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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Hugs to @basiltherat! You do know that your peeps here would happily borrow you the money when our "tax returns" come in! For real, though, wishing you strength and all good things. I think it's exactly the point @BusyOctober was trying to make. And why so many "contestants" on this show make so many of us craaaaazy, and why @AngelaHunter and I drink so much when we watch. Heh. Was wandering through Walmart the other day (hey, it's what I do.) Saw a giant stack of cheese ball TUBS. Huge, round, massive things full of orange powdery goo. If only I knew which episode they were for!! Didn't it involve having to put them on the seat of the car for some reason? In the rerun department, we had the show with both Dr. Bader and Mister Bader on the same episode. Just how many times did she refer to Mister Bader? (And we had another one like that last week, right?) This was the one where the mom got mad when she couldn't be with her baby after his tonsils were taken out, during dad's scheduled time. She went nuts and attacked step mom's car. JJ told him to take her back to court for full custody with only supervised visits for the mom. Sure hope he did. She was a certifiable mess. Loved JJ waving the photos of her with the car every time she mumbled, "I didn't do it."
  2. Arguably the weirdest hallterview ever. Jelly donut? What the heck? I'd comment more but am going to race off to the casino! Whoopee!
  3. Was just coming to comment on the mom/daughter duo. Hustlahs, to be sure. Mom's hallterview comment: "Darn (or dang?)." Yep, looking for a hefty payout. She's out a car (totaled?) because baby daddy had to buy food (but didn't daughter say that he was NOT the boyfriend who crashed the car?) and couldn't be bothered to have a license. And I'd need to see proof that it was actually insured - on general principle, not because there was any chance they were going to pay. I'm pretty sure they were hoping JJ would spring for some fast cash to buy a new vehickle. Orlando and his snack-crazy ex - I was most concerned about the 911 operator! Wanting his whole personal resume before they sent anyone out? Admittedly, not really a 911 emergency, but still.
  4. ^^ Blergh.... ^^ Of course, I'm also the old lady who writes checks at the grocery check out, so guess I really can't complain about quirks. But I will say that my check is ALWAYS prefilled out before the total comes up! So there.
  5. Snort! That's priceless. Who the heck even HAS sardines? "Hmmm. I want to vandalize her car. What should I use? Let me check the pantry! Granola? Nah. Mandarin oranges? Nope. Peanut butter? No, that's not a healthy snack. Wait! Sardines!" On the outside. Yeah, that'll do it.
  6. That case cracked me up. "You just said I didn't loan you the money!" And the snide comments JJ made to the new girlfriend, before we found out she, too, has a checkered past. A refreshing diversion from the horror of the teen parents case. That's at least two in the past two weeks of idiot children birthing children, and having no concept of what they've done. At all. Whoever mentioned an adoption agency above is spot on. If only. Sometimes I wonder if there's any point in getting up in the mornings, if this is what our civilization has become. Chocolate cake in the oven. Maybe that will help...
  7. I'm willing to bet it did! You gotta think that production does at least a little vetting of some of these folks. And we've often wondered if she does in fact know a bunch of stuff we aren't privy to. Good find!
  8. The challenge, of course, being whether or not such gems would actually consent to appear on the show. But it was a refreshing change! (and I LOVED her outfit! Gorgeous.)
  9. Just caught this one today. (I'm having to DVR them now, because Mr. Toes tries to actually make legal sense of this show, and it really kills the fun.) Anyway. The thing that amazed me most that this crew met, had an "altercation," filed a law suit, and MADE IT TO THE SHOW in less than 30 days. Dayum! And sweetie pie going to her "academy" - I'm betting the type someone has to pay for and all you have to do is show up (but here, that's iffy!) and you get a diploma. We had a judge-judy-type-relative go through that process. (You know, my step-brother's mother's brother's cousin's best friend kind of relative.) GED for attendance! Woo hoo! "Doing my normal day: I take a shower, and then, um, you know." Good that she's at least clean on a regular basis. What is with young people? Is it the new culture to meet, 10 minutes later be "in love," make a baby and break up 10 minutes later? Is there no way to prevent pregnancy? Any where? Gosh, it must cost thousands and thousands of dollars to prevent! If this show/episode isn't a call for more sex ed in schools, I don't know what else could be. Not to mention the disease potential. Loved, loved, loved the set up in the platinum author's case! "Don't you love how I set that up?" Hee! Yes. Yes we do! One of the eps had a description featuring a Harlequin Great Dane. Did I miss that?
