferes with my Judge Judy time! Dammit! Gotta set the DVR, I guess, and watch on my phone or iPad under the covers at night. Sounds like an entertaining couple of episodes. As for the Scrabble score comment, @Mondrianyone, I've often said that was some people's method of choosing a name. Throw the Scrabble tiles on the floor, and whichever ones land face up make the name. Blank tile? Apostrophe! (I think I Love Lucy did an episode where she used this method to decide which bills to pay, by only paying the ones that landed face up. Not a bad plan.)
  15. I can handle the animal/dog bite cases much better than I can the family (parent-child, usually) suits. There are always two sides to the cases, and it's often hard to tell which is the "right" side. And it seems in most cases, there's also a lot of sadness involved. Scammy bits in this case, but also unfortunate circumstances. And I also agree the daughter was a piece of work. Saw the case today off the woman suing for a condemned shed, or some such nonsense. When JJ outlined the case, the audience just laughed. Not a good sign., Toots! And it was kind of stupid, anyway.
  16. Well now I'm sorry I skipped the end of the case! What was the final outcome? A draw?
  17. The one day I miss an episode. But the descriptions are priceless!
  18. Some one of us with too much time on his or her hands (ha!) needs to scope out some tattoo shops and find out just how much these things cost. Maybe they are cheap! Maybe you can get tattooed via barter! "Here, my girlfriend makes these clever "glass objects" you can have in exchange!" Perhaps we are all being too judgmental and quick to condemn. * * Nah....
  19. Her daughter ("Seven?") was particularly frightening-looking, I thought. And your comment about some tax payers being "disgusted" is right on point.
  20. Okay, was this the convoluted case about evictions and unregistered cars being towed and impounded? JJ agreed with the eviction - I was only half listening, but "ghastly... "def rambled on about a parade of people through "her" house? Pixie? Pinkney? That case? Why the heck was she awarded $5K??? Saw an oldie yesterday with Mr. Toes featuring a "student" who "borrowed" her friend/cousin/sister car money from her windfall school refund, and now wanted it back. JJ kept trying to get her to admit it was Byrd's tax money in question, but no. I think the fluorescent lavender lipstick cost her the case before she even opened her mouth.
  21. I thought this, too. Just so sweet. I thought JJ was pretty grumpy, which made him seem even kinder. Agree with your entire post! Conversely, the repeat yesterday of the idiot couple who were going to have kids put in foster care, but jumped state lines (ND, Minnesota) so dad could reclaim custody. Yes, she loves her kids! That's why they pulled the con to get them back with their "no unsupervised visits" dad. Poor kids. I wish we knew what happened after Auntie called CPS. Was this the one where the mom was ironically staying at "Integrity House?" Gad. I could have my moms confused.
  22. Yeah, but... I think even if she'd kept her job, she was still waaaay behind in payments! He (basically!) just collected the second half of October's payment, in late January. As in any type of repo - the buyer agrees to make payments, gets the use of the car, stereo, or HOUSE, in exchange for regular payments. People who have their homes foreclosed on don't get their years of payments back. The bank gets the money, and the house. She was a sweet young thing, and I'm guessing thought he'd be a soft touch since he was a friendly employer. Just my take. Cruising with my mom next week, so no JJ for me! Whatever will I do?! Fortunately, she scored us the "Beverage Package" so my wine intake will not be affected. Whew!
  23. No kidding! Talk about not getting through! Even after JJ told her the case was dismissed, she kept on. (Maybe she should look that word up, too?) "If you make him get his credit card statements..." Huh? Like (a) that would be relevant info, and (b) it's not his job to prove YOUR case! What a 'maroon.' I WAS worried for about a minute that Ella/ie Mae (!) was going to win by default, since the defendant WAS answering Judy's questions correctly, but she wasn't getting all the info. We have a judge like that when we go to eviction court - "Just answer the questions I ask!" But if you ask yes/no questions, as in this case, you may not be getting all the info. Glad defendant won. Not at all surprising EM was about to get fired. In other news, attended a local high school graduation last night. Student gave a great speech, all delivered in vocal fry. Sigh. (This was the forum we discussed that, right?)
  24. Ha!! Love this. As opposed to the special-variety moron/idiots we see! I remember her, too! Legendary. And full of baloney.
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