  10. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/2/2a/Aladdin-disneyscreencaps.com-4574.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110909170826 I got this vibe from the guy who sued the cousin. Had my quotes messed up. This pic is the William F Buckley impersonation Genie did in Aladdin.
  11. Not to worry, my friend. I'll borrow you the money for sure!
  12. Holy shit, I missed this! And the conniving little bitch was only 20! God knows what nightmares await those in her orbit. Dad deserves every bit of shit she kicks up. @AngelaHunter I've moved on from wine....
  13. Imagine if they did have to drive home. Bet it would be a bit chilly in that car. l loved Byrd. He was just about to let them go when he heard asshat shoot off his mouth. Heh.
  14. OMG! I am soooo ready for this! That's half the reason I watch this show! The best one was the woman whose hair matched her flaming red undergarments. Oh, we loved that one! JJ was all right there beside them, until..... I can see that they probably did hand over an unreasonable list of "entitled demands" and got the boot. Doesn't mean the defs weren't horrible people - hard to tell. But the two kids were in pretty good shape until abuse of Byrd's money came into play. And again with the hotel expenses. Sheesh. Speaking of Byrd, he had a big day yesterday! First, the "Nice move!" comment to numnuts, and then JJ telling him to "use his words" when he got testy with the gal who tried to rush the bench. Hee!
  15. Caught today's rerun with the parking space altercation. I don't know if the def. really keyed plaintiff's car, but I kinda hope she did. What an awful, and stupid, woman (plaintiff.) And how fortunate (!) that she found someone equally awful and stupid to marry.
  16. That was one of those cases where I almost needed a score card to keep track of the "brother" and "brother in law" and "niece's boyfriends' mother's cousin" business. I'm not even sure the def's witness kept the stories straight. Bridezilla was horrible. And I'm betting she did this with all her wedding providers. Wish Def. had been awarded her money. I, too thought she seemed familiar.
  17. This was a wacko case! But fun. She was somethin' else. Not many episodes coming my way, as we are having a little issue with rain. Sigh. I look forward to living vicariously through this forum's expert analysis!!
  18. I think this wins "Post of the Day!" And yeah, there's lots of "fooken" that goes on amongst these folks! And these are the very same people who holler, "Why you starin' at me?!" Well, gee.....
  19. I half expected Judy to rule the other way, taking the "It was in her HOUSE, AND she made you sign a form acknowledging this was her first time, AND you did it anyway!" road. Sometimes she plays the, "you should have known better" card. I'm guessing its another one where the def's response included some sort of nonsense that ticked her off, so she ruled for Plaintiff. Based on what the Def was spouting, I say that's likely. Plus, it was pink-eye. Blech. Idiot motorcycle case defendant - she looked about 12, and acted like it, too. Hustlah!
  20. Perhaps the world's most boring new cases Friday? Yawn.
  21. But there was something else at work with this one, that was not shared with the audience. She came down hard all over the def, about the "perks of coming on the show" being withheld - I don't recall her EVER talking about specifics like that. Yeah, she gripes about the free airfare and nice dinner, but she seemed to be really laying it on thick with this gal. Again, wish we had one of those "pop up video"-type things with hidden tidbits. Yugioh cards. Heh. My son speaks fluent Yugioh.
  22. Junior Toes came downstairs the other day with the Baby Boy story. Now ranks up there with one of his faves, too!
  23. Cracked up today every time the announcer introduced "Flim Flam Flanagan." I SWEAR that was what he was saying!
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